Originally posted by Hand of HecateYes I would. Seeing as I'm probably going to hell anyways(or so I'm told) I would sell it for a better position in hell. Get to be a tormentor instead of the tormented.
Regardless of whether or not you're an agnostic, atheist, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, etc... If someone offered to buy your soul, would you consider selling it. If so, what would you sell it for? World peace, immortality, fame, sexual gratification, etc....? Suppose they demonstrated that they could grant any wish, any desire?
Originally posted by Hand of HecateDon't you get it that Jesus loves you.He don't love you for your intelegence,good deeds or stupidness.He loves us as the filthy rags we all are.The expectation is there for so many that we have to be something important to be loved by Him.This is wrong and I wish more people could understand so they can find peace.I read in the newspaper an airline advertisment.We would love to match your prices,but we would have to raise ours.It's FREEEEEEEEE.
Just when I thought we'd reached 'The Retardation Barrier' you go and break it. The sucking sound as you broke through The Barrier was extraordinary. [b]"WHHHUUUUUUUSHHHCK!" is a very close approximation of what I can only assume was your frontal lobe imploding under the high 'R-Force'.[/b]
Originally posted by Hand of HecateThe Devil buys many a soul. He usually buys it for some fleeting sinful pleasure.
Regardless of whether or not you're an agnostic, atheist, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, etc... If someone offered to buy your soul, would you consider selling it. If so, what would you sell it for? World peace, immortality, fame, sexual gratification, etc....? Suppose they demonstrated that they could grant any wish, any desire?
The last person I'd sell my soul to is the Devil.
Originally posted by NordlysI would be sell it to anybody.
Who is the first person you'd sell your soul to?
In fact I have given to the one that shed his last drop of blood for me on the cross. The one that paid the ultimate price for the salvation of my soul in the only one that deserves to have it.
Originally posted by The Chess ExpressHow have I sinned, let me count the ways
Why do you believe you are going to hell?
1.I don't live my life according to and by the Bible
2.I listen to Marilyn Manson and other Heavy Metal Acts
3.I watch the Simpsons
4.Frequent Masturbation
5.I think I've commited 5 of the 7 deadly sins
6.I openly mock the church
7.I've been to a Gay bar
8.I hate wholesome entertainment
etc. etc.
Originally posted by windmillStatements like this remind me of why I find mainstream xian doctrine disgusting. It's an grotesque mixture of self-loathing (filthy rags) and self-aggrandizement (an almighty creator wants to have exclusive communion with us).
Don't you get it that Jesus loves you.He don't love you for your intelegence,good deeds or stupidness.He loves us as the filthy rags we all are.The expectation is there for so many that we have to be something important to be loved by Him.This is wrong and I wish more people could understand so they can find peace.I read in the newspaper an airline advertisment.We would love to match your prices,but we would have to raise ours.It's FREEEEEEEEE.
It's kind of embarrasing that I used to peddle this stuff.
Originally posted by CanadaguyAll have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
How have I sinned, let me count the ways
1.I don't live my life according to and by the Bible
2.I listen to Marilyn Manson and other Heavy Metal Acts
3.I watch the Simpsons
4.Frequent Masturbation
5.I think I've commited 5 of the 7 deadly sins
6.I openly mock the church
7.I've been to a Gay bar
8.I hate wholesome entertainment
etc. etc.
Originally posted by Bosse de NageAs a missionary.
In what form did you peddle it, if I may ask?
I spent a a year between high school and college with Youth With A Mission. Ironically, while I had a very "spiritual" experience during that period, my exposure to a different culture left impressions that later aided in my deconversion.
Even before this I was the typical Jesus freak kid. You know the kids that wear the Jesus Saves hats and "let their light shine." 🙂
Originally posted by telerionThat certainly puts some of your comments into perspective.
I spent a a year between high school and college with Youth With A Mission. Ironically, while I had a very "spiritual" experience during that period, my exposure to a different culture left impressions that later aided in my deconversion.
Do you now consider yourself saved?
Originally posted by Bosse de NageI think the two most common xian opinions of my status (note: this excludes those who actually knew me when I was a believer) are the following:
That certainly puts some of your comments into perspective.
Do you now consider yourself saved?
1) You were saved, but now you've backslidden and lost your salvation.
2) You thought you were saved, but obviously weren't, because otherwise you'd still believe.
I think the second is just an evasion to prevent meaningful reflection. Much easier to ignore a vexing counterexample if you can define it out of existence.
Personally, I wouldn't call myself "saved" in the evangelical sense. I don't feel as though I've avoided any impending doom. I'd say that I'm "free" from an enslavement. I feel more alive and aware of my reality. It's like having lived your whole life on opiates, and then coming out of the stupor. No longer certain of the world's origin, purpose, and destination, I am now earnestly curious about all of nature. I am free to ask questions and consider empirical evidence, without fear.
It's also nice to shrug off the shizophrenic self-image that I touched on earlier.
Originally posted by Hand of HecateNever!
Regardless of whether or not you're an agnostic, atheist, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, etc... If someone offered to buy your soul, would you consider selling it. If so, what would you sell it for? World peace, immortality, fame, sexual gratification, etc....? Suppose they demonstrated that they could grant any wish, any desire?
It's like selling out, whoring yourself to the capitalist pig...
Then again, I do most things for a 6 pack of beer.