@suzianne saidOK, I'll bite. Let us know over the next few days a lie that FOX news tells.
No, and you're not getting around the issue on this.
The People need to take the Republicans and their mouthpiece, Fox News, on over this. Their version of the Truth is not the Truth, and everyone knows it, especially the Republicans. They're just hoping they can get enough people to swallow their lies to give them enough power to force more involuntary servitude on the rest of us.
We'll see on Nov. 8th.
Whew, it is like pulling Scottish teeth.
@suzianne saidIt’s not an anti American thing. The struggle between liberal democrats and right wing authoritarian gimps is a global phenomenon.
You're just lying, like Metal Brain.
It was a violent insurrection, the aim of which was to prevent the validation of electoral votes to violently perform a coup d'etat and install their own President.
I'm sorry you don't like that, but that is the Truth. Those who took part and those who ordered it must pay for their crimes, period. Or else it will happen again, and ...[text shortened]... wishes of the majority on Jan. 6th. You cannot expect the US to have a "sense of humor" about that.
I identify with the left wing of the Democratic Party so I was very wary of the US and it’s foreign policy under Trump and quite relaxed, even enthusiastic about its present course, but there are Brits who feel the exact opposite because they are basically the same as the trump base in terms of their outlook and philosophy.
@kevcvs57 saidAs a member of left wing of dems, maybe you can answer this lingering question. The leaders of your party always say the rich should pay their 'fair share'. Without the usual Suzy-Sonhouse emotion, can you define that for us? No interviewer that I know of has ever gotten someone to explain it to us.
It’s not an anti American thing. The struggle between liberal democrats and right wing authoritarian gimps is a global phenomenon.
I identify with the left wing of the Democratic Party so I was very wary of the US and it’s foreign policy under Trump and quite relaxed, even enthusiastic about its present course, but there are Brits who feel the exact opposite because they are basically the same as the trump base in terms of their outlook and philosophy.
Something funny to me,,,,,50% of Americans pay NO fed income tax. Of course, the rich pay a lot. The libs see that and are gleeful with the money of the rich, but then they say....Hey, you STILL have a lot of money!!! Gimme it!!!!!!
It would be so creepy for me, a successful person who took risks (libs never use the word risk), to be a part of such a party.
PS: Uhoh, what happened to Suzy?? The query above stifled her, I am afraid. She was in real time for about 30 minutes.
@suzianne saidya sorta missin da point ah, deliberately? do you decide what is the "truth" or do I??
What's all this BS about "what I think is good"?
I said Truth. I know you suddenly have a problem understanding Truth, since we had four years of "Truth is bad", but it's just Truth, not "what I think is good". You sound like Average Joe.
@averagejoe1 saidI’m not a member of the dems because I’m not American.
As a member of left wing of dems, maybe you can answer this lingering question. The leaders of your party always say the rich should pay their 'fair share'. Without the usual Suzy-Sonhouse emotion, can you define that for us? No interviewer that I know of has ever gotten someone to explain it to us.
Something funny to me,,,,,50% of Americans pay NO fed income tax ...[text shortened]... ened to Suzy?? The query above stifled her, I am afraid. She was in real time for about 30 minutes.
As for fair share it’s a lot more than millionaires and billionaires pay now but probably not as much as I’d make them pay.
@jimm619 saidSo is it your opinion that no one should be allowed to claim there was illegal election activities in the 2016 election?
Free speech .does not include
shouting ''FIRE,''in a crowded theater,
nor, would I imagine, screaming
''ELECTION FRAUD' from every media outlet imaginable,
where no fraud exists....Former Attorney General
William Barr said it best,
''It's a bunch of B*** S***.''. 😛 😆
My opine?
Maybe the slander and libel laws should be revisited.
Far too many opinion pieces, on both sides,
presented as 'real news,' and actual fact.
After more than 3 separate audits in several states all finding near ZERO election fraud, the fraud they DID find was about a dozen or so REPUBLICANS trying to double vote for Trump.
THAT BTW IS PROVEN FACT, They have been tried and convicted, mostly slaps on the wrist, community service or a week in jail max. However, if they had been democratic party members you know good and well they would be doing 10 years in jail like that black woman who happened to be democrat but just got out of jail and tried the OFFICIAL way to be able to vote and then got arrested and convicted and facing YEARS in jail. That kind of thing NEVER happened to ANY of the dozen or so republicans.
@sonhouse saidYou realize I am talking about the 2016 election don't you, not the 2020 election?
After more than 3 separate audits in several states all finding near ZERO election fraud, the fraud they DID find was about a dozen or so REPUBLICANS trying to double vote for Trump.
THAT BTW IS PROVEN FACT, They have been tried and convicted, mostly slaps on the wrist, community service or a week in jail max. However, if they had been democratic party members ...[text shortened]... d and facing YEARS in jail. That kind of thing NEVER happened to ANY of the dozen or so republicans.
@mott-the-hoople saidWhy do you (who I'm just guessing isn't a millionaire) stand up for and take orders from billionaires? It's not like they give a rat's ass about you.
well maybe you should stfu