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Why I am a bible god atheist

Why I am a bible god atheist



Originally posted by sonhouse
And you and the billion other religious folk are just living lives of wishful thinking. All you do is continue your circular reasoning, citing bible concepts as if they were real, proving bible concepts because they are in the bible. That is poster boy for circular reasoning.

It is belief and belief only.

But you can't see beyond the bible and Islami ...[text shortened]... you know the mind of god' card, go for it. Just pulling that card does not refute my statement.
I admit God is real, Jesus Christ is real and I and everyone else in Christianity can be wrong
on so many levels about nearly everything as everyone can be.

You are always coming up with ways that show God is not real, because it doesn't fit what
you'd do. You must have a high opinion of yourself to know what God should or should not

You cite quite a few things to prove your points that doesn't mean that what you cite is
as real as you believe either. That is the place we all have to go to, what do we trust.

I think you too can be called brain watched by the godless thinking of this age thereby
missing the truth that is right in front of you.


Originally posted by KellyJay
I admit God is real, Jesus Christ is real and I and everyone else in Christianity can be wrong
on so many levels about nearly everything as everyone can be.

You are always coming up with ways that show God is not real, because it doesn't fit what
you'd do. You must have a high opinion of yourself to know what God should or should not

You cite q ...[text shortened]... ed by the godless thinking of this age thereby
missing the truth that is right in front of you.
You still don't get it. You refuse to even acknowledge the presence of other religions as valid. You CAN'T because that would undermine your faith.

We were given minds that can reason whether as you beleive, from a god, or natural evolution, whatever, we can think things through. The only way the religious set can reason is to find ways of avowing thier faith, whatever that is. You are not allowed to question the life of JC or any of that. You are only allowed to question trivial side issues.

So you NEVER get to even entertain the concept of a non-interacting god, even allowing such a being exists.

You just ignore the fact literally hundreds of millions killed in wars, religious and secular and not a word from your god.

You say how do I know this god didn't stop a bigger evil or some such.

If it could have it would also have known what was GOING to happen hundreds of years before, thousands of years before and such tregedies as the Crusades would never have happened and all the rest leading up to century 19,20 and 21 and presumably the deaths by religious zealots in century 22 and 23 and 24.

NOTHING from your god but that is fine, god is just, we can't know the mind of god only worship this alleged being.

You can't even see that for what it is. Blind worship.


Originally posted by sonhouse
You still don't get it. You refuse to even acknowledge the presence of other religions as valid. You CAN'T because that would undermine your faith.

We were given minds that can reason whether as you beleive, from a god, or natural evolution, whatever, we can think things through. The only way the religious set can reason is to find ways of avowing thier ...[text shortened]... f god only worship this alleged being.

You can't even see that for what it is. Blind worship.
You don't get it, I will tell you that there are people who call themselves Christian that are
in error and will find themselves missing out on God. It isn't the 'label' Christian, it is the
Lord God that matters, if you miss what God has done to save us through Jesus Christ
even those that claim to be Christian will end up in Hell.

Man cannot measure up to God's standards, but man is being held to them as well as
man's own standards. We are not saved because we are good enough, none of us are
good enough, none of us are saved because we put in the proper time and effort into
being good enough because it isn't by our works, but God's grace. So if we miss the
grace of God by acknowledging what God has done to save us, we are left with what we
bring to the table, the sad thing on our we will always come up short.

Denying God will not be an excuse!

I do not entertain the concept of a non-interacting God, because I don't believe God has
left us to our own devices. I acknowledge that we kill ourselves off by the millions, we do
that and far worse! I think if God didn't interfere we would even do far worse!

Religion isn't the answer for the human race, Jesus Christ is! I had my life turned around
when I was 25 not by a empty nothing called God, but by a God who is a live and well. I
was living at home after I got out of the Navy, no bills, great job, and knew I was missing
something profound, and when I got saved He changed me. That was 35 years ago, He
has been faithful through great good times and great bad ones. An empty word would not
have been enough.


Originally posted by KellyJay
You don't get it, I will tell you that there are people who call themselves Christian that are
in error and will find themselves missing out on God. It isn't the 'label' Christian, it is the
Lord God that matters, if you miss what God has done to save us through Jesus Christ
even those that claim to be Christian will end up in Hell.

Man cannot measure ...[text shortened]... faithful through great good times and great bad ones. An empty word would not
have been enough.
Sure, religion gives folks that warm fuzzy feeling alright, that is not in question, the real question is whether there is a deity involved. I say no. There is a region of the brain that makes people THINK they are talking to or feeling a deity and we can activate that region of the brain artificially with pulsing magnetic fields at the right part of the brain (outside, not invasive) and it inevitably makes people think a deity or SOMETHING exernal is in their heads.


Originally posted by sonhouse
Sure, religion gives folks that warm fuzzy feeling alright, that is not in question, the real question is whether there is a deity involved. I say no. There is a region of the brain that makes people THINK they are talking to or feeling a deity and we can activate that region of the brain artificially with pulsing magnetic fields at the right part of the br ...[text shortened]... t invasive) and it inevitably makes people think a deity or SOMETHING exernal is in their heads.
I say yes there is a deity involved.
I also say there is no reason you can come up with that explains how everything got here
outside of something/someone making it happen.
The warm and fuzzy you get thinking there is a reason you just don't know it will not avail
you in the end.


Originally posted by KellyJay
I say yes there is a deity involved.
I also say there is no reason you can come up with that explains how everything got here
outside of something/someone making it happen.
The warm and fuzzy you get thinking there is a reason you just don't know it will not avail
you in the end.
It has worked for me for 74 years so far and I am afraid of NOTHING including death. I live on in my children and my works, the use of my creativity which will be around long after I am gone, someone will listen to the music I compose. Someone will remember me. That's all I need. I don't need to constantly refer to some deity or other.


Originally posted by sonhouse
It has worked for me for 74 years so far and I am afraid of NOTHING including death. I live on in my children and my works, the use of my creativity which will be around long after I am gone, someone will listen to the music I compose. Someone will remember me. That's all I need. I don't need to constantly refer to some deity or other.
Well I hope you are blessed a lot longer than 74 years. Never heard your music, wouldn't
mind hearing it!

That said, you will be around a lot longer than 74 years once you pass away from this life.
Your denial of God will matter there even more so than it does here.


Originally posted by KellyJay
Well I hope you are blessed a lot longer than 74 years. Never heard your music, wouldn't
mind hearing it!

That said, you will be around a lot longer than 74 years once you pass away from this life.
Your denial of God will matter there even more so than it does here.
That is another set of wishful thinking but hey, if it floats your boat....

Give me your email in pm and I can send you a bunch of our music if you want. I don't abuse email.

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Originally posted by KellyJay
You know how human's should act, according to...you? Well all of mankind has been
waiting on you than, what took you so long and how come you have not spread the word
on how we should be acting by now?

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Originally posted by sonhouse
That is another set of wishful thinking but hey, if it floats your boat....

Give me your email in pm and I can send you a bunch of our music if you want. I don't abuse email.
Did I tell you I posted some of my tunes to soundcloud? Under Sonhouse.

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Originally posted by sonhouse
Did I tell you I posted some of my tunes to soundcloud? Under Sonhouse.
You have only 10 songs there now?
Trying to make sure I'm listening to you.

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Originally posted by KellyJay
You have only 10 songs there now?
Trying to make sure I'm listening to you.
For now, 10. I am writing new tunes right now, have to record some and convert to Mp3 to put up on SC.

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Originally posted by sonhouse
For now, 10. I am writing new tunes right now, have to record some and convert to Mp3 to put up on SC.
Up to 13 now.

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