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An Apology

An Apology


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Originally posted by no1marauder
Have fun playing a superhero; I prefer the archvillain role myself, better lines and you can even have a sense of humor! Do you still want those tights for Halloween?

In Docockship,

Please dont hate me Ivanhoe, but LOL!!!


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Originally posted by bbarr
Well I, for one, am through insulting people directly. Although there are times when I feel it is deserved (e.g., when somebody posts some bigoted remark concerning homosexuality), it isn't conducive to actual debate, and it usually ends up obscuring the weaknesses of the positions under examination. So, from now on I'll only poke fun at ridiculous claims, ...[text shortened]... those who make them. No boxing for me, I'm afraid. I'm a lover, not a fighter. 😉


This is one of bbarr's empty promises. A lame tactic. Why ?

Because he has allready built in his escape routes in case he does indeed insult somebody as he has been doing all along.

Watch this:

BBarr: " ...am through insulting people directly "

Now knowing Bbarr he will undoubtedly start insulting people INdirectly. Who knows the exact difference ? Of course nobody.

"I'll only poke fun at ridiculous claims, and not those who make them."

There is a thin line between the two, a grey area, the area people like Bbarr and No1 like to work in.

That's why I say he makes empty promises, he builds in his escape routes so nobody can accuse him of breaking his promise ...

Another built in escape route: when somebody posts some "bigoted remark" concerning ......"

Who is to decide what bigoted is ? Precisely .... Bbarr. Another escape route constructed for the sole reason to bypass his promise.

That's why I claim:

...... Bbarrs promise "So, from now on I'll only poke fun at ridiculous claims, and not those who make them."

... is an empty promise. The future will prove me to be right. He may stay quite for a while but you cannot change the nature of the thingy. The whole story will start all over again.

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Originally posted by ivanhoe

This is one of bbarr's empty promises. A lame tactic. Why ?

Because he has allready built in his escape routes in case he does indeed insult somebody as he has been doing all along.

Watch this:

BBarr: " ...am through insulting people directly "

Now knowing Bbarr he will undoubtedly start insulting people INdirectly. Who knows the exac ...[text shortened]... ile but you cannot change the nature of the thingy. The whole story will start all over again.
Love is in the air.

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Originally posted by ivanhoe

This is one of bbarr's empty promises. A lame tactic. Why ?

Because he has allready built in his escape routes in case he does indeed insult somebody as he has been doing all along.

Watch this:

BBarr: " ...am through insulting people directly "

Now knowing Bbarr he will undoubtedly start insulting people INdirectly. Who knows the exac ...[text shortened]... ile but you cannot change the nature of the thingy. The whole story will start all over again.
You know what, I am starting to see the big picture here.
Bbarr said he will stop only to fool us, so that he can return with some insult one day, this is an outrage! I am shocked and appluad.
Look at the bigger picure Ivanhoe, He is actually trying to take over RHP! you see by him saying he is going to be nice,he is trying to brainwash us all to march against Russ.
Thank god you relized this before it was too late Ivanhoe, you saved the day, Bbarr will be gone to jail now, where he belongs and everything will return to be ok thanks to the great Ivanhoe!


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Originally posted by bbarr
Believe what suits you, Ivanhoe. I didn't know what Russ was talking about at the time. I quickly learned what he was talking about when I visited Cribs' forum, and found him talking about negotiations, and referring to a 'truce'. If y ...[text shortened]... should apologize. You shouldn't post libel, Ivanhoe.

Bbarr, what in the world are you babbling about ? The Cribs's site is and was called "Forum Wars". Didn't you notice ? and even if you didn't notice you should be aware of the situation about Cribs's actions which weren't exactly friendly towards the mods, the admins and RHP members. To pretend that you don't know what Russ is talking about when he talks about a "war", you are simply lying. And by lying in such an obvious way you also can be called a traitor towards RHP.

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Originally posted by Faith No More
You know what, I am starting to see the big picture here.
Bbarr said he will stop only to fool us, so that he can return with some insult one day, this is an outrage! I am shocked and appluad.
Look at the bigger picure Ivanhoe, He is actually trying to take over RHP! you see by him saying he is going to be nice,he is trying to brainwash us all to ma ...[text shortened]... now, where he belongs and everything will return to be ok thanks to the great Ivanhoe!

You're being sarcastic; that's my gig!😠

In Copyrightinfringmentship,


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Originally posted by no1marauder
Have fun playing a superhero; I prefer the archvillain role myself, better lines and you can even have a sense of humor! Do you still want those tights for Halloween?

In Docockship,


I see you recovered from last night. ....... It seems your big mouth has returned Moussie. Are you asking for more ?

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Originally posted by ivanhoe
Bbarr, what in the world are you babbling about ? The Cribs's site is and was called "Forum Wars". Didn't you notice ? and even if you didn't notice you should be aware of the situation about Cribs's actions which weren't exactly friendly towards the mods, the admins and RHP members. To pretend that you don't know what Russ is talking about when he ...[text shortened]... ply lying. And by lying in such an obvious way you also can be called a traitor towards RHP.

Ivanhoe, I'm not going to argue with you because it's useless, but think about these things. If Russ agrees with you (as you pretend) that the "Wolfpack's" tactics are so detrimental to the site, how come me or BBarr or RC or Nemesio or Acloyte, etc. have never even gotten so much as a forum ban? Don't you think that shows that he doesn't have a problem with the way we post? Didn't one of the mods specifically tell BBarr that he should just keep posting like he has, that there was no problem with it? And didn't a mod specifically tell you that your continued posting in this manner is causing more problems than our posting?

Just think about those questions, Ivanhoe.

In Contemplationship,


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Originally posted by ivanhoe
Bbarr, what in the world are you babbling about ? The Cribs's site is and was called "Forum Wars". Didn't you notice ? and even if you didn't notice you should be aware of the situation about Cribs's actions which weren't exactly fr ...[text shortened]... h an obvious way you also can be called a traitor towards RHP.

Interesting argument. So, because Cribs' forum is called "Forum Wars" its mere existence consitutes an attack on RHP? How silly!

Cribs' criticisms of the admins, mods, and the SSS aren't what Russ was talking about. Such criticism hardly constitutes the "threat of a war on RHP", which was what Russ claimed was going on the "Sheeppack" thread.

Anyway, from personal communication with Russ, I know that the "war" Russ was referring to was Cribs' trying to mask his IP address in order to access the site after his actual IP address had been blocked. The threat of a war was Cribs' threat to continue finding different ways to access the site, and thus force Russ to continue searching him out and blocking his access. I didn't know about these developments until I read the thread "Truce Proposal", and I didn't see that thread until after Russ's post in the "Sheeppack" thread. Further, my posts to Cribs' in the "Truce Proposal" thread were critical of how he was handling himself.

In short, as far as this matter is concerned, you don't know what you're talking about, Ivanhoe.

So, again, you are making libelous accusations and you ought to apologize.


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Originally posted by ivanhoe
Faith no more: " ... so I am living proof that some people join the forum thanks to the current atmosphere, becasue I enjoy getting ridiculed! :-)

If this is what the admins want then so be it. It is my opinion that they are choosing for the wrong crowd if they want the forums to be a lasting part of the RHP community. These bullies have a destructive wa ...[text shortened]... ve already been able to find out.

Please stand up against the bullies, don't support them.
So Ivanhoe after years of practicing being a knight in shining armor - pursuing girls who have abortions, people who think the earth is round and those who speak french - you have now found your true call. You will be the bully of the bullies.

A friendly advise : Don't.
You shift the focus from the case to the people presenting it. Thats never good netiqete and its seldom productive. I've said that before.
Apart from that you're not comming out to good presently.

Instead: Debate, state your oppinion, prove your case. You appear clearer and more rational when doing that compared to the last days of crusade against a particular group.
There are moderators to deal with people who acts as bullies, have faith in them. Don't pretend that its your job to do theirs.

To some of the other participants in this thread: The essence of the above might go for you aswell, think about it, let it be.

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Originally posted by shavixmir
You do all realise that if you stopped whining at each other you may well bump into sexy people in pubs and all that uh?
You do realise that if you stop trying to tell them that and get down there yourself, you get first pick of 'em?


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Originally posted by no1marauder
Ivanhoe, I'm not going to argue with you because it's useless, but think about these things. If Russ agrees with you (as you pretend) that the "Wolfpack's" tactics are so detrimental to the site, how come me or BBarr or RC or Nemesio or Acloyte, etc. have never even gotten so much as a forum ban? Don't you think that shows that he doesn't ...[text shortened]... about those questions, Ivanhoe.

In Contemplationship,

No1: "Didn't one of the mods specifically tell BBarr that he should just keep posting like he has, that there was no problem with it? And didn't a mod specifically tell you that your continued posting in this manner is causing more problems than our posting? "

Are you referring to Belgianfreak ?

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Originally posted by bbarr
Interesting argument. So, because Cribs' forum is called "Forum Wars" its mere existence consitutes an attack on RHP? How silly!

Cribs' criticisms of the admins, mods, and the SSS aren't what Russ was talking about. Such criticism hardly constitutes the "threat of a war on RHP", which was what Russ claimed was going on the "Sheeppack" thread.
...[text shortened]... nhoe.

So, again, you are making libelous accusations and you ought to apologize.

BBarr: "Interesting argument. So, because Cribs' forum is called "Forum Wars" its mere existence consitutes an attack on RHP? How silly!"

Indeed very silly. I didn't say this.

I don't buy your babblings. You knew what Russ was talking about.

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Originally posted by Scheel
So Ivanhoe after years of practicing being a knight in shining armor - pursuing girls who have abortions, people who think the earth is round and those who speak french - you have now found your true call. You will be the bully of the bullies.

A friendly advise : Don't.
You shift the focus from the case to the people presenting it. Thats never good netiq ...[text shortened]... nts in this thread: The essence of the above might go for you aswell, think about it, let it be.

I know your position Scheel.
Can you garantee that they will not disrupt the threads I, or someone else with which they disagree, will be opening in the future by lame Haikus, insults and other degrading remarks ?

... or are you suggesting just to accept their bullying ?

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