2010 NFL Season 'Big Pond Pub'

2010 NFL Season 'Big Pond Pub'


Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
05 Jul 10
2 edits

2010 NFL Season 'Big Pond Pub'

Warm welcome to all RHP Members of all ages and persuasions to your 2010 NFL Season

'Big Pond Pub'. Here are several FAQ and convenient info site links to get the ball rolling:

*** So what is this other footy really all about? Tried watching a USA Football

Super Bowl. To be honest I just didn't get the game. It's totally beyond me.


*** How many teams are there? Where are their stadiums? How many games do they play?

2010 NFL Season AFC/NFC Team and Weekly Schedules:


Note: On Week #8, Sunday 31 October 2010 kickoff time for the San Francisco

49ers and Denver Broncos game takes place at 1:30 PM local time in London.

*** How do the Las Vegas Casinos rank the Super Bowl contenders in the upcoming season?


*** Is there an efficient way to stay informed with reliable NFL News year round?


*** Will there be friendly competition among Sports Forum posters? Food & Beverage served?

Yes, two competitive events planned open to all 'Big Pond Pub' Regulars.

Announcement to follow. And, of course, yes... as well as darts and cards.

~Boston Lad (pub backroom scribe)


Cowboy From Hell

American West

19 Apr 10
05 Jul 10

I wonder when the training camps start up.
Go Cards!


30 Sep 08
05 Jul 10

Shaping up to be another wonderful season. Once we're rid of Vick, Roethlisberger and all other lockeroom or public cancers the most eminently watchable sports on earth will fly. I'm in for the Big Pond Pub! Go Cowboys! And Saints! And all the others. May the best franchise win!


26 Aug 07
05 Jul 10

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
[b]2010 NFL Season 'Big Pond Pub'

Warm welcome to all RHP Members of all ages and persuasions to your 2010 NFL Season

'Big Pond Pub'. Here are several FAQ and convenient info site links to get the ball rolling:

*** So what is this other footy really all about? Tried watching a USA Football

Super Bowl. To be honest I just didn' ...[text shortened]...

i was hoping for a thread deviod of any mention of England - alas is there no sanctuary! I followed the broncos last season but they faded after an initial six wins out of six as teams got to know there plays, i kind of like either the Cowboys or the Vikings this year. If anyone has any reason why i should follow a particular team, please let it be heard and i shall honestly give serious consideration to any well reasoned posts.

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
05 Jul 10
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie

i was hoping for a thread deviod of any mention of England - alas is there no sanctuary! I followed the broncos last season but they faded after an initial six wins out of six as teams got to know there plays, i kind of like either the Cowboys or the Vikings this year.

If anyone has any reason why i should follow a particular team, please let it be heard and i shall honestly give serious consideration to any well reasoned posts.
"If anyone has any reason why i should follow a particular team, please let it be heard and i shall honestly give serious... "

"Yes, two competitive events planned open to all 'Big Pond Pub' Regulars." 2011 Sports Forum bragging rights involved!



26 Aug 07
05 Jul 10
2 edits

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
[b]"If anyone has any reason why i should follow a particular team, please let it be heard and i shall honestly give serious... "

"Yes, two competitive events planned open to all 'Big Pond Pub' Regulars." 2011 Sports Forum bragging rights involved!

mmmm, ok Gramps which teams are looking good and why should i support them. i shall consider ethical values, mannerisms of fans towards decency, owners policy (no buying success), no underhanded running away with all the players in a moonlighting followed by the state militia, a la Colts etc etc, let me hear your petition and i shall pledge my loyalty🙂

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
05 Jul 10
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie

mmmm, ok Gramps which teams are looking good and why should i support them. i shall consider ethical values, mannerisms of fans towards decency, owners policy (no buying success), no underhanded running away with all the players in a moonlighting followed by the state militia, a la Colts etc etc, let me hear your petition and i shall pledge my loyalty🙂
Perhaps best to avoid any all out rush to judgement by taking things in an orderly

fashion, since it's more of a long distance run than a sprint. Maybe starting here:

*** How do the Las Vegas Casinos rank the Super Bowl contenders in the upcoming season?



07 Jan 08
05 Jul 10

The NFL really needs to have some West Coast teams become relevant again. LA has no team, and the Bay Area and Seattle teams have stunk the joint up for quite awhile. The Bay Area especially needs to have the Niners or Raiders step their game up. It's good for the locals and it's good for the NFL.

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
05 Jul 10

Originally posted by ChessPraxis

I wonder when the training camps start up.
Go Cards!
Beats the living poop on a glorious July Monday morning out of me, CP,

though I'm inclined to believe The Shadow (God or Mr. Google) knows.



30 Sep 08
05 Jul 10

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
i was hoping for a thread deviod of any mention of England - alas is there no sanctuary! I followed the broncos last season but they faded after an initial six wins out of six as teams got to know there plays, i kind of like either the Cowboys or the Vikings this year. If anyone has any reason why i should follow a particular team, please let it be heard and i shall honestly give serious consideration to any well reasoned posts.
Here's one of the best sports writers in the business and our very own from Dallas. The man knows football like few others and ranks the teams as the season goes. Subscribe to his free newsletter and be enlightened!


Too early to know who's strong and who's not. Cowboys should make a run, but Saints should too. Giants shall be back as will the Patriots. Hope they dump locker room cancer Randy Moss. Chargers may finally put a championship season together. Colts always strong, but may still be shellshocked from SB loss. Miami promises to be strong again after a credible 09 season. Steelers always in the mix, but their QB is a huge bastard! Hopefully Titans will make a run. Best RB in the NFL and a great OL, so who knows. Houston Texans should be the dark horse. Jets should be able to make a run. I love Mark Sanchez and hope he keeps playing well. Vikings might be really bad if Favre does not return. Bears might make a run. Denver will fade into oblivion. Redskins might make a run with a decent coach. 0-16 potential teams: Seattle, Raiders, Chiefs, Browns. Leaves meager pickin's! Gosselin should help you pick a team. His sober anaylisis is always spot on!

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
05 Jul 10

Originally posted by scacchipazzo
Here's one of the best sports writers in the business and our very own from Dallas. The man knows football like few others and ranks the teams as the season goes. Subscribe to his free newsletter and be enlightened!


Too early to know who's strong and who's not. Cowb ...[text shortened]... eager pickin's! Gosselin should help you pick a team. His sober anaylisis is always spot on!
Quite an insightful overview. May I suggest saving the "Sacacchi Scale" for a few days,

least until after the announcement of our two 2010 NFL 'Big Pond Pub' competitions.



30 Sep 08
05 Jul 10

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
Quite an insightful overview. May I suggest saving the "Sacacchi Scale" for a few days,

least until after the announcement of our two 2010 NFL 'Big Pond Pub' competitions.

Scacchi scale is reserved for teams I hate. NFL teams are all of scacch's liking thus far. Hope someone rises to the top unpredictably and stays there unlike Denver Broncos. Have never liked the Bears that much, but with daughter going to UofC that might change. Vehemently supported the Hawks in Stanley Cup finals!

Already mated

Omaha, Nebraska, USA

04 Jul 06
05 Jul 10

Well, it's GO STEELERS - with a hopeful prayer that Big Ben (not the London one) either grows up and joins the human race or can be replaced by someone who's as good (not likely, sigh). Still, the Steelers are the best ever with six championship rings and a great team set to go. It's all about Ben going in to this season, though.

Great Big Stees

In Check

12 Mar 04
05 Jul 10

Keep your eye on the Seattle Seadogs. They're in the hunt. Them and the Casinos.

Big Ben will be picking up bars of soap in the shower. Too bad for Steelers fans.


14 Apr 06
05 Jul 10

Originally posted by Frank Burns
Keep your eye on the Seattle Seadogs. They're in the hunt. Them and the Casinos.

Big Ben will be picking up bars of soap in the shower. Too bad for Steelers fans.
If 'Big Ben' is picking up the soap, it'll be 'Westminster Abe' whose got his hand on the shower temperature dial. Watch out Seattle. You're dealing with greater forces than you realise.
Grampy is one of the few who would understand that, and I always rely on his judgement.

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