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How can gov decide what is acceptable speech?

How can gov decide what is acceptable speech?



@sonhouse said
Free speech has to have limits. I assume you are ok then with unlimited free speech where anyone can scream FIRE in a crowded theater or go LET'S ATTACK THE CAPITOL.
Let's overthrow the government, we have 2000 volunteers already and we have thousands of AK47's and RPG's and we figure to blow the capitol building to smithereens.

I assume ALL of that would be WAY OK with you.

I can only assume you would actively CONDONE such speech.
"Yelling fire in a theater." almost as boring and hackneyed as shag doody's attempts at humor.

You have a right to live your life free from force, threats of force and fraud (zip it No1).

Yelling fire in a crowded theater when there is no fire falls into the fraud category, it's a deception, so no, that is not covered by 'free speech'.

As for "let's attack the capitol" you would need to prove objective threat, and if we play out the scenario that the protestors were supposedly going to take over the capitol, set up shop, a guillotine, commence to change laws and throw parasites in jail? no-one in their right mind believes that to be credible and therefore, not an objective threat.


@averagejoe1 said
Vivify, this premise runs through all of my threads.........everything has been fine for 230 years. Nothing but growth and prosperity. A few wrinkles to be sure, just like the markets go down, back up, down , back up, and up in the end. Not everyone is equal, but they never have been.
So what is all this screeching about change going on? What in the hell?
Why get your knickers in a twist about it? Take a step back from the ledge and get some perspective.

When telegraph first came about, people complained that quick communications would interfere with the quality of proper communication (which was sending letters by boat).

When radio first came around, people claimed it would be the end of the world (and during the War of the Worlds broadcast, some literallu though the world was ending).

Then TV. Good grief. The amount of censorship since day 1 is unbelievable. The corrupting influence of the 1960’s batman series… the scare about kids thinking they were batman, attacking people and jumping out of windows… a simple example. POW! BOOM!

Internet has speeded up communications. And unlike TV and radio (although not completely unlike them), it’s a send and recieve form of communication. And since social media it’s speeded up further.

And people have still to catch up.
Whether it’s the left complaining about right-wing conspiracy theories or the right-wing complaining about wokism… or tiktok promoting gender and sexual fluidity, resulting in books (like Of Men and Mice, The Handmaid’s Tale and Brave New World) being banned.

Censorship like this is based on fear of change. And new media always comes with a lot of whining.

It’s one of those bumps in the road you’re talking about.


@wajoma said
"Yelling fire in a theater." almost as boring and hackneyed as shag doody's attempts at humor.

You have a right to live your life free from force, threats of force and fraud (zip it No1).

Yelling fire in a crowded theater when there is no fire falls into the fraud category, it's a deception, so no, that is not covered by 'free speech'.

As for "let's attack the capit ...[text shortened]... ail? no-one in their right mind believes that to be credible and therefore, not an objective threat.
They stormed the bloody building shouting they wanted to hang Pence.
People were killed and injured.

Credible, objective, threat. Dumb arse.


@shavixmir said
They stormed the bloody building shouting they wanted to hang Pence.
People were killed and injured.

Credible, objective, threat. Dumb arse.
Shag doody in the post immediately prior to this one: "Why get your knickers in a twist about it? Take a step back from the ledge and get some perspective."


@averagejoe1 said
The Disinformation Czar. Any thoughts? It is a Definite present-day problem. Dems want to take power of the messaging that is getting 'out there'. Control of information? Obama suggested govt control of it. Suppressing speech? Would someone of the Dem party be OK with the Repub party having the power to do this?
It’s pretty clearly described how this is done in the Constitution. You should try reading it sometime.


@wajoma said
Shag doody in the post immediately prior to this one: "Why get your knickers in a twist about it? Take a step back from the ledge and get some perspective."
I did, I have… and morons have went to prison over it.

You are stuck in your mind’s own arse, constantly splattering written faeces all over the forum, thinking you make sense and all anybody wants to do is hand you some toiletpaper and a bloody peppermint.


@metal-brain said
"Free speech has to have limits."

Then move to Russia. They feel the same way you do.

Would you give me the power to edit other people's tweets?
Why not?


Like Rand Paul said, debates are the best way to get to the truth.
Why are you on the debates forum if you hate debates so much? You obviously have no faith in debates to uncover the truth.
No, shutting liars is a faster way to get to the truth.


@averagejoe1 said
I agree Suzianne. Good stuff. Black or White. Something is determined to be true, or not true. No in between, no smoke and mirrors, nor any of those pesky “What he meant by that was.....”
It has to be clear cut from the get go. Meetings, reports, everything, will be shorter. Laudits to he/she who pulls it off.
Won't be a Republican, that's for damn sure.

1 edit

@metal-brain said
Like Rand Paul said, debates are the best way to get to the truth.

Why are so many ignorant people on the debates forum if they hate debates so much? They obviously have no faith in debates to uncover the truth.

Because we keep telling you to take your lies and hit the road, but you're still here.


@jimmac said
I agree suzianne, my truth is acceptable, yours is not, That what you mean??, or is it the other way around, I get a bit confused with the logic sometimes.
Yep simply simple, get it.
No, that's not what I mean.


That's what I mean.


@wajoma said
"Yelling fire in a theater." almost as boring and hackneyed as shag doody's attempts at humor.

You have a right to live your life free from force, threats of force and fraud (zip it No1).

Yelling fire in a crowded theater when there is no fire falls into the fraud category, it's a deception, so no, that is not covered by 'free speech'.

As for "let's attack the capit ...[text shortened]... ail? no-one in their right mind believes that to be credible and therefore, not an objective threat.
That's the problem, isn't it?

Fully half the country now has a con man's version of the "truth". "Lies are now truth." This is the 1984 doublespeak you rely on.


@suzianne said
No, shutting liars is a faster way to get to the truth.
Your solution is to make the USA more like Russia? That will show them.
Why don't you move there since they already have the same disdain for free speech?


@suzianne said
Because we keep telling you to take your lies and hit the road, but you're still here.
If debates are the problem what are you doing here?


@suzianne said
That's the problem, isn't it?

Fully half the country now has a con man's version of the "truth". "Lies are now truth." This is the 1984 doublespeak you rely on.
Take a break suzi, I did and came back to you saying exactly the same things. I am no fan of Trump, neither republican nor dimocrat, as a non-US citizen I can take a step back and see things from a neutral position, where as you are utterly trapped and close minded. At most, people like the viking guy should have been trespassed and had to do 40 hours community service picking up rubbish beside the rd, I think as a political prisoner he's got 25 years.

Let's try to make your insurrection hypothesis work, They 'storm' the capitol, they set up a gallows and start hanging politicians, they order in some pizza, then on Monday they put the new government together and start running the country. You're the crazy one. You're the one that's been conned. There are pictures and vid of the cops standing to one side letting them in.


...more like a meandering.

and that's the truth, not from Trump, not from that maniac cortez, it's all there in the open.


@wajoma said
Take a break suzi, I did and came back to you saying exactly the same things. I am no fan of Trump, neither republican nor dimocrat, as a non-US citizen I can take a step back and see things from a neutral position, where as you are utterly trapped and close minded. At most, people like the viking guy should have been trespassed and had to do 40 hours community service picki ...[text shortened]... g.

and that's the truth, not from Trump, not from that maniac cortez, it's all there in the open.

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