@executioner-brand saidThey scored on a penalty kick...how exciting that was!!! I think I could have scored!
1-0 to the USA 60 minutes.
Successful direct after silly play from the dutch high kick and dangerous in the box.
Well crap the U.S. got a second goal now this one was a nice one!!! Appears to be a U.S. win now.
Ya, when you make a mistake and costs a goal, it sets an emotional tone for both teams the rest of the way and this 2nd goal is not totally surprising, it would take a lot for the Dutch gals to have quickly gotten over it and regroup. And of course, the US gals got an emotional charge out their 1st.
So crumbles the cookie
@very-rusty saidI used to call a train a choo choo till i learnt the real name.
Thanks for the history on football and soccer.
We've always called the round ball soccer, and the one with points on each end a football, here in Canada, and I will continue to do so.
I will not be pulling for the USA in todays game! Game is being played now by the way.
Do you think the usa wonens football will be upset when they find out you are not "pulling" thinking about them?
@earl-of-trumps saidTime is added because of delays injury time.
what does "90 + 5" mean, 5 minutes into extra time? yes i'm that dumb!
@earl-of-trumps saidGame lasts 90 minutes.
what does "90 + 5" mean, 5 minutes into extra time? yes i'm that dumb!
But game always gets extended to allow for injurys goal celebrating yelliw xards. Normally 30 seconds for each one.
Cameroon v england went 18 minutes extra. Mainly due to Cameroons refusing to play after a decision went against them.
And usa gets accused of unsportsmanship..๐๐๐
Well done usa.
Now allow me to pontificate.
As I have stated in this thread, US Player, Megan Rapinoe is a divisive person, driving fans from watching women's football in the US, much like Colin Kaepernick drove NFL fans out of the game with his divisive kneeling during the national anthem.
I am doubling down on what I said earlier in this thread, which was dependent on the US winning. They did. Megan Rapinoe said that President Trump will not invite the team to the white house because "there are lesbians on the team." Her words.
And now we will see. I say Megan Rapinoe is a rabid liar and that Trump *will* invite the team. Further, I stated that when that invitation to the WH is extended to the team by Trump, A) Rapinoe will not apologize for her slur to the POTUS, and B) Regan Rapinoe will refuse to go to the WH because the man in the WH is a (take your pick) racist/homophobe/sexist.
The condition is called being a "delusional victim".