@kellyjay saidIf you read that carefully you will see Jesus was telling the adults to become like children.
If you read that carefully you will see Jesus was telling the adults to become like children. The distinction wasn’t favorable for the adults, our pride elevates in our own eyes, it is difficult to correct someone who thinks they know it all, while a child is teachable and desires to learn.
Being new in Christ, being born again it is a new life. Some mature others basical ...[text shortened]... ver left high school, or worse.
With respect to children when they die, I hope they go to heaven.
Yes, with regards to pride and ego. Children do not have much pride or ego; usually anyway. They are to reliant on adults for that.
it is difficult to correct someone who thinks they know it all,
I agree. One cannot learn anything if they already know everything.
and grey haired people who act as if they never left high school, or worse.
Don't be talking about me like that. 😕
Either way, Jesus was talking about children. That is why He picked up a child first and set him in front of them before He spoke those Scriptures to them that I posted above, and the same scriptures that you were referring too.
Don't get me wrong here. Attempting to cause someone else to sin, is a sin in of itself. And I agree that attempting to cause a newer Christian to sin is an extra worse sin (so to speak).
With respect to children when they die, I hope they go to heaven.
I personally believe they do.
My personal opinion is that, I think Jesus was mostly talking about sexual abuse between masters and their child slaves in the Roman empire. Slave owners could do anything they wished to their slaves in those days, especially sexually; and there was nothing the slaves could do about it but comply or die, or something close. However, I am not for certain that is what Jesus was referring too. It certainly fits tho, and it happen often back then in the Roman Empire.
Calling someone a fool is enough to cause a person to be tortured in burning flames for eternity at the hands of KellyJay's God figure?
And this "logic" and "reasonable argument" is part of the ONLY "meta-narrative" that "makes sense" and that's "consistent with all the evidence"?
Blimey, again.
23 Aug 22
@fmf saidKellyJay,
As a matter of interest, have I ever "caused you to sin"?
If I have caused you to "sin" on this message board, as you seem to be claiming, then do you believe "it would have been better for that person [i.e. me, who you say caused you to "sin"] to never have been born"?
@fmf said@FMF, if you have indeed fallen into a volcano of your own device, as you seem to be claiming, would you not agree that it would be better to get you out of there first instead of allowing you to roast while you mindlessly continue to harass @KellyJay as if some Gurdjieff denier had slipped one or more doses of ketamine into your beer pyramid for the sake of increasing your automaticity, thereby to make you sully your own reputation?
If I have caused you to "sin" on this message board, as you seem to be claiming, then do you believe "it would have been better for that person [i.e. me, who you say caused you to "sin"] to never have been born"?