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why believe in one god when there r so many

why believe in one god when there r so many


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Originally posted by Maustrauser
At the Council of Nicaea in 325AD the bishops agreed to make Jesus part of the Trinity. For further information see:

We deduce from scripture that Jesus is man and God - the doctrine of the Trinity is deduced from scripture. Taking the scriptures as your premise, the Trinity and other doctrines are formed as a consequence.

(P.S. Thanks for the helpful link. I think the wikipedia maybe the best invention since sliced bread)

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Originally posted by Peachy
thats not why this thread about.. the question is:

why believe in one god when there r so many?
Thank you Peachy for posting here in the Spirituality forum. It is nice to get another view instead of varying shades of xtianity. I must admit that when I first read the title I had expected to come upon a polytheist.

I really wish some of the crazy Texans from the Debates forum would stop by and check you out. It has been the opinion of some that Muslims are all about killing non-believers. I think that if they could meet you then they would reconsider their position.

I find it especially interesting how your statements mirror those made by quite a few xtians here: exactly the same sort of claim, just a different book.

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Originally posted by telerion
Thank you Peachy for posting here in the Spirituality forum. It is nice to get another view instead of varying shades of xtianity. I must admit that when I first read the title I had expected to come upon a polytheist.

I really wish some of the crazy Texans from the Debates forum would stop by and check you out. It has been the opinion of some that Mu ...[text shortened]... made by quite a few xtians here: exactly the same sort of claim, just a different book.

thank you telerion for the feedback, do appreciate it.

i am not here to convert people or talk rubbish, i never argue either for the sake of argueing.

islam is indeed misunderstood. the literal meaning of "islam" is submition to God. the derivitive of islam is "salam" which means peace. thats right, this belief isn't about killing people. its a way of life, a life that maintains peace to all whatever religion.

now am sure i'll hear about bin laden, sadam, etc etc.. these are people using islam as a cover. wasn't hitler a christian? does it mean all christians are nazies? nope.. i wish people stop generalising..

the reason my threads mirrored christians, is that we see the book of God and follow on from there. as i said, there are alot we share with christians and jews. in fact, we call them the People of The Book, as we are too.

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Originally posted by matt01
How can anyone say that thier god is true when there r so many.What makes your god more true than any other.
In the hope of eternal life, which God,that cannot lie,promised before the world began. TITUS 1:2
God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken and shall he not make it good? NUMBERS 23:19
To God only wise, be glory through Jesus Christ forever. Amen ROMANS 16:27
Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen. 1 TIMOTHY 1:17
To the only wise God our Savior, be glory majasty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen. JUDE 25
I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. REVELATIONS 22:13

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Originally posted by blindfaith101
In the hope of eternal life, which God,that cannot lie,promised before the world began. TITUS 1:2
God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken and shall he not make it good? NUMBERS 23:19
To God only wise, be glory through Jesus Christ forever. Am ...[text shortened]... d Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. REVELATIONS 22:13

From my response to Peachy:

The issue you raise here is one raised by some of the more Christian fundamentalists, that is, using text that is being queried, as proof for the claim.

In otherwords, you are saying, "Believe in Allah because Allah says so". That is the equivalent of Christians saying "Believe what the Bible says, because that is what the Bible says." It doesn't provide the non-believer with anything to grasp.

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Originally posted by Maustrauser

From my response to Peachy:

The issue you raise here is one raised by some of the more Christian fundamentalists, that is, using text that is being queried, as proof for the claim.

In otherwords, you are saying, "Believe in Allah because Allah says so". That is the equivalent of Christians saying "Believe what the Bible says, because that is what the Bible says." It doesn't provide the non-believer with anything to grasp.
You know what. I have yet to hear a Christian make that argument. I bet if you took a survey you would find that 99% of Christians do not say: "Believe what the Bible says, because that is what the Bible says." I does not show your are being honest about your evaluation of Christians.

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cOriginally posted by Maustrauser

From my response to Peachy:

The issue you raise here is one raised by some of the more Christian fundamentalists, that is, using text that is being queried, as proof for the claim.

In otherwords, you are saying, "Believe in Allah because Allah says so". That is the equivalent of Christians saying "Believe what the Bible says, because that is what the Bible says." It doesn't provide the non-believer with anything to grasp.
i am in no way telling anyone to worship Allah. Allah is a false god. An non-believer can grasp JESUS CHRIST. What HE said and taught. You can grasp onto JESUS CHRIST death on the cross. You can grasp on the fact that HE rose from the dead. If you chose not to accept the life that CHRIST led, you are welcome to. If you chose not to accept the words that are written in THE BIBLE you are welcome to as well. Unlike Allah noone will force you, no one is going to threaten you,you have the full freedom of choice. The punishments and the rewards that GOD offers is all by freedom of choice.THE WORD OF GOD offers man freedom, the freedom to be with the GOD, that came to this earth as a man, and died for that man he created, and rose from the dead so that all who chose to believe in him, can live with HIM forever.

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Originally posted by Coletti
You know what. I have yet to hear a Christian make that argument. I bet if you took a survey you would find that 99% of Christians do not say: "Believe what the Bible says, because that is what the Bible says." I does not show your are being honest about your evaluation of Christians.
I have heard it. Still you are generally right. Most xtians see through the argument when it is put so bluntly, but how else can you describe what BF101 posted?

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Originally posted by telerion
I have heard it. Still you are generally right. Most xtians see through the argument when it is put so bluntly, but how else can you describe what BF101 posted?
I see what you mean. But then that's how God answered Moses when Moses asked what he should tell the people when they asked who sent him. Tell them "I AM." God does not predicate his authority on anything but himself. It is the ultimate statement of logic from the ultimate being.

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how do u know have u read about every god.

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your all brainwashed and need something more in life so u let your self be sucked in to having a god. I'm not saying there isnt a god I just think that any god is as true as any other and maybe there is not just one god which all religions I know of do believe.

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This is corect... that is why some Wiccan pratitionerz believe that other divinities are a part of "The All".. so realisticly... they could all be kinda right... right?

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I think that "God" is greater than any one person's perception or any one religon's dogma.

My God is of the Christian variety, Episcopal flavor and mostly male....but that is a personal issue kinda thing.

I have "a" god to keep life simple.....If there is a God and I'm not it, a big hunk of the pressure is off. I magically become responsible only for myself...whew! The other reason for "a" god is that I can barely keep track of the one I've got...I don't think I handle having a whole committee of deities, how do the Santeria and Hindu folks handle all those deities....I don't worry about what "your" god is up to.

If you happen to be a complete wacko because of your god, I figure you just don't understand the god you got, so it's really a psychological issue not a God one.

I tend to think God is good and badness is a result of human confusion.

I don't believe in Satan simply because it is less scary, and as I said I don't need two Gods running around loose in my life.....

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Originally posted by Coletti
You know what. I have yet to hear a Christian make that argument. I bet if you took a survey you would find that 99% of Christians do not say: "Believe what the Bible says, because that is what the Bible says." I does not show your are being honest about your evaluation of Christians.
Coletti, I did say FUNDAMENTALIST (see I can use CAPS too) Christians. And they are the ones that I rub shoulders with (unfortunately).

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Originally posted by blindfaith101
i am in no way telling anyone to worship Allah. Allah is a false god. An non-believer can grasp JESUS CHRIST. What HE said and taught. You can grasp onto JESUS CHRIST death on the cross. You can grasp on the fact that HE rose from the dead. If you chose not to accept the life that CHRIST led, you are welcome to. If you chose not to accept the words tha ...[text shortened]... ated, and rose from the dead so that all who chose to believe in him, can live with HIM forever.

Blindfaith101 - you read what you want to read. Not what I wrote.

I said that I was copying my reply to Peachy and not that you were telling me to worship Allah.

I was stating that you are using the Bible to prove the Bible. It just doesn't work that way.

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