25 Oct 22
@kevcvs57 saidsays kev whose home is full of chinese junk.
The totally unfettered free market is a race to the bottom, good for shareholders 💩 for workers whose terms and conditions are eroded to the level of the most abused market on the planet.
Why do you suppose China is about to take over the world economy.
- Who would you ban from trading with who?
- Who would you force to trade with who?
25 Oct 22
@wajoma saidI wouldn’t ban trading with anyone but I would levy a tax on them equivalent to the difference in pay rates between the workers that produced it and what workers in the my country would get for the same work.
says kev whose home is full of chinese junk.
- Who would you ban from trading with who?
- Who would you force to trade with who?
Easy peasy lemon squeazy.
@earl-of-trumps saidQuite, so where does anti-Semitism come into it?
One does not need a rationale to justify why they want to boycott Israel. If they wish to boycott Israel
as a show of antisemitism, then so be it. Although, being fair here, the people that boycott Israel do so
because of Israel's complete mistreatment of the Palestinian people.
It's about one group of Semites committing genocide against another group of Semites, and some of us not liking that - all the more because they of all peoples should know better.
@shavixmir saidHey, Shag-doodoo-brains,
The kangaroo fukker returns, as retarded as ever.
Just look around the world and see where your Ayn Rand stupidity has got everyone.
We all see it.
Oh… here come the excuses…
In the slavery era, US, the slaves were housed, fed, and given medical service for free.
In the post-slavery era, the now freedmen,,, died in great numbers.
So according to you, shag-doodoo-brains, America should have kept slavery!
@shavixmir said"poor" is a relative term.
Yeah, the free market blows roses out its arse and smells like fairies. Works every time.
Oh. No. Wait. It doesn’t. It leads to poverty and suffering for very many people.
Yeah. Great system. Keep it up.
now, would you wish to be an average person, economically, in North Korea or a poor person in America?
same for Cuba.
Aren't those the loving communist countries that *care* about the poor and the elderly?
Jeeeeeeeeeezus man.
25 Oct 22
@earl-of-trumps saidGod. Look at you poodling up to the koala shagger.
Hey, Shag-doodoo-brains,
In the slavery era, US, the slaves were housed, fed, and given medical service for free.
In the post-slavery era, the now freedmen,,, died in great numbers.
So according to you, shag-doodoo-brains, America should have kept slavery!
My God, don’t you repulse yourself?
Oh. And by the way, your argument is complete and utter 💩.
25 Oct 22
@kevcvs57 saidThat's silly. One of the benefits of importing items is that you can get make them in areas where production costs are cheaper. Taxing away the benefits hurts the consumer who can buy things cheaper and the producer who can produce items cheaper and forces things to be produced at higher costs when people will willingly work for less.
I wouldn’t ban trading with anyone but I would levy a tax on them equivalent to the difference in pay rates between the workers that produced it and what workers in the my country would get for the same work.
Easy peasy lemon squeazy.
@shallow-blue saidOh, yes, of course.
Quite, so where does anti-Semitism come into it?
It's about one group of Semites committing genocide against another group of Semites, and some of us not liking that - all the more because they of all peoples should know better.
When the US (and many others) boycotted South Africa back in the 1980's, I do not
recall the South Africans accuse the US of being anti-Boer. But they could have, eh? lol
25 Oct 22
@shavixmir saidHardly, doodoo'brains.
God. Look at you poodling up to the koala shagger.
My God, don’t you repulse yourself?
Oh. And by the way, your argument is complete and utter 💩.
YOU are the one that claimed that FREE MARKET leaves the poor people hungry, which means
that you rate a government on how rich its citizens are. And *that* is what is total hog manure.
"Give me freedom or give me death"
Something to think about: @BDS
The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement (BDS) is a Palestinian-led movement promoting boycotts, divestments and sanctions against Israel. Its objective is to pressure Israel to meet what it describes as Israel's obligations under international law, defined as withdrawal from the occupied territories, removal of the separation barrier in the West Bank, full equality for Arab-Palestinian ...
@quackquack saidIt’s not silly it’s called protecting your industrial base and defending the wage levels and working conditions of the mass of your population from exploitive practices employed by foreign regimes on their own population being exported to your own population.
That's silly. One of the benefits of importing items is that you can get make them in areas where production costs are cheaper. Taxing away the benefits hurts the consumer who can buy things cheaper and the producer who can produce items cheaper and forces things to be produced at higher costs when people will willingly work for less.
Why do you think nations negotiate trade deals with each other.
26 Oct 22
@kevcvs57 saidIt's called racism kev, and I'm glad I don't live inside your head.
It’s not silly it’s called protecting your industrial base and defending the wage levels and working conditions of the mass of your population from exploitive practices employed by foreign regimes on their own population being exported to your own population.
Why do you think nations negotiate trade deals with each other.
26 Oct 22
@wajoma saidNo you read my post and dreamt up the mention of race because you are a dyed in the wool racist.
It's called racism kev, and I'm glad I don't live inside your head.
My biggest worry post Brexit is how much we would bend over in terms of workers rights and conditions of employment and the opening up of our health service to predatory US corps to get that precious US trade deal.
If you think slave labour is ok Because its victims are of a different ethnicity to you then your an even worse racist than I thought you were.
@kevcvs57 saidkev, we know you're a hypocrite that buys stuff produced by people earning a fraction of the minimum uk wage. If you knew what a principle were you'd track down all those people that made your cheap crap and top up their wages. So drop the faux 'worry', you're convincing no one.
No you read my post and dreamt up the mention of race because you are a dyed in the wool racist.
My biggest worry post Brexit is how much we would bend over in terms of workers rights and conditions of employment and the opening up of our health service to predatory US corps to get that precious US trade deal.
If you think slave labour is ok Because its victims are of a different ethnicity to you then your an even worse racist than I thought you were.
The only question: Is it more about lying to yourself rather than others?
@wajoma saidYour lying again you have no idea about my spending habits and you are clearly not bright enough to grasp what I’m saying in my post.
kev, we know you're a hypocrite that buys stuff produced by people earning a fraction of the minimum uk wage. If you knew what a principle were you'd track down all those people that made your cheap crap and top up their wages. So drop the faux 'worry', you're convincing no one.
The only question: Is it more about lying to yourself rather than others?
It should not be up to the individual buyer it should be the result of a trade deal and it’s imposition of tariffs to ensure the products of slave or near slave labour do not get access to your domestic market.