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GOP Mourdock stands by rape, abortion remark

GOP Mourdock stands by rape, abortion remark


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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Sure sanitise it how you like, the fact remains, you are depriving someone of the
opportunity of life, whether they adhere to your definition of what constitutes a life or
not and its also a misleading and an inaccurate portrayal, not all abortions are carried
out upon a 'collection of cells'.
Life is denied all the time.
Did you oppose every single war? Do you oppose every single death penalty?
Do you stand outside graveyards sending coffins back: "I'm pro-life! Get yer granny outta that crate, take her home! I'm pro-life!"

Do you oppose masturbation?
Do you bring every sperm which doesn't impregnate to the same trial as you do the fetusses of natural miscarriages? Do you scream at bloodied tampons: "you're not allowed to commit suicide! Get back up there! I'm pro-life!"

No. I don't hold pro-lifers or their mad opinions in high regard.

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Originally posted by shavixmir
Life is denied all the time.
Did you oppose every single war? Do you oppose every single death penalty?
Do you stand outside graveyards sending coffins back: I'm pro-life! Get yer granny outta that crate, take her home! I'm pro-life!"

Do you oppose masturbation?
Do you bring every sperm which doesn't impregnate to the same trial as you do the fe uicide! Get back up there! I'm pro-life!"

No. I don't hold pro-lifers in high regard.
You seem to be having trouble with the point, what I do with the exercise of my
conscience (note the use of the possessive determiner , my, its important) and what I do
with my (again note its use) body has no bearing on anyone else. I am not deciding
whether someone else has the right to life as is the case with abortion. Your opinions
of and stereotyping of persons whose point of view differers from yours is meaningless
to me and i do not see how they are relevant to anyone but you?


Originally posted by moon1969
INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Indiana Republican Senate candidate Richard Mourdock refused to apologize Wednesday for saying that when pregnancy results from rape then that is "something God intended." . . .


Rape is the most debilitating and p ...[text shortened]... force a rape victim to share a birth with the rapist and to give birth to the rapist' child.
I see a serious defect in how much interest a comment of a single Indiana candidate for Congress generates, compared to the seeming lack of interest in how the President, CIA, and State Department acted and reacted to a terrorist attack on the Embassy in Bengazi, Libya.

Four adult Americans dead, in a 7 hour long attack, and nothing but lies and dissembling from the government agencies that are supposed to know and respond.

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Tell the forum how claiming the right to self determination in the case of a medical procedure has any bearing on another persons right to life, surely it has no bearing on depriving anyone of life.
Someone could die without the blood transfusion that you would refuse to give.

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Tell the forum how being a conscientious objector deprives someone else of the right to life?
By preventing you - for example - from defending your family or friends or your neighbours or even compatriots from people who are killing them.

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Originally posted by FMF
Someone could die without the blood transfusion that you would refuse to give.
How many people have been killed by others claiming the right of self determination.
By the end of this evening, 115,000 persons will have been denied the right to life
through abortion, please make a comparison and post your findings.

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Originally posted by FMF
By preventing you - for example - from defending your family or friends or your neighbours or even compatriots from people who are killing them.
Again how many people have conscientious objectors killed in the last two wars in
comparison to the number of persons who armed themselves. Th estimated total of
deaths in WWI was 37 million, the estimated number of deaths in WWII was 60
million, that's almost 100,000,000 persons killed either directly or indirectly by those
who took up arms, what percentage were killed by conscientious objectors and if you
will not answer as i know you will not because to do so would be to incriminate yourself
with the absurd and ludicrous statements that we have come to associate you with,
statement like, Christians think that abduction and murder are for the greater good,
then you will explain why you fail to see the disparity between those killed by those
who armed themselves and those killed by those who did not.

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
How many people have been killed by others claiming the right of self determination.
By the end of this evening, 115,000 persons will have been denied the right to life
through abortion, please make a comparison and post your findings.
I'm just making a juxtaposition of your words about not "depriving someone of the opportunity of life" with your refusal to save lives with blood transfusions because of your superstition. It's revealing, that's all. I am not accusing you of aborting any foetuses.

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Originally posted by FMF
I'm just making a juxtaposition of your words about not "depriving someone of the opportunity of life" with your refusal to save lives with blood transfusions because of your superstition. It's revealing, that's all. I am not accusing you of aborting any foetuses.
the only thing it reveals is that your train just a keeps on a trollin!

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Again how many people have conscientious objectors killed in the last two wars in
comparison to the number of persons who armed themselves. Th estimated total of
deaths in WWI was 37 million, the estimated number of deaths in WWII was 60
million, that's almost 100,000,000 persons killed either directly or indirectly by those
who took up arms ...[text shortened]... ity between those killed by those
who armed themselves and those killed by those who did not.
You would not defend your family or friends or your neighbours or even compatriots from people who are killing them. Once again, I'm just making a juxtaposition of this uncontested fact with your words about not "depriving someone of the opportunity of life". It's revealing. Just saying.


Originally posted by robbie carrobie
the only thing it reveals is that your train just a keeps on a trollin!
Have I made a factually incorrect statement about your refusal to give blood transfusions?


Originally posted by FMF
You would not defend your family or friends or your neighbours or even compatriots from people who are killing them. Once again, I'm just making a juxtaposition of this uncontested fact with your words about not "depriving someone of the opportunity of life". It's revealing. Just saying.
troll somewhere else, your questions are meaningless in the context of the debate,
extraneous to the topic, inflammatory and i have no idea what i would do in your made
up, purely imaginary and hypothetical scenario.

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Originally posted by FMF
Have I made a factually incorrect statement about your refusal to give blood transfusions?
get away from me, far far away from me, you are a time waster and my time is too
precious to waste on you troll.

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
troll somewhere else, your questions are meaningless in the context of the debate,
extraneous to the topic, inflammatory and i have no idea what i would do in your made
up, purely imaginary and hypothetical scenario.
I agree that my two observations are a bit tangential in terms of the debate about Mourdock's abortion remark, but they are certainly pertinent with regard to your pronouncement about you not "depriving someone of the opportunity of life". I don't expect you to agree with me over this. Just making the point that's all.

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
get away from me, far far away from me, you are a time waster and my time is too
precious to waste on you troll.
I'll take that as a 'no', and that you are accepting that I have not made a factually incorrect statement about your refusal to give blood transfusions.

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