@mott-the-hoople saidthe term lawyer does not encompass all areas of law.
google has made a lot of experts...the term lawyer does not encompass all areas of law.
That's right Mott. Just keep telling yourself that. 😏
08 Nov 19
@mchill saidWell, we've all commented as to the rationale of listening to one expound on something from a professional point of view, when we....are....,well,....not...so....sure that we can rely on those comments. But we take it tongue in cheek, no big deal, but I dont think it is good form to say,,,,"Well, I am a veterinarian and a collie is a bad dog!!" Just say a collie is a bad dog, and why he is a bad dog.
My 2 cents....what diff does it make what professions a poster is in?
It's makes a lot of difference Einstein. Donald Trump is embroiled in more legal fights than most small countries. You, Whodey, Mott and other "self appointed" experts here spout your opinions based on B.S. and regurgitate hand picked quotes from FOX News. While SH76 and No1 base there's on statutes and case law.
Who has more credibility? Duhhhhh- 😳
In closing,,,....You mention credibility in the news media. Have you seen all three, NBC< CBS and ABC get lambasted THIS WEEK for all the lying they just did? All three. FOX wasn't on the list. Help me Rhonda. Aren't you the one who told me to do my homework?? 😏
@mchill saidtip: #1...don't go to a probate lawyer to represent your murder charge. Damn what an idiot!
the term lawyer does not encompass all areas of law.
That's right Mott. Just keep telling yourself that. 😏
@mott-the-hoople saidWho did you kill, hoople, your boyfriend?
tip: #1...don't go to a probate lawyer to represent your murder charge. Damn what an idiot!