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Why do people laugh at creationists? -only creationists don’t know why

Why do people laugh at creationists? -only creationists don’t know why


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Found this video by accident while searching the net:


I apologies in advance for the obviously provocative nature this video has to creationists which it will offend but the fact is it has to be said that it just very frankly points out the truth.

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Note that is #23 of the youtube poster's whole series. On a whole the series does point out a lot of falacies when it comes to various creationist arguments.

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I love Creationists. They're so stupid.

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Originally posted by Andrew Hamilton
Found this video by accident while searching the net:


I apologies in advance for the obviously provocative nature this video has to creationists which it will offend but the fact is it has to be said that it just very frankly points out the truth.
It's OK, I often laugh at people who believe in abiogenesis. Sure anyone can point to the building blocks or even follow a progression of those building blocks, but try putting your money where your mouth is and produce life from those building blocks will have you laughing so hard your sides may begin to burst.

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Originally posted by whodey
but try putting your money where your mouth is and produce life from those building blocks will have you laughing so hard your sides may begin to burst.
Your laughter is based on ignorance or an attempt at a strawman. Your statement is as ridiculous as saying that you laugh at anyone who knows how the sun works because they haven been able to replicate the sun. One reason creationists get laughed at is because they put forward ridiculous arguments to support their beliefs even when they themselves do not believe their arguments.
If you said you believed it happened as recorded in the Bible but you do not know how it happened then I would respect you far more than if claim to understand evolution and abiogenesis theory and have found them wanting and them make up rediculous claims about evidence for Noahs flood etc.

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Originally posted by Andrew Hamilton
Found this video by accident while searching the net:


I apologies in advance for the obviously provocative nature this video has to creationists which it will offend but the fact is it has to be said that it just very frankly points out the truth.
marvelously funny.

Once again, it is quite good advice to know what you are talking about before you speak.

What is not funny about the whole creationist, intelligent design issue is the fact that the religious fruitcakes are pursuing a political agenda and attempting to use these cocked up theories of theirs in order to exert social control over others -- as in theocracy.

Those who adhere to a fact-based reality will resist this bald, blatant attempt to gain power.

hence, the last election.

one would think, for another unfunny thing about all this, that the current economic collapse would be enough of an object lesson in just how poor an operating principle is mere belief, faith or trust in one's "betters."

time for reform -- time for peer-reviewed scientific research on which to base decisions that involve scientific questions. Religion has absolutely no place in government whatsoever. Period. Full stop.

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Originally posted by whodey
It's OK, I often laugh at people who believe in abiogenesis. Sure anyone can point to the building blocks or even follow a progression of those building blocks, but try putting your money where your mouth is and produce life from those building blocks will have you laughing so hard your sides may begin to burst.
Theoretically, and probably in practice, it should be possible to create a virus from the basic building blocks.

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Originally posted by Andrew Hamilton
Found this video by accident while searching the net:


I apologies in advance for the obviously provocative nature this video has to creationists which it will offend but the fact is it has to be said that it just very frankly points out the truth.
Doesn't offend me one bit.

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Originally posted by dystoniac
Doesn't offend me one bit.
could it be that you have finally become a real christian, respecting other people's opinions, listening to those opinions and judging them objectively, holding something other than the bible as true?

or could it be because you covered your ears at the first sound from that video so you won't be tainted and used your feet to close the window so that your ears would not hear such blasphemy ?

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Originally posted by whodey
It's OK, I often laugh at people who believe in abiogenesis. Sure anyone can point to the building blocks or even follow a progression of those building blocks, but try putting your money where your mouth is and produce life from those building blocks will have you laughing so hard your sides may begin to burst.
like twhite said, do you laugh at anyone who claims to understand fusion even though they never created a miniature sun?

oh wait, i am sorry, do you need me to explain to you what fusion is?

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Originally posted by twhitehead
Your laughter is based on ignorance or an attempt at a strawman. Your statement is as ridiculous as saying that you laugh at anyone who knows how the sun works because they haven been able to replicate the sun. One reason creationists get laughed at is because they put forward ridiculous arguments to support their beliefs even when they themselves do not ...[text shortened]... d have found them wanting and them make up rediculous claims about evidence for Noahs flood etc.
But we can observe suns being born and dying, therefore, we have the scientific ability to OBSERVE these phenomenon. Life being generated from nonlife, however, is quite another matter. All we know is what building blocks we are derived from and the fact that we are here. If you ask me, that is a theory that is wanting to say the least.

As far as how God went about things, how should I know? All that I have is the written word and what science tells me. The rest is for our imaginations and intellect to peice together.

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Originally posted by znsho
Theoretically, and probably in practice, it should be possible to create a virus from the basic building blocks.
Now it is about time that the whole debate as to whether a virus is living or not should burst on the scene.

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Originally posted by whodey
But we can observe suns being born and dying, therefore, we have the scientific ability to OBSERVE these phenomenon. Life being generated from nonlife, however, is quite another matter. All we know is what building blocks we are derived from and the fact that we are here. If you ask me, that is a theory that is wanting to say the least.
Now that is a more reasonable argument, though hardly conclusive. So why did you start out with the strawman? It is the frequent use of strawmen and lies that causes creationists to get laughed at. If you have reasonable concerns about the theory of Evolution or the various hypothesis regarding abiogenesis then I and others would treat you with respect and be willing to have a meaningful discussion about it. It too am not always convinced by hypothesis that scientists put forward.

But even now you are trying very hard to show incredulity to the point that you claimed you would laugh at anyone putting forward such a hypothesis yet the only evidence you have presented as a counter is the absence of supporting data.

As for your absence of observation argument it too is flawed. We cannot truly see the interior of the Sun yet we frequently make hypothesis about what goes on there. Further anything we observe to do with the sun is at a minimum five minutes old and when it comes to starts it can be millions of years old. Observation does not have to be direct nor live. We have observed life arise from non-life. We see rocks of one age with no life then younger rocks with life. Even if we did an experiment in a lab and put protiens in a bowl then days later found life in it we would not have necessarily had our electron microscopes out and observed the actual molecules combining together. There is always some amount of hypothesizing, which is how science works. What we do is hypothesize about how it could have happened then work out what signs such a hypothesis implies should be observable then try to observe them.

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Originally posted by Andrew Hamilton
Found this video by accident while searching the net:


I apologies in advance for the obviously provocative nature this video has to creationists which it will offend but the fact is it has to be said that it just very frankly points out the truth.
I agreed with everything up until the 7:30/7:40 mark, when he started random relgion bashing. If he claims that religions and science should not go together, then why is he claiming "religion is for the weak-minded" in a film about why they should be disjoint? Those two subject - the validity of religion, and whether science and religion should mix - are, I fell, best discussed separately. Also, up until that point everything was facts, but at that point he started giving his own opinions...

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Originally posted by Swlabr
I agreed with everything up until the 7:30/7:40 mark, when he started random relgion bashing. If he claims that religions and science should not go together, then why is he claiming "religion is for the weak-minded" in a film about why they should be disjoint? Those two subject - the validity of religion, and whether science and religion should mix - are, I f ...[text shortened]... until that point everything was facts, but at that point he started giving his own opinions...
it can be interpreted that weak-minded use religion to justify material phenomenons.

maybe it is just improper language.

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