the clans - what can be done

the clans - what can be done


05 Jan 05

trouble is a clan has to start with one player, so are all new clans excluded from competion while they build up their membership, i can't see people joing new clans and then having to wait until they reach a certain number of players before they can start, everyone will just join current clans so there would never be any new clans?

05 Jan 05

allowing membership of one clan only i think is required, more likely to get new clans or increased membership of the smaller clans if players are restricted to one clan only, i don't know how many are actually in more than one clan but it is a stat i would be interested to see

05 Jan 05
1 edit

the clan winning the challenge should just get net points for the win, so 5 man challenge won 6-4 they get 2 points as they only won two more than the opposition, the losing clan gets deducted no points? i think this could help clans with less members and removes the option of throwing games as each game thrown will lose your clan potential points

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06

@wycombe-al said
trouble is a clan has to start with one player, so are all new clans excluded from competion while they build up their membership, i can't see people joing new clans and then having to wait until they reach a certain number of players before they can start, everyone will just join current clans so there would never be any new clans?
What the clan leader would have to do is ensure he had the players who would sign up right away. So, it would have to be planned in advance. I could start up a clan and become a clan leader just to get in on votes where only Clan leaders were permitted.

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
1 edit

@wycombe-al said
the clan winning the challenge should just get net points for the win, so 5 man challenge won 6-4 they get 2 points as they only won two more than the opposition, the losing clan gets deducted no points? i think this could help clans with less members and removes the option of throwing games as each game thrown will lose your clan potential points
What about the winning Clan gets 6 and losing clan gets 4, this of course has been suggested and put down, but something must be done. It is plain for all of us to see. That still wouldn't get rid of opponents dragging out won games so the Clan winning has to wait longer to start a new clan challenge!!! The solution isn't that easy.


Lover of History

Northants, England

15 Feb 05

@wycombe-al said
trouble is a clan has to start with one player, so are all new clans excluded from competion while they build up their membership, i can't see people joing new clans and then having to wait until they reach a certain number of players before they can start, everyone will just join current clans so there would never be any new clans?
All it means Al is that you have to find a buddy in order to start a clan. A one man band needs to recruit anyway, you are just forcing the recruitment earlier?



18 Apr 10

@very-rusty said
What about the winning Clan gets 6 and losing clan gets 4, this of course has been suggested and put down, but something must be done. It is plain for all of us to see. That still wouldn't get rid of opponents dragging out won games so the Clan winning has to wait longer to start a new clan challenge!!! The solution isn't that easy.

I agree the points awarding system is not Ideal,but as you say amendments have been mooted before and thrown out.I can't remember the reasons offhand.
The problem with the winning clans getting all the points is that the clans who can mount big challenges because they have a lot of members will get more points when they win.
I say ignore the points all together.If a clan wins a challenge,no matter how many games are involved it is recorded as a percentage win.
There is a filter which shows this(challenges won-most) but no one looks at it.
It's all about the net points list which is a flawed representation of a clans success.

Lover of History

Northants, England

15 Feb 05

Any system which rewards a team for throwing games is a flawed system and needs to go.

Also the reward needs to be proportional to the effort, so if Al put in a team of 5 and I'm feeling lazy and in another match only field 2, his reward for a win should be greater than mine?



18 Apr 10
1 edit

@medullah said
Any system which rewards a team for throwing games is a flawed system and needs to go.

Also the reward needs to be proportional to the effort, so if Al put in a team of 5 and I'm feeling lazy and in another match only field 2, his reward for a win should be greater than mine?
No,not greater Pete ,but the same.
I don't think rewards need to be proportional.
Both Your clan and Al's record a percentage win,so if your clan has played 20 challenges and won ten your score is 50%
If Al's team has played 10 challenges and won 5 his score is 50%
The tricky bit would be including drawn challenges in the stats but I'm sure they could be incorporated somehow.
Personal for Pete:-I hope csty and Roma don't see this.They would be claiming the 100!

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
2 edits

@napi said
While I am not sure I agree I see your point. Maybe it is not the "clan leaders" who need to talk. But someone does.

We need to get away from the "clan rating is the only answer" thinking and see what else might be out there. What can we do? What can I do?

When the only answer is - someone else needs to do something - we have the current stalemate.
You have an excellent point! I agree it would make things more fair for all.

The Clan rating would be a good answer for sure!

I have no idea how much work would be required with the coding or if it would be feasible for the site to do?


Lover of History

Northants, England

15 Feb 05

@venda said
No,not greater Pete ,but the same.
I don't think rewards need to be proportional.
Both Your clan and Al's record a percentage win,so if your clan has played 20 challenges and won ten your score is 50%
If Al's team has played 10 challenges and won 5 his score is 50%
The tricky bit would be including drawn challenges in the stats but I'm sure they could be incorporated somehow.
Personal for Pete:-I hope csty and Roma don't see this.They would be claiming the 100!
Then why would I want to field a bid team? I would just play loads of 2/3 man games surely ?

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
3 edits

@medullah said
Any system which rewards a team for throwing games is a flawed system and needs to go.

Also the reward needs to be proportional to the effort, so if Al put in a team of 5 and I'm feeling lazy and in another match only field 2, his reward for a win should be greater than mine?
The problem we have had for years is some people will hold up challenges to stop the winning Clan from starting a new challenge as with the new rules a clan can only play the same clan 3 times at any given time and you must wait a week in-between making a new Challenge.
Let's try and do something about people who hold up challenges intentionally so the winning clan can not start another challenge?
We have a certain Clan Leader asking Clans Leaders not to play Metallica or Breaking Bad, that certainly doesn't help matters or a solution to the on going issues.


Victor, New York

08 May 09

@very-rusty said
The problem we have had for years is some people will hold up challenges to stop the winning Clan from starting a new challenge as with the new rules a clan can only play the same clan 3 times at any given time and you must wait a week in-between making a new Challenge.
Let's try and do something about people who hold up challenges inten ...[text shortened]... or Breaking Bad, that certainly doesn't help matters or a solution to the on going issues.
And how what would you consider to be factual grounds for determining whether someone held up a match "intentionally"? Doesn't each match have a timeout and who's to say why an individual is playing out a match and in what time period? Very interested in your response.


Victor, New York

08 May 09

@very-rusty said
You have an excellent point! I agree it would make things more fair for all.

The Clan rating would be a good answer for sure!

I have no idea how much work would be required with the coding or if it would be feasible for the site to do?

I would suggest that since the subject has been raised to Russ many times that, at least in his opinion, it's either too expensive or not a high enough priority.

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
2 edits


Here is the thing something must be done or the Clan Challenges will become a thing of the past as I predicted a few years back.

EDIT: We need a Clan Challenge rating only apart from the rest so it will help eliminate SANDBAGGING!!!

I don't know what can done about Clans rolling over and giving IVV points?


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