14 Nov 20
@no1marauder saidNo, that model was one of forecast, highly non-linear and inherently unstable. It was my inability to fully appreciate that phenomenon that led me to make a prediction with a "naïve model". That fact is irrelevant here.
Is this the same type of mathematical algorithm that led you to conclude the US would have a grand total of 40,000 COVID deaths?
Sorry, but Trumpian conspiracy theories aren't going to lead to any "full scale investigation of the election in its entirety" in the way you desire i.e. to overturn the expressed will of the American People and give the Clown in Chief another term.
This is completely the opposite. We have the end result, the error in future prediction is zero. It is a truly basic task to spot synthetic irregulates in data one already has.
14 Nov 20
@joe-shmo saidI assume you are referring to some variation of Benford's Law.
No, that model was one of forecast, highly non-linear and inherently unstable. It was my inability to fully appreciate that phenomenon that led me to make a prediction with a "naïve model". That fact is irrelevant here.
This is completely the opposite. We have the end result, the error in future prediction is zero. It is a truly basic task to spot synthetic irregulates in data one already has.
Is that correct?
@no1marauder saidBedford's Law will perhaps be a part of it. There are many more direct techniques. The authors of the video I linked have not invoked Bedford's law to describe the synthetic patterns uncovered. Their argument is not statistical, its direct.
I assume you are referring to some variation of Benford's Law.
Is that correct?
@joe-shmo saidI don't watch YouTubes offered as evidence on this Forum; it is too much of a pain to link to specific portions.
Bedford's Law will perhaps be a part of it. There are many more direct techniques. The authors of the video I linked have not invoked Bedford's law to describe the synthetic patterns uncovered. Their argument is not statistical, its direct.
Find a written article, please.
Apparently a Wichita State professor supposedly found such evidence ................ in 2015:
"A Wichita State University mathematician sued the top Kansas election official Wednesday seeking paper tapes from electronic voting machines, an effort to explain statistical anomalies favoring Republicans in counts coming from large precincts across the country."
"Clarkson became more interested in the issue after reading a paper written by statisticians Francois Choquette and James Johnson in 2012 of the Republican primary results showing strong statistical evidence of election manipulation in Iowa, New Hampshire, Arizona, Ohio, Oklahoma, Alabama, Louisiana, Wisconsin, West Virginia and Kentucky."
I don't recall any "full scale investigations" into those elections based on such evidence.
@no1marauder saidPerhaps now enough people are paying attention that it will rightfully begin. However, given the evidence of both sides defrauding the public, I don't expect it will ever gain momentum.
I don't watch YouTubes offered as evidence on this Forum; it is too much of a pain to link to specific portions.
Find a written article, please.
Apparently a Wichita State professor supposedly found such evidence ................ in 2015:
"A Wichita State University mathematician sued the top Kansas election official Wednesday seeking paper tapes from electronic ...[text shortened]... 19713
I don't recall any "full scale investigations" into those elections based on such evidence.
Yep, that's the phenomenon...only the authors of the video have evidence of it going the other way, favoring democrats in republican districts. That is they find as district becomes more republican he becomes less favorable in an astonishingly linear fashion.
Is it not possible in your estimation we are being played from both sides of the fence?
14 Nov 20
@joe-shmo saidBeing aware of the numerous safeguards in the system that presently exist makes me extremely skeptical that there could be widespread, systemic fraud that was not detected by election officials.
Perhaps now enough people are paying attention that it will rightfully begin. However, given the evidence of both sides defrauding the public, I don't expect it will ever gain momentum.
Yep, thats the phenomenon...only the authors of the video have evidence of it going the other way, favoring democrats in blue states.
Is it not possible in your estimation we are being played from both sides of the fence?
@no1marauder saidIf they are potentially both in on the take or a part of the corruption, I don't find that skepticism sound.
Being aware of the numerous safeguards in the system that presently exist makes me extremely skeptical that there could be widespread, systemic fraud that was not detected by election officials.
14 Nov 20
@joe-shmo saidThere's zero evidence there is some massive conspiracy between both parties to rig elections that would have to filter down to the hundreds of thousands of local election workers and officials who actually do the thankless task of conducting the elections and counting the votes.
If they are potentially both in on the take or a part of the corruption, I don't find that skepticism sound.
It's a good argument though if you want to do away with elections altogether i.e. "they're all fixed". Is that the ultimate right wing goal?
You should tell right wing voters in Georgia this so they don't waste their valuable time going to the polls on January 5th.
14 Nov 20
@no1marauder saidIf the machines are rigged as has been indicated, there would absolutely NO need to involve the election workers on a local level. Most of them are elderly in my district. They don't have the foggiest idea of how those machines fundamentally operate. The buck stops at the top. Its a fugazi.
There's zero evidence there is some massive conspiracy between both parties to rig elections that would have to filter down to the hundreds of thousands of local election workers and officials who actually do the thankless task of conducting the elections and counting the votes.
It's a good argument though if you want to do away with elections altogether i.e. "they're ...[text shortened]... ng voters in Georgia this so they don't waste their valuable time going to the polls on January 5th.
14 Nov 20
@joe-shmo saidThere have been numerous hand recounts done in recent years, yet none have turned up this potential election altering difference between machine counts and actual ballots. Oh, there's been differences, but none of the magnitude you suggest should be commonplace.
If the machines are rigged as has been indicated, there would absolutely NO need to involve the election workers on a local level. Most of them are elderly in my district. They don't have the foggiest idea of how those machines fundamentally operate. The buck stops at the top. Its a fugazi.
How's your theory account for that fact?
@no1marauder saidYour a lawyer, can you find out what the results of the inquiry by the Kansas mathematician yielded from the article you linked?
There have been numerous hand recounts done in recent years, yet none have turned up this potential election altering difference between machine counts and actual ballots. Oh, there's been differences, but none of the magnitude you suggest should be commonplace.
How's your theory account for that fact?
@no1marauder saidHave you thought of a charity yet?
Probably not from that article but I guess I could Google further.
@ashiitaka saidYup. I'll send you a PM.
Have you thought of a charity yet?
I'm going to match your donation BTW.
@no1marauder saidThat's nice of you.
Yup. I'll send you a PM.
I'm going to match your donation BTW.