Originally posted by robbie carrobieno, my assertions are not in the greek text. they are in the practical application of the claim. your biblegod fails to deliver comfort for everyone who come to him, ergo my interpretation of the verses are more accurate.
FAIL, your assertions find no basis in the Greek text, like your assertions that a person
will not find refreshment, without substantiation.
Originally posted by VoidSpiritfail, how can you prove that people receive no refreshment, in fact, the admonition is
no, my assertions are not in the greek text. they are in the practical application of the claim. your biblegod fails to deliver comfort for everyone who come to him, ergo my interpretation of the verses are more accurate.
to 'take my yoke upon you', that is lead the life of a Christian which will free one from
materialism, false worship, a cleansed conscience, lead to a purposeful and
happy life,indeed, there are countless examples and experiences of this happening, you
have failed and continue to fail because you have made an unfounded assertion which
has no basis in reality other than as a product of a prejudiced ego. You have
interpreted nothing accurately, you dont even understand what the verse is purporting
to say and instead have made some vain references to deity, not in the verse, some
irrelevant references to other forms or modes of worship and committed the now
obligatory logical fallacy of setting up straw arguments with references to Christ as a
deity, which i dont even profess.
Originally posted by robbie carrobiethis is a fail of your wit. i didn't say people receive no refreshment. i said the biblegod fails to deliver comfort for everyone who come to him, hence my fixed interpretation of the matthew verse, posted here again:
fail, how can you prove that people receive no refreshment,
[matthew 11:28 fixed] come unto me all of you who are heavy laden and i will maybe give you rest. i might decide not to, or maybe it's not in my power to do so. in such a case, you could try some other mythical creature, or take up a hobby.
Originally posted by VoidSpiritlet me point out the failure of your assumptions and unsubstantiated assertions, first
this is a fail of your wit. i didn't say people receive no refreshment. i said the biblegod fails to deliver comfort for everyone who come to him, hence my fixed interpretation of the matthew verse, posted here again:
[matthew 11:28 fixed] come unto me all of you who are heavy laden and i will maybe give you rest. i might decide not to, or may ower to do so. in such a case, you could try some other mythical creature, or take up a hobby.
of all, Jesus is not the Biblical God, he is a part of creation, a created entity (Col,
1:15), this is important because the text that was cited by GB makes reference to
Christ, not the Biblical God. Now either your ability or otherwise to comprehend the
difference is a reflection of a prejudicial point of view, evidenced by a complete lack
of any substantiated evidence other than your own opinions, or you are unable to
tell the difference. Secondly the verse itself, again which GB posted and which
formed the basis of your now ludicrous assertions does not mention comfort, it
mentions refreshment,
Come unto me all of you who are heavy laden (conflicted within your immortal
souls) and I will give you rest." GB's translation,
(Matthew 11:28-30) . . .Come to me, all you who are toiling and loaded down, and I
will refresh you. - New world translation of the Holy scriptures.
what are we to make of this, not only have you failed to recognise and distinguish
the subject of the verse but you fail to understand the nature of the claim being
made. Added to this is your insistence, again without any corroborating evidence
that 'not all', persons will be refreshed, clearly i have provided more than five
specific ways in which a person, when they take upon themselves 'the yoke of
Christ', will find refreshment, according to the actual claims of the verse, you are
floundering and have produced nada. Let is serve as a lesson for you that if you are
going to make claims you should at least have some form of corroborating
evidence, because just because you say something, doesn't make it so, otherwise
you could claim to be a WWII U boat commander and we would have to believe you.
Originally posted by robbie carrobieyour entire argument is baseless and irrelevant. i'm perfectly aware of the conflicting beliefs between christian cults and i will not address the concerns of every single cult of christianity when i make a statement concerning the bible.
let me point out the failure of your assumptions and unsubstantiated assertions, first
of all, Jesus is not the Biblical God, he is a part of creation, a created entity (Col,
1:15), this is important because the text that was cited by GB makes reference to
Christ, not the Biblical God. Now either your ability or otherwise to comprehend the
d ...[text shortened]... herwise
you could claim to be a WWII U boat commander and we would have to believe you.
(Matthew 11:28-30) . . .Come to me, all you who are toiling and loaded down, and I
will refresh you. - New world translation of the Holy scriptures.
(or whichever translated version you prefer, does not matter)
the above is a false promise. i have personally witnessed many failures of this promise and i'm sure there are plenty of others here who have as well, including yourself. you would be lying if you denied it.
this is the fixed version:
[matthew 11:28 fixed] come unto me all of you who are heavy laden and i will maybe give you rest. i might decide not to, or maybe it's not in my power to do so. in such a case, you could try some other mythical creature, or take up a hobby.
the above fixed version more accurately reflects the reality of your god's or your saviors (depending on your particular cult) lack of abilities.
you're welcome. now move on to your next absurdity.
Originally posted by VoidSpirityou're welcome. now move on to your next absurdity.
your entire argument is baseless and irrelevant. i'm perfectly aware of the conflicting beliefs between christian cults and i will not address the concerns of every single cult of christianity when i make a statement concerning the bible.
(Matthew 11:28-30) . . .Come to me, all you who are toiling and loaded down, and I
will refresh you. - New world particular cult) lack of abilities.
you're welcome. now move on to your next absurdity.
I will, in fact, i am reading one of your posts at the moment 🙂
Originally posted by robbie carrobieI dont agree with your numbers - but even if I did what does a probability of P mean?
lets say you chance upon a protein at 1x10^113, what next? lets put it in perspective,
shall we, it is known that some proteins serve as structural materials and others as
enzymes. The latter speed up needed chemical reactions in the cell. Without such help,
the cell would die. Not just a few, but 2,000 proteins serving as enzymes are needed ...[text shortened]...
I think we can agree an outrageously small probability. Back of the net kidz! nom nom nom!
A chance of it happening at a particular moment in a paerticular place?
You will have to multiply P by all moments and all places to get something approaching reasonable!