Who needs education anyway? Just give me a smartphone and a few lessons on how to access chat gpt or whatever you AI flavor of the minute is and let them get on with.
I mean who needs nationwide minimum standards of math, english, science and history?
If you want to claim that orangeman is the greatest president that's ever been, an education will only get in the way and cause serious cognitive dissonance for all the little kiddies, so yeah, USA should be post educational.
@AverageJoe1 saidgasp!! you mean that telling horny teenagers the only way to avoid pregnancy is just not have sex is NOT working??
My post regards classes…..follow me here,,,,,which presently exist in South Mississippi, where there is a 75% illegitimacy rate. Do you follow?????
So, these girls must be TAUGHT to avoid becoming pregnancy.
Are you aware that people read your posts?
oh wait, you don't even do that. you're talking about teaching GIRLS how not to get pregnant which is another level of despicable on your despicable human layer cake
@kmax87 said"I mean who needs nationwide minimum standards of math, english, science and history?"
Who needs education anyway? Just give me a smartphone and a few lessons on how to access chat gpt or whatever you AI flavor of the minute is and let them get on with.
I mean who needs nationwide minimum standards of math, english, science and history?
If you want to claim that orangeman is the greatest president that's ever been, an education will only get in the way and ...[text shortened]... se serious cognitive dissonance for all the little kiddies, so yeah, USA should be post educational.
since the poorly educated consistently vote republican, i would guess it's democrats who need that ๐
@Zahlanzi saidWhat we need is good systems of education, it isn't like anyone can point to what is
"I mean who needs nationwide minimum standards of math, english, science and history?"
since the poorly educated consistently vote republican, i would guess it's democrats who need that ๐
currently in place and say look at the great job that is being done. Give the states
the freedom to do what seems best to them, take away the chains of Federal
bureaucratic restraint and control that are more interested in their power than
results, and let the competition begin in who can raise the bar on the educational
system results.
@AverageJoe1 saidWelcome to the Stone Age.
OK. I’ll bite. If 8 yr old Suzy is to get a proper education in the Mississippi Delta, she will definitely need to learn how to avoid getting pregnant so that when she gets to New York, she will not be dragging a baby with her. Follow me here ….she gets the best education in the atmosphere in which she lives, let us call it a culture. The culture of Idaho, were Justin i ...[text shortened]... mplying that you could educate them so that they would easily fit into any culture. You are an idiot
No wonder Republicans are such troglodytes.
@AverageJoe1 saidThis is perhaps one of the more heinous things you've ever written in this forum.
Standards??? The 10 commandments and the constitution are restrictive enough.
@KellyJay saidThank God you're not Secretary of Education.
What we need is good systems of education, it isn't like anyone can point to what is
currently in place and say look at the great job that is being done. Give the states
the freedom to do what seems best to them, take away the chains of Federal
bureaucratic restraint and control that are more interested in their power than
results, and let the competition begin in who can raise the bar on the educational
system results.
@KellyJay saidwhat exact rule from department of education has been restraining the education in the great state of Alabama. Or Louisiana. Or any red state at the bottom of the rankings.
What we need is good systems of education, it isn't like anyone can point to what is
currently in place and say look at the great job that is being done. Give the states
the freedom to do what seems best to them, take away the chains of Federal
bureaucratic restraint and control that are more interested in their power than
results, and let the competition begin in who can raise the bar on the educational
system results.
would more book banning help with literacy? would teaching stupidity like noahs flood help?
do you have something specific in mind or you're just throwing random capitalizms at the wal and whatever sticks is fine
@KellyJay saidThe libs here, pretenders to the education throne, will not understand your logical common sense post.
What we need is good systems of education, it isn't like anyone can point to what is
currently in place and say look at the great job that is being done. Give the states
the freedom to do what seems best to them, take away the chains of Federal
bureaucratic restraint and control that are more interested in their power than
results, and let the competition begin in who can raise the bar on the educational
system results.
They just don’t. There has simply GOT to be a federal umbrella in every scenario. Just more evidence of their dependence on the Great Nanny, teats and all.
They want the govt to tell the States how to run their states.
Oh…..they don’t tell us WHY govt should tell states how to run their states. Why don’t they๐ฅน?
@Zahlanzi saidNo need to Google any such rules that you refer to.. Instead, just let the states do what they want to do, and there would be no federal rules for us to discuss, would there. Do you think that the federal government should make rules to states and how they should run their education systems? No, you cannot show that you do. Therefore, there’s no issue. You libs are idiots. You are really losing it since you lost the election.
what exact rule from department of education has been restraining the education in the great state of Alabama. Or Louisiana. Or any red state at the bottom of the rankings.
would more book banning help with literacy? would teaching stupidity like noahs flood help?
do you have something specific in mind or you're just throwing random capitalizms at the wal and whatever sticks is fine