I would also compare eating a apple or orange to sucking on a lemon . Much like fruit, forms of expression can be compared. Abstract mysticism open to infinite interpretation like endless overly critical social media ramblings based on assumptions is personally not as interesting as thought provoking philosophical writng.
The post that was quoted here has been removedWe've gone down this "bet" road several times before.
Duchess64 escalates stakes to the ridiculous and then cries "poor-mouth" in order for it all to collapse. It's called "bluffing". It's transparent.
Speaking of transparencies: Duchess64 has apparently graduated from Trump University's School of Modesty and Restraint".
The post that was quoted here has been removedNo, what Duchess64 really means, is that "white Americans" are too stupid to learn or speak foreign languages. This is false.
This ongoing hatefulness of Duchess64 will one day consume her.
We must all hope for her full recovery.
Not because we're noble or caring, but because we're concerned for the safety of those surrounding her.
Margie Taylor Greene finds a common-minded soulmate in Duchess64.
Well, let's clear some things up here, Princess Lia-watha. WOLfE made a great point.
Are you saying that Americans are not very good at learning foreign language is because the people are too stupid?
And do you place the blame for this mass stupidity on Caucasian Americans, Jewish Americans, or African Americans?
Who in America is stupid, Princess?