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The Plumber Memorial Dead-Thread Swiss Challeng...

The Plumber Memorial Dead-Thread Swiss Challeng...


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Originally posted by RookRAK
If you go 0/2 in the first round, then you will probably play another person who was 0/2. You certainly won't draw anyone higher than 1.0/2.0 for the second round.

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Originally posted by XanthosNZ

My decision was also slightly influenced by the fact that this is a friendly tournament, if I really wanted (or needed) the win I would have likely played on but as this is just a game for fun I'm happy to accept a draw that murrow has earned.
Translation- You played like crap because you underestimated flipperboy, and now you're covering your arse in a futile attempt to save face.

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Sigh. One of mine and rhb's games is about to reach a very long, drawn-out endgame stage where it's my Knight vs. his Bishop with a pawn race on one side of the board and myself being up a pawn. Clear victory for me by book but still a tough one to grind down.

La de da la de da lala lala la de da.

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Originally posted by seraphimvulture
Sigh. One of mine and rhb's games is about to reach a very long, drawn-out endgame stage where it's my Knight vs. his Bishop with a pawn race on one side of the board and myself being up a pawn. Clear victory for me by book but still a tough one to grind down.

La de da la de da lala lala la de da.
We'll have to invent something interesting for the rest of us to do as the months go by awaiting round #2

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Originally posted by RookRAK
We'll have to invent something interesting for the rest of us to do as the months go by awaiting round #2
Like starting another thread killing thread?

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Originally posted by Moldy Crow
Like starting another thread killing thread?
No - one dead-thread is enough.

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Originally posted by RookRAK
No - one dead-thread is enough.
Well then if you don't like my ideas come up with one of your own.

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How 'bout you guys have a Thumb Wrestling Knock-out Grouped Random tourney?

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Originally posted by seraphimvulture
How 'bout you guys have a Thumb Wrestling Knock-out Grouped Random tourney?
How bout you finish those games, Sunshine?

You guys move slower than Steven Hawking in a snow storm.

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Originally posted by Moldy Crow
How bout you finish those games, Sunshine?

You guys move slower than Steven Hawking in a snow storm.
He won't let me Resign. Threatened me with torture and Orange pills if I did! I've also been told to move only once every three days. I'm under duress here - you must understand!!!!

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Originally posted by rhb
He won't let me Resign. Threatened me with torture and Orange pills if I did! I've also been told to move only once every three days. I'm under duress here - you must understand!!!!
Who's "he" - the milkman?

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Originally posted by rhb
He won't let me Resign. Threatened me with torture and Orange pills if I did! I've also been told to move only once every three days. I'm under duress here - you must understand!!!!

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Originally posted by seraphimvulture
[b]BACK IN THE CAGE! 😠😠😠[/b]
No. Please Not. Not the Cage!


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Are you two still giving each other handies under the board or have you moved?

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Originally posted by Moldy Crow
Are you two still giving each other handies under the board or have you moved?
Waiting on him. And hush about handies, you saw nothing!

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