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World Cup 2010

World Cup 2010


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It is done! The countries have their respective groups>>

First matches:

USA vs England
Argentina vs Nigeria
Brazil vs Korea DPR

among others

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Originally posted by Nietzsche1844
It is done! The countries have their respective groups>>

First matches:

USA vs England
Argentina vs Nigeria
Brazil vs Korea DPR

among others
please see other thread>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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Originally posted by Nietzsche1844
It is done! The countries have their respective groups>>

First matches:

USA vs England
Argentina vs Nigeria
Brazil vs Korea DPR

among others
yeah for America!

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Duuuuuudes, haven't you better things to do in your culture filled countries?

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
yeah for America!
Are you happy now, robbie carrobie? Now I am in your camp indeed! Although both England and USA will likely advance! I am safe. No horse head bloody and rotting on my pillow! No trev33 haunting my every cheer at night like an ululating owl of a chelele wielding crazed Irishman. No being mooned by Scots atop Hadrian's Wall!

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Originally posted by jimslyp69
Duuuuuudes, haven't you better things to do in your culture filled countries?
i am just gonna get some American style Pizza from Costco, load up on some Millers Lite, play the star spangled banner by Jimi Hendrix before the match to psyche myself up, buy pompoms for my wife so she can cheer lead during the game, and in my baseball cap I shall sing for America, USA all the way, USA all the way!

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Originally posted by scacchipazzo
Are you happy now, robbie carrobie? Now I am in your camp indeed! Although both England and USA will likely advance! I am safe. No horse head bloody and rotting on my pillow! No trev33 haunting my every cheer at night like an ululating owl of a chelele wielding crazed Irishman. No being mooned by Scots atop Hadrian's Wall!
Lol, you are safe, but we are counting on you to do us proud. as for trev i gather he is outside in some Peruvian cafe, howling at the moon this very moment! USA! USA!

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
i am just gonna get some American style Pizza from Costco, load up on some Millers Lite, play the star spangled banner by Jimi Hendrix before the match to psyche myself up, buy pompoms for my wife so she can cheer lead during the game, and in my baseball cap I shall sing for America, USA all the way, USA all the way!
The only good thing in that mix was Star Spangled Banner by the duuude, Jimi, and that was a satirical dig at the American government, was it not.
If you want to buy Miller Lite then good for you!!! I hope you enjoy it (though that is highly unlikely, unless yo have exceedingly poor taste.
As for the pom poms? I'm guessing that you want them for yourself, and will dressup in them, once your wife, goes out for the night with her friends.

Oooooooerrrrrr Robbbie 😏

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Lol, you are safe, but we are counting on you to do us proud. as for trev i gather he is outside in some Peruvian cafe, howling at the moon this very moment! USA! USA!
i wish.

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Originally posted by jimslyp69
The only good thing in that mix was Star Spangled Banner by the duuude, Jimi, and that was a satirical dig at the American government, was it not.
If you want to buy Miller Lite then good for you!!! I hope you enjoy it (though that is highly unlikely, unless yo have exceedingly poor taste.
As for the pom poms? I'm guessing that you want them for yoursel ...[text shortened]... in them, once your wife, goes out for the night with her friends.

Oooooooerrrrrr Robbbie 😏
oh no! i can see you now, sitting down after your tea of steak and kidney pie, with bangers and mash, gently supping on some fine English Ale, wearing a Nelson Hat and ranting on about the empire while watching England play football with your friends. 'Another glass of bitter George'. good luck to you mate, honestly, but if you win there shall be mass suicides all over Scotland!

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
oh no! i can see you now, sitting down after your tea of steak and kidney pie, with bangers and mash, gently supping on some fine English Ale, wearing a Nelson Hat and ranting on about the empire while watching England play football with your friends. 'Another glass of bitter George'. good luck to you mate, honestly, but if you win there shall be mass suicides all over Scotland!
You must be hallucinating then! I'm not into that offal meat that you mention, I'm into chicken and fish, considering going vege to be quite honest. As for beer? Well I drink what I like. Tends to be continental lagers, whether I'm out in t'pub or buying from an off licence. I am partial to a pint of English what have you now and then though. That's irrelevant though, as you know we have more to offer than Bass. I'm sure Scotland has more to offer than Mckewans and deucers IPA(which incidentally used to be great but is crap now).

I'll leave the ranting to you as you seem to have a PHD in it.

As for mass suicides? That's just crazy dude! Embrace your brothers in arms 😀

EDIT Carry on ha h aha

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
oh no! i can see you now, sitting down after your tea of steak and kidney pie, with bangers and mash, gently supping on some fine English Ale, wearing a Nelson Hat and ranting on about the empire while watching England play football with your friends. 'Another glass of bitter George'. good luck to you mate, honestly, but if you win there shall be mass suicides all over Scotland!
God .. i prey we win !
Being, GODS Country and the mention of suicides !
Dont book your holidays to far in advance !!!!!!!

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Originally posted by jimslyp69
You must be hallucinating then! I'm not into that offal meat that you mention, I'm into chicken and fish, considering going vege to be quite honest. As for beer? Well I drink what I like. Tends to be continental lagers, whether I'm out in t'pub or buying from an off licence. I am partial to a pint of English what have you now and then though. That's irrele ...[text shortened]... ides? That's just crazy dude! Embrace your brothers in arms 😀

EDIT Carry on ha h aha
Lol, yes ranting, thanks for the compliment its one of the few things i am adequately qualified for Jimbo! could spout nonsense forever, anyhow, yes we have a beer, brewed by Innes and Gunn, blonde its called, aged for thirty seven days in oak casks, awesome beer, and we now produce the strongest beer in the world, tactical nuclear penguin, 36 percent proof. not for you wussies south of the border though, you need hairs on your chest for that! Go veggie, i am veggie, its awesome!

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Lol, yes ranting, thanks for the compliment its one of the few things i am adequately qualified for Jimbo! could spout nonsense forever, anyhow, yes we have a beer, brewed by Innes and Gunn, blonde its called, aged for thirty seven days in oak casks, awesome beer, and we now produce the strongest beer in the world, tactical nuclear penguin, 36 perce ...[text shortened]... the border though, you need hairs on your chest for that! Go veggie, i am veggie, its awesome!
You guys crack me up! Now, now boys. Bickering shall get you nowhere at all! After all the cup shall go to Spain, Italy or Brazil. The rest are mere props for an eventual glory day for the biggies. England does stand a chance indeed, however and robbie carrobie knows it.

robbie carrobie: Unless you take back what yous said about USA vulgarity I am back in jimy's and phil's camp all the way, horse head and all! Miller light? Hendrix? Pom pons? You know we prefer large bosomed blondes wearing nuthin but tassles and a sequined g-string! Is your wife gonna wear her sequined kilt and a teenie halter bra like thingie?

My new beer is Yazoo Ale from Nashville, the dog bark variety! Goes well with ribs and spicy BBQ sauce!

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