@sh76 saidThe Lancet?
Yeah, ivermectin doesn't seem to work.
Fluvoxamine, on the other hand, does seem to help substantially.
https://www.wsj.com/articles/is-fluvoxamine-the-covid-miracle-drug-we-have-been-waiting-for-oral- ...[text shortened]... is to score political points, then by all means, keep slamming the "idiots who take the horse paste"
That is the same journal that published a fraudulent study smearing HCQ and was forced to retract it.
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@metal-brain saidMy first response to you in this thread used The Lancet. It was okay because they actually quoted an entire article article, verbatim, from NCBI:
The Lancet?
That is the same journal that published a fraudulent study smearing HCQ and was forced to retract it.
You can check for yourself; it's the same exact article, nothing added, nothing taken away.
And from that same article about Brazil Covid misinformation:
"These actions included, among others, the blatant promotion of unproven drugs against Covid-19, such as hydroxychloroquine".
@vivify saidAgain, what kind of pills were in the kit? Did the kit include instructions? If so, what were those instructions?
My first response to you in this thread used The Lancet. It was okay because they actually quoted an entire article article, verbatim, from NCBI:
You can check for yourself; it's the same exact article, nothing added, nothing taken away.
And from that same article about Brazil Covid misinformation:
"These act ...[text shortened]... among others, the blatant promotion of unproven drugs against Covid-19, such as hydroxychloroquine".
It is completely unscientific to judge one drug of many included in a kit, especially since you have no idea what combination of drugs were taken by those that got the kit. Combining drugs can also be detrimental in some cases, depending on the drugs.
You are spreading big pharma propaganda. A kit of multiple drugs that have not been tested in that combination is evidence of nothing. You need to do a study of those multiple combinations to be scientifically sound and nobody has done that.
@shallow-blue saidIvermectin is an FDA approved drug for human use that is proven safe. Calling it horse paste is a pathetic cheap shot to demonize generic drugs that serves big pharma's big profits.
FFS, stop using either kind of horse paste, you child-killer!
You and sonhouse should be ashamed of yourselves.
@sh76 saidNo see you don’t understand MB is hell bent on causing as many deaths and socioeconomic damage in the west that he can.
Yeah, ivermectin doesn't seem to work.
Fluvoxamine, on the other hand, does seem to help substantially.
https://www.wsj.com/articles/is-fluvoxamine-the-covid-miracle-drug-we-have-been-waiting-for-oral- ...[text shortened]... is to score political points, then by all means, keep slamming the "idiots who take the horse paste"
If you prove Fluvoxamine works I’ll take it on top of my boosters but MB will conjure any number of professors of science thingy to swear its a con and or is being used to make you buy Microsoft products.
@metal-brain saidThe link says Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine were also prescribed individually, apart from the kits. So you have no point here.
Again, what kind of pills were in the kit? Did the kit include instructions? If so, what were those instructions?
It is completely unscientific to judge one drug of many included in a kit, especially since you have no idea what combination of drugs were taken by those that got the kit. Combining drugs can also be detrimental in some cases
If at the very least, Covid infections were cut down but people had adverse reactions, then you'd have a point. People had adverse reactions *and* Covid.
The frequent and widespread use of HCQ and horse dewormer did absolutely nothing to help Brazil, which had the second highest number of cases and deaths from Covid in the world.
@vivify saidHold on. Were the kits prescribed? If not, you have no point here.
The link says Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine were also prescribed individually, apart from the kits. So you have no point here.
If at the very least, Covid infections were cut down but people had adverse reactions, then you'd have a point. People had adverse reactions *and* Covid.
The frequent and widespread use of HCQ and horse dewormer did absolutely nothing to help Brazil, which had the second highest number of cases and deaths from Covid in the world.
What adverse reactions? Do you mean for taking a drug cocktail that was not prescribed?
Ivermectin is an FDA approved drug for human use. Calling it horse dewormer is an shameless way to demonize ivermectin. Joe Rogan did not take horse dewormer as many news outlets falsely claimed. His doctor prescribed it to him.
People are getting fed up by big pharma corruption. A new Michigan bill would allow controversial medications for patients dying of COVID-19. If it passes people in Michigan will not have to resort to horse dewormer anymore. Isn't that a good thing?
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@metal-brain saidYou're dodging.
What adverse reactions? Do you mean for taking a drug cocktail that was not prescribed?
I said Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine were also *individually* prescribed. In fact, ivermectin was even given away for free in Brazil. You're trying to focus on the kit to conjure up an excuse why ivermectin and HCQ so utterly failed in Brazil.
Adverse reactions came from using ivermectin and HCQ, both from individual use and from the kits.
Hold on. Were the kits prescribed? If not, you have no point here.
Yes. The kits were prescribed by doctors.
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@vivify saidNope. The doctors prescribed individual drugs as PART of the kit. They didn't say they prescribed the kit. False narrative.
You're dodging.
I said Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine were also *individually* prescribed. In fact, ivermectin was even given away for free in Brazil. You're trying to focus on the kit to conjure up an excuse why ivermectin and HCQ so utterly failed in Brazil.
Adverse reactions came from using ivermectin and HCQ, both from individual use and from the kits.
[b] ...[text shortened]... spitals-gave-patients-dodgy-unproven-covid-19-rcna2849
Yes. The kits were prescribed by doctors.
"Whistleblowing doctors, through their lawyer, testified at the Senate last week that Prevent Senior enlisted participants to test unproven drugs without proper consent and forced doctors to toe the line on prescribing unproven drugs touted by President Jair Bolsonaro as part of a “COVID kit.”
Where is your evidence that the kits were the cause of a problem? There are highly vaccinated countries and states that have an increase in covid cases and deaths. If those increases are despite a high vaccination rate why should anybody assume it is because of a different factor?
How can you possibly prove those kits were the cause? If I say Israel had an increase in covid cases because of the vaccines can you dispute that using your same logic?
You seem to be jumping to conclusions based on political bias.
Why are you asking US to do your research? If you were really interested in the science, you could go to the Brazilian med sites to see the data but of course that is not your MO, which is to weaponize ANYTHING you think will show doubt on Biden and to diss the US since you WANT the US to fail.
And you can admit it.
Go on, you can do it, just admit you hate the US and will do anything for its destruction.
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@metal-brain saidSee the OP.
Where is your evidence that the kits were the cause of a problem?
How can you possibly prove those kits were the cause? If I say Israel had an increase in covid cases because of the vaccines can you dispute that using your same logic?
In the span of just a few posts, you went from blaming the drugs in these kits for ivermectin's failures to defending them. Is it because you now know hydroxychloroquine was included?
I never said the kits caused Covid. I pointed out that they failed, spectacularly, to prevent it. Vaccines have been proven to work, all around the world. Ivermectin/HCQ has has been not.
@metal-brain saidActually, that incident increased its credibility in my eyes. When faced with evidence that they had been conned by Surgisphere, they cut bait and retracted the paper right away and took the PR hit, rather than try to dig in and defend their article.
The Lancet?
That is the same journal that published a fraudulent study smearing HCQ and was forced to retract it.
@sh76 saidAre you implying they had a choice? The alternative was to decrease it's credibility. Was that really an option?
Actually, that incident increased its credibility in my eyes. When faced with evidence that they had been conned by Surgisphere, they cut bait and retracted the paper right away and took the PR hit, rather than try to dig in and defend their article.
@vivify saidNo, it is because the article didn't specify what drugs were in the kit. It mentioned 2 we have all heard of, but we don't know those were the only two. I keep asking you what drugs were in the kit and you cannot answer that. Drugs are sometimes used in combination, but they are tested with that specific combination for FDA approval.
See the OP.
How can you possibly prove those kits were the cause? If I say Israel had an increase in covid cases because of the vaccines can you dispute that using your same logic?
In the span of just a few posts, you went from blaming the drugs in these kits for ivermectin's failures to defending them. Is it because you now know hydroxychloroquine was included?
...[text shortened]... event it. Vaccines have been proven to work, all around the world. Ivermectin/HCQ has has been not.
Throwing a bunch of drugs in a box is not proper medical science unless the specific combination has been tested. Unless you can prove it was tested for that it says nothing about the individual drugs used without combination.
You cannot even prove the kits were to blame for failure and the kit is under scrutiny, not ivermectin. Ivermectin is not a kit. It is merely one ingredient of many and I don't think doctors prescribe both ivermectin and HCQ at the same time. Do you?