@suzianne saidNow I get it, what you think is good=truth, what someone else thinks, is/may be, truth=bad?? if the arbiters say so. Again, I will agree if I am the arbiter.
No, that's not what I mean.
That's what I mean.
I strongly believe that truth is good and lies are bad, but mostly those here that disagree with someone else are not telling lies. despite what some may think.
12 May 22
@suzianne saidHitler and Stalin would agree. Sophie Scholl was beheaded by the Nazis at age 21 for spreading the truth, I mean lies. My truth and your lie.
No, shutting liars is a faster way to get to the truth.
This is your solution? Be more like Nazis and Russians?
@metal-brain saidBut it's not debates, is it, just you coming up with a bunch of lies.
If debates are the problem what are you doing here?
That's not debate.
@metal-brain saidNo, Stupid. Less like Russia.
Your solution is to make the USA more like Russia? That will show them.
Why don't you move there since they already have the same disdain for free speech?
I said shutting down liars, not giving them a platform, like Putin enjoys with the integrity-free state-run media in Russia.
There's your problem, goober. They have a problem with free speech, yes. I don't. I have a problem with liars.
@jimmac saidWhat's all this BS about "what I think is good"?
Now I get it, what you think is good=truth, what someone else thinks, is/may be, truth=bad?? if the arbiters say so. Again, I will agree if I am the arbiter.
I strongly believe that truth is good and lies are bad, but mostly those here that disagree with someone else are not telling lies. despite what some may think.
I said Truth. I know you suddenly have a problem understanding Truth, since we had four years of "Truth is bad", but it's just Truth, not "what I think is good". You sound like Average Joe.
@metal-brain saidYou have the wrong end of the stick yet again.
Hitler and Stalin would agree. Sophie Scholl was beheaded by the Nazis at age 21 for spreading the truth, I mean lies. My truth and your lie.
This is your solution? Be more like Nazis and Russians?
I said Truth. Actual Truth. Not lies. If you want to tell lies to try to gaslight people into thinking your lies are truth, good luck. Most here see through your ruse.
12 May 22
@shavixmir saidI read your thread about progress. Thanks for putting it out there. Henry Ford was worth $600B in today's dollars. Arent you glad he had free rein?
Why get your knickers in a twist about it? Take a step back from the ledge and get some perspective.
When telegraph first came about, people complained that quick communications would interfere with the quality of proper communication (which was sending letters by boat).
When radio first came around, people claimed it would be the end of the world (and during the War ...[text shortened]... ia always comes with a lot of whining.
It’s one of those bumps in the road you’re talking about.
Hey, Shav.....when Joe Biden 'came around', to use your words, we think the world is going to come to an end. POW and BOOM everyday.
12 May 22
@averagejoe1 saidI do not like the sound of this. BS is nearly always obviously BS. I just challenge it, tune out or get giggled up when I hear or see it in print.
The Disinformation Czar. Any thoughts? It is a Definite present-day problem. Dems want to take power of the messaging that is getting 'out there'. Control of information? Obama suggested govt control of it. Suppressing speech? Would someone of the Dem party be OK with the Repub party having the power to do this?
Although I think a state does have the right to defend its space from obvious propaganda from other states and things like incitement to violence or false info potentially dangerous in terms of public and personal health issues.
12 May 22
@shavixmir saidIs that you, Sonhouse?
I did, I have… and morons have went to prison over it.
You are stuck in your mind’s own arse, constantly splattering written faeces all over the forum, thinking you make sense and all anybody wants to do is hand you some toiletpaper and a bloody peppermint.
12 May 22
@suzianne saidSue, since you do not really know that it is sure to be a Republican, are you yourself committing the act of Disinformation, the subject of this Thread.? Suzianne, are you proving that no one can decide acceptable speech, .......you know, true or not true, as you say above??
Won't be a Republican, that's for damn sure.
@wajoma saidYou're just lying, like Metal Brain.
Take a break suzi, I did and came back to you saying exactly the same things. I am no fan of Trump, neither republican nor dimocrat, as a non-US citizen I can take a step back and see things from a neutral position, where as you are utterly trapped and close minded. At most, people like the viking guy should have been trespassed and had to do 40 hours community service picki ...[text shortened]... g.
and that's the truth, not from Trump, not from that maniac cortez, it's all there in the open.
It was a violent insurrection, the aim of which was to prevent the validation of electoral votes to violently perform a coup d'etat and install their own President.
I'm sorry you don't like that, but that is the Truth. Those who took part and those who ordered it must pay for their crimes, period. Or else it will happen again, and they might be successful next time. I understand that most of you here who are not Americans don't favor America, but let's be sensible here. Where we let America's democracy go, there go democracies the world over. Hoping the US government gets taken over by right-wing thugs is not a sensible position to take. What happens here echoes throughout the world, and hoping the world devolves into anarchy won't help anyone.
People died because people wanted to install their own President over the wishes of the majority on Jan. 6th. You cannot expect the US to have a "sense of humor" about that.
@averagejoe1 saidNo, and you're not getting around the issue on this.
Sue, since you do not really know that it is sure to be a Republican, are you yourself committing the act of Disinformation, the subject of this Thread.? Suzianne, are you proving that no one can decide acceptable speech, .......you know, true or not true, as you say above??
The People need to take the Republicans and their mouthpiece, Fox News, on over this. Their version of the Truth is not the Truth, and everyone knows it, especially the Republicans. They're just hoping they can get enough people to swallow their lies to give them enough power to force more involuntary servitude on the rest of us.
We'll see on Nov. 8th.
@suzianne saidHere is Suzy, " I have a problem with liars". Sue, I did a thread last week, gave everyone 5 days to listen to Tucker, and spot a lie. No One did. Funny thing is, YOU yourself couldn't. You dream about lies but never see a real one. Here is one for you to chew on...Biden lies each time he says something. Starting with who is to blame for the misery. Each phrase is a lie.
What's all this BS about "what I think is good"?
I said Truth. I know you suddenly have a problem understanding Truth, since we had four years of "Truth is bad", but it's just Truth, not "what I think is good". You sound like Average Joe.
Prob is, you view All statements as lies. Really waters down your credbility. Dangerously close to the level of Sonhouse and the jester!! 🙂 😳
@averagejoe1 saidGetting everyone to be afraid is really your only tool, and you know what they say, "when all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail."
I read your thread about progress. Thanks for putting it out there. Henry Ford was worth $600B in today's dollars. Arent you glad he had free rein?
Hey, Shav.....when Joe Biden 'came around', to use your words, we think the world is going to come to an end. POW and BOOM everyday.
@averagejoe1 saidI can't listen to the man without wanting to throw up.
Here is Suzy, " I have a problem with liars". Sue, I did a thread last week, gave everyone 5 days to listen to Tucker, and spot a lie. No One did. Funny thing is, YOU yourself couldn't. You dream about lies but never see a real one. Here is one for you to chew on...Biden lies each time he says something. Starting with who is to blame for the misery. Each phrase is a ...[text shortened]... Really waters down your credbility. Dangerously close to the level of Sonhouse and the jester!! 🙂 😳
Just from his racist dog-whistling alone.