@wajoma saidJust answer the question.
Do you spend 5 minutes sniffing the brown smear on the toilet paper, or longer?
Because either you did, and you’re living proof that indeed the vaccinations make you stupid (actually, living proof your blood didn’t dry up or whatever the hell else you think vaccinations do) or you didn’t, which means you weren’t coerced at all.
In both cases, no matter what you answer, you undermine your whole argument.
Hence you now yack on about your hobbies instead.
@metal-brain saidYou missed the great Whazoo from planet Tyronia when he popped by and told us?
How do you know Eladar is on a 2 year ban?
Did you get him banned?
Seemingly Eladar isn’t banned, but he’s been abducted up his own arse and the expectation is that the miners won’t be able to pull him out for at least 23 months.
16 Mar 22
@shavixmir saidLesson for shag doody: Because people resist coercion does not mean the coercion does not exist.
Just answer the question.
Because either you did, and you’re living proof that indeed the vaccinations make you stupid (actually, living proof your blood didn’t dry up or whatever the hell else you think vaccinations do) or you didn’t, which means you weren’t coerced at all.
In both cases, no matter what you answer, you undermine your whole argument.
Hence you now yack on about your hobbies instead.
Thousands of people have lost their job including doctors, nurses, teachers, builders, drivers, almost every profession. Brave people, not trailer trash, have ended their careers, many with mortgages to service, families to feed.
Great news: recently Fontera NZ's largest Co. backed down on their coercion of the seizure syrup because too many employees said 'no'.
Also there's wide spread disobedience, again, this does not mean there is no coercion it means people are brave and they're standing up to the bullying.
@wajoma saidUhuh.
Lesson for shag doody: Because people resist coercion does not mean the coercion does not exist.
Thousands of people have lost their job including doctors, nurses, teachers, builders, drivers, almost every profession. Brave people, not trailer trash, have ended their careers, many with mortgages to service, families to feed.
Great news: recently Fontera NZ's largest Co. ...[text shortened]... oes not mean there is no coercion it means people are brave and they're standing up to the bullying.
So not so much coercion as advice, then, eh.
-Removed-In an interview on AM Show 22 Sept 2020:
AM Show host Duncan Garner, asks direct question: "Will you, in this country have sanctions against people who don't take, or aren't vaccinated against..."
Goofy horse face cuts in and answers: "No we haven't done that because levels of vaccination in NZ are high blah blah....(polly speak)"
Host DG: "So no penalties if you don't?"
Horse face goofy: "No I see no reason to do that..."
@shavixmir saidThe threat of $15000 fines for businesses. The threat of losing your job and as a consequence your house. Yeah, you'd fold like a house of cards, well news for shagdoody, people are brave they stood and said no, they stood against pepper spray and cop thugs dressed in their stupid costumes, they stood against rubber bullets, they stood against the bullies.
So not so much coercion as advice, then, eh.
@shavixmir saidSo it comes to light, shag doody would indeed fold, that is why he wishes to belittle those that are brave enough to put it all on the line, he wishes to bring them down to his level.
So not so much coercion as advice, then, eh.
I'm here for the laughs and the psychology of the place, and shag doodys issue is (now don't get lost in the high jargon) no balls, there were women standing face to face with the riot cops and their riot shields and their riot weapons who have more balls than shag. I'm never going to convince shag to grow a pair, how many years has this place been going in the same circles, but this is the root of shags issues, he doesn't have it so he has to try to pull people down, 'trailer trash' eh shag? No they're not.
It's all false shag, you're living a lie.
'Above all else be true to thine own self...."
16 Mar 22
@wajoma saidI asked you which states where masks were worn less "performed better". You've completed dodged this question, pretending you didn't see it, after going out of your to assert this.
There were plenty of side by side comparisons done, some states filled with mask zombies performed better, some states with freedom lovers performed better, nothing conclusive either way.
Masks work given some very specific conditions relating to handling and standards. It needs to be fit tested for leaks around the edge everytime. You cannot play with it, lifting it up an ...[text shortened]... tue signal, it's all theatre.
BTW forcing your power trip mask wearing BS on kids is child abuse.
So will you answer this question? Or were you just making things up?
-Removed-A truly accurate and nuanced discussion would concede that COVID NPI's and vaccines help but then carefully balance the harms of NPI's, the general evil of coercing people to do things and the (albeit) small risks of some number of vaccine doses to some age groups against the benefits of these measures.
But that discussion is far too nuanced for this board and too nuanced for most social media platforms. All you need is one idiot to scream "conspiracy" and pretty soon food is flying around the table.
So, I will confine my comments to:
1. I'm glad most of the coercion is gone and I look forward to the remaining vestiges falling
2. If anyone feels more comfortable masking or staying home or whatever, I respect their decisions
3. As COVID comes back to your area, people who are older or more vulnerable would be well advised to consider getting vaccinated or boosted, as the case may be. People should speak to their doctors.
4. Vaccine mandates that force the non-vulnerable (like healthy teens and 20s) to vaccinate and accept the small but real risk of serious adverse effects are immoral, especially because the effect on transmission is marginal.
16 Mar 22
@sh76 saidJMHO - Agreed.
A truly accurate and nuanced discussion would concede that COVID NPI's and vaccines help but then carefully balance the harms of NPI's, the general evil of coercing people to do things and the (albeit) small risks of some number of vaccine doses to some age groups against the benefits of these measures.
But that discussion is far too nuanced for this board and too nuanced for ...[text shortened]... k of serious adverse effects are immoral, especially because the effect on transmission is marginal.
Though I was really looking forward to the food flying around the table! 😏
@vivify saidDo you think I care about your yap yap yapping, I play you, you don't play me, been doing this too long.
I asked you which states where masks were worn less "performed better". You've completed dodged this question, pretending you didn't see it, after going out of your to assert this.
So will you answer this question? Or were you just making things up?