Originally posted by cmsMasterAs white will play Nf3 might as well change the starting position again. In fact lets go the whole hog. Starting position now is
You guys are a hassle 😛. Anyhow, email sent and I now expect that the setup will be this...
[fen]rnbqkbnr/pppp1ppp/8/8/4Pp2/8/PPPP2PP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1 [/fen]
With white to move.
Originally posted by XanthosNZActually, he resides in Christchurch, much to the chargrin of the 201,189 other residents. Thats two less than actual as I've left his parents out of the poll as a matter of courtesy, despite the fact that they insisted on being included.
Of course I live in Auckland. 😕
No second guesses on which way they voted.
Originally posted by cmsMasterI'm with you. Black should have the option to decline.
Hmm, I thought it would be best if we left the option open to the black player. I think the majority of games will be accepted since that seems the best response, but the option to decline the gambit should be open don't you think? Hm, IDK, it seems you guys don't want this though and I understand so I will send Russ an email asking him to change it.
I'm sure we need to allow for the Falkbeer Counter Gambit.
If it has to start with White to move, start it at e4 e5 and then if White doesn't play f4 get the admins to resign for White
Originally posted by skeeterYour numbers are wrong. There are close to 400,000 people in Christchurch.
Actually, he resides in Christchurch, much to the chargrin of the 201,189 other residents. Thats two less than actual as I've left his parents out of the poll as a matter of courtesy, despite the fact that they insisted on being included.
No second guesses on which way they voted.