the clans - what can be done

the clans - what can be done



Victor, New York

08 May 09

@Very-Rusty "We are already down to 3 pages." Now, Rusty, you know the rankings only list clans that have points at that point of the season. If you look on January 1 you might only see a couple of clans. There were over four pages of clans in 2023 and there will probably be that many in 2024.


Victor, New York

08 May 09
1 edit

@Anglian It's already a hard year. Any matches that finish in that year. If you include only matches that started in that year, then you might not have the results for a specific year until two or more years later. There's no other way around it. (Unless you want to go really wild and all clan matches open at year end automatically end either not counted or at the point they are but that opens many ways to manipulate the results even more.)

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
1 edit

@lstcyr said
@Anglian It's already a hard year. Any matches that finish in that year. If you include only matches that started in that year, then you might not have the results for a specific year until two or more years later. There's no other way around it. (Unless you want to go really wild and all clan matches open at year end automatically end either not counted or at the point they are but that opens many ways to manipulate the results even more.)
Here is what Anglian said in his own words, nothing has been altered.


It's all very simple

Stop accepting challenges from Metallica and breaking bad ...

But for some reason there's a significant amount of stupid clan leaders who just perpetuate the broken process ..

Refuse the challenges and the problems go away ... simples 🤣

"If that isn't telling other clans not to play Metallica or BB, I'd like to know what is!"




18 Apr 10

Does anyone else think the net points list should be replaced by a table based on average wins or am I just a lone voice in the wilderness?
One of my favourite films by the way was 12 angry men!

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06

@venda said
Does anyone else think the net points list should be replaced by a table based on average wins or am I just a lone voice in the wilderness?
One of my favourite films by the way was 12 angry men!
I am not a Clan Leader, but would love to see what other well respected Clan Leaders would think of that idea. It is something to think about in my humble opinion. Something has to change, we can't have a clan leader saying play with me and you will not have to play Metallica or BB, that is just WRONG!!! I believe I have already given that Clan Leaders exact quote.


RIP Mghrn55

United States

03 Jun 09

@very-rusty said
Here is what Anglian said in his own words, nothing has been altered.


It's all very simple

Stop accepting challenges from Metallica and breaking bad ...

But for some reason there's a significant amount of stupid clan leaders who just perpetuate the broken process ..

Refuse the challenges and the problems go away ... simples 🤣

"If that isn't telling other clans not to play Metallica or BB, I'd like to know what is!"

And that is why Lstcyr has no clue. He thinks he knows everything but knows not one thing about what is going on. He can't even get quotes correctly. His opinion doesn't matter anyway, nobody listens to him.

Something should be done about Anglians true rating which people should know by now is over 2000. I found this little nugget out right before he left my clan in rumbles. But we overcame the damage he caused.

He should be playing 1900 to 2100 rated players. But his rating is kept at 1700. My players are almost all over or higher than their real limit.

The things he is doing now will help the clan system go from 3 pages to 1 or disappear. He is getting away with a lot more than sandbagging.

Great Post Rusty

RIP Mghrn55

United States

03 Jun 09

@very-rusty said
Just keep doing what you are doing and your prediction will most likely come true.

I called it 2 years ago if things didn't change the Clan Challenges would disappear. We are already down to 3 pages.

You are being handed points on a silver platter, so be it, the victory at the end of the year will not mean much. Nice to see a stand up fellow like Venda leave your clan because I would assume of your tactics and manipulation.

And when clans will only play Anglian and not BB or Metallica? I see Collusion.
Something to look into.

Agreed Rusty. Good Post.


Victor, New York

08 May 09

@VESPIN BS as usual. Still working in that analysis of our games?

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
1 edit

@vespin said
And when clans will only play Anglian and not BB or Metallica? I see Collusion.
Something to look into.

Agreed Rusty. Good Post.
Thank You VESPIN,
I would say the same no matter what clan I was in. If he doesn't want to play Metallica or Breaking Bad, that is fine. He just shouldn't be telling other Clan Leaders not to play us or Metallica. I have been here for 17 plus years, have many chess buddies who happen to be Clan Leaders. Did he think none of them would say they were asked not to Play us? That my chess friends is not allowed by the RULES!!!



Victor, New York

08 May 09

@very-rusty said
Thank You VESPIN,
I would say the same no matter what clan I was in. If he doesn't want to play Metallica or Breaking Bad, that is fine. He just shouldn't be telling other Clan Leaders not to play us or Metallica. I have been here for 17 plus years, have many chess buddies who happen to be Clan Leaders. Did he think none of them would say they were asked not to Play us? That my chess friends is not allowed by the RULES!!!

Pardon me but would you quote the rule on this site that states that. Thanks.

Lover of History

Northants, England

15 Feb 05


Quite agree we need to get buy in

Lover of History

Northants, England

15 Feb 05


It’s gamesmanship. If you are winning in a soccer match (apologies Dave but I can’t think of a rugby alternative) clubs will often take a ball into a corner to use up time rather than energy. I don’t have a problem with that tactic, and if you are pulling it off it shows what great communication there is within that clan.

Lover of History

Northants, England

15 Feb 05
2 edits

@venda said
Does anyone else think the net points list should be replaced by a table based on average wins or am I just a lone voice in the wilderness?
One of my favourite films by the way was 12 angry men!
Where the system breaks down is that we have this scoring system of once you have one more that 50% of the points up for grab then you win them all, and this gives rise to tactics such as resigning games to move on.

If, on the other hand, the points that you win in a game you keep, everything changes, as even if your clan is going to lose the match, you can still win points for your clan by playing on.

So if we play a five man board against Metallica (hope you don’t mind Fred) and lose 3-2 then they collect six points and we would get four.

They should get some kind of extra bonus for winning the match, so why not start with a two point bonus to try it.

Small teams are never going to win the title, but with this kind of system a two man team that wins two nil gets 6 points not four, it gets a bit more interesting for them.

Lover of History

Northants, England

15 Feb 05

Sorry to post so many items in succession but I actually have time right now and it’s not always possible.

A killer in this system is where guys want to play, are in a clan, and the leader goes zzzz 🙈 which means the clan starts dying as nobody will process games. I’m not in favour of two leader clans, but a Captain and vice captain approach means if the leader does get run over by a bus and goes zzz then their number two can pick up the reigns and keep that clan alive.

Finally (you’ll be glad to hear) let’s get rid of one man clans (captain vice captain) so that you need two to start one up. As at the same time we are increasing the minimum threshold to start up, would it be worth decreasing the size of a clan to 18 to increase competition, and limit the number of clans that you can play for to two ?

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
4 edits

I believe both your ideas in the aforementioned posts are worth consideration. Personally I prefer the 20 Person Clans, agree there should be no 1 person Clans. For sure something has to change. Perhaps if opponents who lose got the points they did win? This would help stop clans from closing once they had the challenge won, providing someone isn't dragging it out purposely. That has been suggested before and shot down though. The Clan Challenges as it stands and you and others have pointed out is failing the way it now stands.
Perhaps now is time for CHANGE?

It would be nice to hear a comment from RUSS on this topic!!


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