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fair taxation

fair taxation



@averagejoe1 said
I dont even think our libs are thinking percentage any more, Its more like all they can get. Frankly, their weak productive capabilities actually will REQUIRE all of the money of the conservative/republican producers.
Did you forget how your precious conservatives wrecked the economy in 2007-08?


@handyandy said
Did you forget how your precious conservatives wrecked the economy in 2007-08?
Can’t dig up and fix what happened in Stone Age, were fixin it now. China bout to blink, load up on the right stocks as the economy you mention is gettin fixed.

2 edits

@averagejoe1 said
Can’t dig up and fix what happened in Stone Age, were fixin it now. China bout to blink, load up on the right stocks as the economy you mention is gettin fixed.
Do you sit there wearing your MAGA cap while you wait for China to blink?


@handyandy said
Do you sit there wearing your MAGA cap while you wait for China to blink?
Ha, gave one to my significant other for Valentines. Yes, she liked it, but FEARS (an oft-used word of liberals) wearing in a place teeming with liberals, who, as you know, can go maniacal on anybody they disagree with. They would hit her. They would tell her "No Free Speech in this place!!!!!" Not trying to be funny,,,a fact.


@averagejoe1 said
Before a final ‘way to collect federal income tax’ can be agreed upon’ , I would think we should agree, first, it is ok for Bill to make More Money than Jack. The key factor is that Bill works harder, smarter than Jack. At end of the day, Bill has more money on his kitchen table than Jack. Our leaders then decide what percentage of their respective money go into the ‘com ...[text shortened]... ! THIS should be the issue in this thread. Maybe in the process we will discover def of fair share.
Many of the super rich do not work. Their wealth is inherited and managed by others to produce more wealth for them which is either not taxed or taxed very minimally. Anyone working full time deserves a living wage. Perhaps minimum wage should be based on the state where one resides. The cost of living is higher in Alaska and Hawaii than it is in Mississippi. A reasonable minimum wage would help end corporate welfare and stimulate the economy by giving a living wage to workers who would actually spend the income, not sock it away off shore or in stocks. In the U.S. we are continually making it more difficult for people to get an education and acquire skills that will enable them to get high paying jobs. Plus there seems to be this attitude that if you are a teacher, a social worker, etc. you do not deserve a wage many would deem appropriate for the level of education and training. I'm guessing this is due largely to the fact some consider these careers "women's work" not deserving a decent salary. Not everyone can be an entrepreneur. Businesses need workers. Workers should be allowed to form labor unions. Labor unions have been destroyed in the U.S. There is much talk of how the U.S. deficit is due to Medicare and Social Security, both paid for by workers. It would be interesting to tease out the Federal cost of entitlements to corporations that lobbyists have managed to buy from Congress.


@phranny said
Many of the super rich do not work. Their wealth is inherited and managed by others to produce more wealth for them which is either not taxed or taxed very minimally. Anyone working full time deserves a living wage. Perhaps minimum wage should be based on the state where one resides. The cost of living is higher in Alaska and Hawaii than it is in Mississippi. A reasonable min ...[text shortened]... t the Federal cost of entitlements to corporations that lobbyists have managed to buy from Congress.
I don't take issue with much of what you say, but notice that libs are always concerned with 'money that other people have'. Libs also have this idea of there being one big pie that has to be shared, divvied up, all fair, etc. But, there are many pies, and more being created every day. If Leon opens a Deli today, he starts his pie, he may share it, someone else will buy a piece of the biz from him. All this has nothing to do with other people, their money, or another pie. If super rich dont work, it is none of Leon's business. If he stews and whines about 'other people' that takes a lot of energy away from his own life and concerns.

I don't get what you mean when you say someone 'deserves' living wage. The definition of deserve is having a quality of worth or reward, or, to have earned something. Not something that someone, like an employer, owes to you. He pays you what you are worth, but there is nothing deserved such as a living wage from that employer. Your ideas, then, about how making more money has a positive effect, are true, but one cannot just say an employer MUST pay whatever a government says is a living wage. I wouldn't even open a deli if I saw that coming.Creepy.

I agree that employees can meet for coffee and agree to 'unionize', it is a free country. But at the moment, they are working for a guy who may only be able to 'take so much' of the foolishness that it brings, and just say he won't recognize them as a group. As to established businesses calling themselves labor unions trespassing on his property, he can just run them off, together with any employee aligned with them. Remember when you take these positions, that conservatives are REAL big on keeping government out of everyone's business, and you should be, too. Govt. should handle military, FDA, ATF, et al, specific agencies, but leave the running of our lives and our businesses, well, to us.


@averagejoe1 said
I don't take issue with much of what you say, but notice that libs are always concerned with 'money that other people have'. Libs also have this idea of there being one big pie that has to be shared, divvied up, all fair, etc. But, there are many pies, and more being created every day. If Leon opens a Deli today, he starts his pie, he may share it, someone else will buy ...[text shortened]... , ATF, et al, specific agencies, but leave the running of our lives and our businesses, well, to us.
Any individual's ability to make money is dependent on the economic system that society creates.

And, as I explained to you in the other thread, if a business owner did the things you say he can do in response to union organizing, he'd be in violation of the law.


@no1marauder said
Any individual's ability to make money is dependent on the economic system that society creates.

And, as I explained to you in the other thread, if a business owner did the things you say he can do in response to union organizing, he'd be in violation of the law.
Absolutely. We agree! One can readily see that the ability to make money in the USA is different than the ability to make money in Cuba or in the democratic socialist countries. We can discuss welfare, which is more prevalent in those countries, but the issue is 'making money'. So, to make money, one should take a ride on the USA Express.

Yes, if the law of a certain state requires a business owner to succumb to Unions, then of course he must. No argument there. Like the immigrant invaders, everyone should abide by the laws..... May I interject here, that this is an example of liberal hypocrisy.....You imply above that a biz owner should not violate the law. But in another thread, it seems to me you are saying that it is OK for immigrants to violate the law. How can you square that?


@averagejoe1 said
I don't take issue with much of what you say, but notice that libs are always concerned with 'money that other people have'. Libs also have this idea of there being one big pie that has to be shared, divvied up, all fair, etc. But, there are many pies, and more being created every day. If Leon opens a Deli today, he starts his pie, he may share it, someone else will buy ...[text shortened]... , ATF, et al, specific agencies, but leave the running of our lives and our businesses, well, to us.
When corporations do not give workers a fair wage, tax dollars get spent on their needs: health care, food, shelter, tax breaks. This amounts to my tax dollars being spent on corporate welfare which I find detestable. Workers need to have the right to organize in order to force corporations to provide safe working conditions, benefits and decent wages. Yes, a corporation's cost of doing business will go up and their customers will pay more. labor being able to organize is part of the entire free enterprise picture. Unfortunately, you seem to only be interested in free enterprise principals for corporations along with government handouts for corporations. We already have a social democracy in the U.S. We need to expand that so that we have an educated and healthy workforce. As the largest industrialized economy, we should be at the forefront of dealing with the climate change disaster. Trump's policies are an economic disaster. his tariffs are destroying agriculture. His tax cut has added to the deficit. His environmental policies are destroying our resources. His foreign policy is destabilizing. he admires our enemies and alienates our allies. Even those in the upper echelons of the military and justice system find him dangerous.


@averagejoe1 said
Absolutely. We agree! One can readily see that the ability to make money in the USA is different than the ability to make money in Cuba or in the democratic socialist countries. We can discuss welfare, which is more prevalent in those countries, but the issue is 'making money'. So, to make money, one should take a ride on the USA Express.

Yes, if the law of a c ...[text shortened]... seems to me you are saying that it is OK for immigrants to violate the law. How can you square that?
AJ: But in another thread, it seems to me you are saying that it is OK for immigrants to violate the law.

I said the exact opposite in the other thread but you refused to believe that I actually held that position. That is a problem for you not for me.


@averagejoe1 said
go maniacal on anybody they disagree with
Fox news?


@averagejoe1 said
Absolutely. We agree! One can readily see that the ability to make money in the USA is different than the ability to make money in Cuba or in the democratic socialist countries. We can discuss welfare, which is more prevalent in those countries, but the issue is 'making money'. So, to make money, one should take a ride on the USA Express.

Yes, if the law of a c ...[text shortened]... seems to me you are saying that it is OK for immigrants to violate the law. How can you square that?
And now you're telling us what we're saying, when in fact it's not that at all. Stop lying.


@AverageJoe1 how about taking away all those juicy subsidies the government gives to businesses. We have welfare for wealthy corporations. Unions are responsible for the safety rules and regs that have saved lives and limbs. Conservatives are all for lobbies that get Congress to give handouts to corporations and the rich but they yell bloody murder at the idea of workers organizing to get fair wages and safe working conditions.


@whodey said
I always get a kick out of this Ben Franklin quote

"It would be thought a hard government that should tax its people one tenth part."

Ben Franklin hasn't seen how Republican greed has screwed everything up.

If you're going to drive everyone's wages down below sustenance level, then you can god damn well pay the tax they would have paid before you screwed with them, too.


@averagejoe1 said
Absolutely. We agree! One can readily see that the ability to make money in the USA is different than the ability to make money in Cuba or in the democratic socialist countries. We can discuss welfare, which is more prevalent in those countries, but the issue is 'making money'. So, to make money, one should take a ride on the USA Express.

Yes, if the law of a c ...[text shortened]... seems to me you are saying that it is OK for immigrants to violate the law. How can you square that?
The only way to achieve utopia is to give all our money to government cuz they are all so much more righteous about it's redistribution.

How hard is this to understand?

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