Originally posted by no1marauderWhy do you keep referring to "the voting results?" You know they don't allow the opposition to run there or they harass them, throw them in jail or kill them. I just attended the Atlas Economic Research Foundation's conference held in Dallas, Texas, two weeks ago, and the three Latin American panelists (from Venezuela, Argentina and Bolivia) said the situation in the Andes was dire. These are just average people who work as journalists or at think tanks. One was a lawyer like yourself, and I can assure you he didn't approve of the extinguishing of freedom in the region or the withdrawl politically of the United States. As to your silly remarks about my credibility, I'd be willing to bet anyone that I know more South Americans personally than you do as I'm engaged to one. She has extended family all over Dallas, Houston, Orlando, Tampa and Miami, and I meet more and more of them every month. Furthermore, I've even been to Venezuela, have you? Just last year, as a matter of fact and I'm still in regular contact with my future inlaws there. Trust me, no one in the middle and upper classes is happy in Venezuela unless they are in the military or work for the government. I don't know why you keep defending a creep like Chavez or clap your hands every time one of these tyrants wipes his ass with his country's constitution. You should be ashamed.
I'm sure you know this by reading worldnetdaily.com or listening to Fox News.
The voting results say that the average Venezuelan or Bolivian is content with their government, which is more than the average American would say. You've been guilty of gross exaggeration in the past as well as profound ignorance of other countries; there's no reason to take you seriously.
Originally posted by der schwarze RitterThat you hang out with a bunch of rich folks who don't like governments that are improving the lot of the average citizen doesn't lend you extra credibility. Your claims about the elections in these countries and the supposed high level of repression of opposition political parties are just more of your never ending blatant lies; in fact, a proposal by Chavez to amend the Venezuelan constitution was recently narrowly defeated. So much for "killing" the opposition.
Why do you keep referring to "the voting results?" You know they don't allow the opposition to run there or they harass them, throw them in jail or kill them. I just attended the Atlas Economic Research Foundation's conference held in Dallas, Texas, two weeks ago, and the three Latin American panelists (from Venezuela, Argentina and Bolivia) said ...[text shortened]... f these tyrants wipes his ass with his country's constitution. You should be ashamed.
The Atlas Economic Research Foundation is a far right, neocon supporter of established economic elites. They have no credibility with anyone who isn't an extremist nut.
Originally posted by no1marauderHave you even passed the bar? Just looking at your inferences and faulty logic and denials of reality makes me wonder if you're even employed.
That you hang out with a bunch of rich folks who don't like governments that are improving the lot of the average citizen doesn't lend you extra credibility. Your claims about the elections in these countries and the supposed high level of repression of opposition political parties are just more of your never ending blatant lies; in fact, a proposal by C ...[text shortened]... tablished economic elites. They have no credibility with anyone who isn't an extremist nut.
Originally posted by karnachzOh....so the Berlin Wall was a good idea? And the Cold War was really a wonderful way for nations to get along together....you know....all those missles aimed at each other. I know of the perfect country for you to move to, Comrade.
How about how that dirty Ronald Reagan managed to get to power, and pollute the country with his foul ideology?
Originally posted by no1marauderYou're just doing what other socialists in this forum do, blame the ''rich people'', the ''elite'', playing the ''class struggle card''.
That you hang out with a bunch of rich folks who don't like governments that are improving the lot of the average citizen doesn't lend you extra credibility. Your claims about the elections in these countries and the supposed high level of repression of opposition political parties are just more of your never ending blatant lies; in fact, a proposal by C ...[text shortened]... tablished economic elites. They have no credibility with anyone who isn't an extremist nut.
Chavez was defeated because there are still people in venezuela who belive in democracy, and if it wasn't for them, the country could have got much worse (believe it or not)
Originally posted by generalissimoI have been reading these comments with alot of interest . What I have never understood is why people who hate our way of life here and think that countries under tyrants are Utopias, why do they not just move there instead of trying to destroy this nation.
You're just doing what other socialists in this forum do, blame the ''rich people'', the ''elite'', playing the ''class struggle card''.
Chavez was defeated because there are still people in venezuela who belive in democracy, and if it wasn't for them, the country could have got much worse (believe it or not)
Originally posted by ale1552For these Starbucks socialists and red diaper babies, revolutions are always better if they occur in a foreign country.
I have been reading these comments with alot of interest . What I have never understood is why people who hate our way of life here and think that countries under tyrants are Utopias, why do they not just move there instead of trying to destroy this nation.
Originally posted by der schwarze RitterIf we get Obama, they will not have to have a revolution...they will be in control. They are laughing up their sleeves at the dupes who are helping put them into power.
For these Starbucks socialists and red diaper babies, revolutions are always better if they occur in a foreign country.
Originally posted by der schwarze RitterYou would have hated George Washington in 1776, DSR.
For these Starbucks socialists and red diaper babies, revolutions are always better if they occur in a foreign country.
What do you think of this quote:
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
Seems like that's what they're doing in Venezuela, Bolivia and Ecuador. Too bad your wealthy buddies and the Atlas boys don't like it.
Originally posted by generalissimoThat's impossible; according to DSR, if you oppose the government in Venezuela you're likely to be killed. How did all those dead people get to vote in the referendum?
You're just doing what other socialists in this forum do, blame the ''rich people'', the ''elite'', playing the ''class struggle card''.
Chavez was defeated because there are still people in venezuela who belive in democracy, and if it wasn't for them, the country could have got much worse (believe it or not)
Originally posted by ale1552No, the Berlin Wall wasn't a good idea. It's a good thing that the Cold War is over. What on earth do either of those things have to do with Ronald Reagan? Virtually nothing whatsoever, except that he was alive and watching those events as a spectator.
Oh....so the Berlin Wall was a good idea? And the Cold War was really a wonderful way for nations to get along together....you know....all those missles aimed at each other. I know of the perfect country for you to move to, Comrade.
The Cold War would still have ended when it did even if Reagan hadn't screwed the US by racking up the national debt with wasteful military spending, just like the economy was already on track to improve due to Carter's good work. Reagan was a credit jumper and a great actor.
The USSR imploded on itself due to its military-industrial complex, and Gorbachev's liberal social reforms were too late to fix the problem; they just empowered the people to realise how badly they'd been screwed. Now the US needs to be careful not to meet the same fate.
Originally posted by no1marauderThe Founding Fathers of the US seemed to understand this, too, and went to an awful lot of trouble to declare independence from the corrupt British Empire.
You believe in capitalism a lot more than you believe in democracy. Most right wingers do.
Foreign rich guys running your countries' economy is not necessary or desirable, as most South Americans now understand.
Edit: Hey I know! Why don't we sponsor terrorist attacks against democratically elected socialist governments in South America, with the idea of intimidating them until they submit to right-wing-style capitalist rule. Ronald Reagan did that, so it must be a good idea!
Originally posted by der schwarze RitterThat's pretty cool -- all the best to you both for a happy marriage.
Why do you keep referring to "the voting results?" You know they don't allow the opposition to run there or they harass them, throw them in jail or kill them. I just attended the Atlas Economic Research Foundation's conference held in Dallas, Texas, two weeks ago, and the three Latin American panelists (from Venezuela, Argentina and Bolivia) said ...[text shortened]... f these tyrants wipes his ass with his country's constitution. You should be ashamed.
Originally posted by karnachzIt was Ronald Regan's personal decision to compare democracy to communism. It was Ronald Regan's personal decision to take that fight to the Kremlin. It was Ronald Regan who ended the Cold War with what you call "wasteful military spending," which freed millions of people in Eastern Europe.
No, the Berlin Wall wasn't a good idea. It's a good thing that the Cold War is over. What on earth do either of those things have to do with Ronald Reagan? Virtually nothing whatsoever, except that he was alive and watching those events as a spectator.
The Cold War would still have ended when it did even if Reagan hadn't screwed the US by racking up the ...[text shortened]... e how badly they'd been screwed. Now the US needs to be careful not to meet the same fate.
Originally posted by der schwarze RitterAnother right wing fairy tale brought to you from DSR. Ronnie told us we had to spend all that money because the Russkies were way ahead of us in military power; he wouldn't have lied would he?
It was Ronald Regan's personal decision to compare democracy to communism. It was Ronald Regan's personal decision to take that fight to the Kremlin. It was Ronald Regan who ended the Cold War with what you call "wasteful military spending," which freed millions of people in Eastern Europe.