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fair taxation

fair taxation



@phranny said
. Many in the U.S. who are earning less than $20/hour are working multiple jobs. Sometimes they work multiple full time jobs, have kids and are trying to further their education. Many who are wealthy have no student debt due to rich parents plus they may have inherited wealth which they in no way earned via their time or effort. The rich have many ways to shelter their wealth from taxes. Not so for the middle and lower classes.
Phranny...your letter is peppered with what 'other people' are doing. I cannot IMAGINE worrying over that. What business is that of yours? Yes, as to 2 jobs, many people do,, I did once. I felt no envy or jealousy of my rich boss,,,,,rather, I learned from him how to be successful. And you mention kids!?!?? Kids?, when he is working 2 jobs? Was that a good 'choice' to make? Does he want other citizens, who have their own problems, to set up an entitlement program to assist him in raising his kids? Is he a socialist, or a collectivist? Sounds like it to me. Your letter makes him look like he is looking to blame others for the fix he is in. What happened to self reliance, responsibility, independence. Do you not see the difference in us Conservative/capitalist types and Liberal/Dim types? It is all about what other people are doing, and life is not fair. Life is indeed not fair. Most people get off their butts and make a pie....their own pie.

You mention that the rich shelter their wealth from taxes. Last I heard, the guy you mention above DOES NOT even PAY taxes, ......the rich pay his taxes.

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