The post that was quoted here has been removedFrench police killing of Algerians in 1961 ,how many of those police do you think are alive today ?
" Phil3000 seems eager to encourage persecution of Muslims wherever he can "
You are truly stark raving bonkers, nutty as a fruit cake . You need some time on the leather couch or a straight jacket in a padded room .
You do realise you are on a chess web site, do you not ? .You know, a past time little hobby that people like to play now and then .
🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 How old are you by the way ? I guess about 13yrs
Originally posted by phil3000Pot, kettle....
French police killing of Algerians in 1961 ,how many of those police do you think are alive today ?
" Phil3000 seems eager to encourage persecution of Muslims wherever he can "
You are truly stark raving bonkers, nutty as a fruit cake . You need some time on the leather couch or a straight jacket in a padded room .
You do realise you are on a chess we ...[text shortened]... ople like to play now and then .
🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 How old are you by the way ? I guess about 13yrs
Originally posted by twhiteheadWell it depends on how aesthetically pleasing it was and what its purpose was. I studied art and design for four years in my own city of Glasgow. I have drawn and painted many nudes, both male and female in life drawing class. I have no problem with tasteful depictions of the naked human body. But again, context is everything.
So if you saw women walking around naked at the shopping mall you would have no problem with it?
Your pretence that there are no societal norms for dress even in a secular society is clearly false. The fact is that all women and men, Muslim or otherwise, are coerced into maintaining certain dress codes. If women are unreasonably coerced in some circumsta ...[text shortened]... rts in public. Even better, banning men from wearing that ridiculous skirt you wear in Scotland.
I have also not stated that there is no societal norms, you simply made that up and infact if you read my texts more thoroughly you will see thats its self evident that I profess that there is societal norms. Your accusation of pretence is therefore not only unjustified, its demonstrably false and I really wish you would refrain from assuming values that have not been explicitly expressed, its tedious to point out how illogical they are.
What you suspect is neither here nor there and its clear that you have no idea what a full plaid is, nor how its to be worn, being culturally bereft. Go back to trolling school, this attempt was weak, real weak!
Originally posted by no1marauderAs a Christian I am under duress to obey the secular authorities. But its a relative subjection only in as far as it does not infringe upon Biblical principles. If the government therefore banned the wearing of neck ties I would comply because it does not infringe upon Biblical principles, I can still be clean, modest and tastefully dressed without a neck tie. In the case of reading the Bible in public I would also probably acquiesce and simply read the Bible in private.
If the French government passed a law criminalizing reading the Bible in public places would you applaud it as a fine example of the principle of "European secularism"?
Originally posted by robbie carrobieI did not ask if you would obey it; I asked if you would applaud it as you have the burkina ban as a fine example of "European secularism". That you dodged that question really answers it.
As a Christian I am under duress to obey the secular authorities. But its a relative subjection only in as far as it does not infringe upon Biblical principles. If the government therefore banned the wearing of neck ties I would comply because it does not infringe upon Biblical principles, I can still be clean, modest and tastefully dressed without ...[text shortened]... eading the Bible in public I would also probably acquiesce and simply read the Bible in private.
Originally posted by phil3000Marstons English Pale ale, British malted grain and American hops, nom nom nom! That Innis and Gunn is pure vanilla from those American cherrywood casks! Also nom nom nom! My uncle was called George 😀
Marston's pedigree ... I must admit Innis & Gunn is a fine tipple.
George ,that's the name of my dog ( English setter) and the name of my passed away pop .