@suzianne saidIn all the years that the monopolist Democrats controlled the SJC, I never ONCE saw
This is simply the height of hypocrisy.
It's also a page out of Goebbel's playbook.
"Always accuse your opponents of that which you are guilty of yourself."
the Repubs suggest expanding the court and packing it with Rightists.
Lying is not a color that suits you.
@averagejoe1 saidExactly.
On the run, but one comment. Abortion has two discussion themes.. Ending the life of an unborn (we call them babies), and who pays for it. For me, I simply say on the forum that it is wrong to end the life. However, I do believe the mother has a right to do what she wants to do, for one reason...It is NOT the government's business. I think you will agree with this lo ...[text shortened]... ment's business, how can you logically profess that the government (my tax money) should pay for it?
If WE (public) have to pay for it, then WE have a say in it.
@averagejoe1 saidHow many hundreds of lies has trump told again? I thought you guys didn’t mind a few lies.
Remember that Joe lied straight out as to his law school and college 'awards' and 'achievements', plagiarizing, etc., so intellectually, I would have to go with Trump.
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@averagejoe1 saidSo there. You made your point. And I’m glad you did.
On the run, but one comment. Abortion has two discussion themes.. Ending the life of an unborn (we call them babies), and who pays for it. For me, I simply say on the forum that it is wrong to end the life. However, I do believe the mother has a right to do what she wants to do, for one reason...It is NOT the government's business. I think you will agree with this lo ...[text shortened]... ment's business, how can you logically profess that the government (my tax money) should pay for it?
Your response is somewhat central to the subject line of this thread as the SCOTUS is the primary vehicle for your personal objectives for this country.
And that response can be picked apart by me and many others in other debate topics.
You did respond to my post. But you didn’t answer the question.
How far are you willing to go to get to your pot at the end of the rainbow ??
To what extent are you willing to look the other way concerning the antics of your president and the direction your country is headed.
And I am not ruling out anything in terms of Trump’s personal agenda and what he is doing to achieve his goals.
This is a “what’s in this for me” President. There is no doubt.
In the absence of smoking guns, the optics are obvious in the brush fires all over the place.
To summarize my post, the question is simple.
How long will you and other Trump supporters look the other way and continue your endless denial fest ??
Or if you already know the score on this guy, then is the lure of the pot at the end of that rainbow just too overwhelming ??
We can talk about your views on abortion another time.
You have my question.
@mghrn55 saidThankyou, a nice post. I must say, though, that the antics 'in the streets' which no liberal in these forums seem to denounce (?) gives me pause. You are asking a conservative, who stands in amazement, to be reasonable with your fair points made, when your 'side' is tearing up our country. Like, you want me to forget what the rioters are doing, which is becoming a way of life, and just chat about Trump, who is personally disliked,, as is the smelly genius doctor in my analogies. Setting aside his 100 listed achievements, for which he deserves quite a bit of credit, I think he is more capable as a leader, a foreign policy negotiator, a tough guy (a plus, by the way) than is the Biden caricature, who will hand our government over to radical people (whether he wants to or not...they will bury him).
So there. You made your point. And I’m glad you did.
Your response is somewhat central to the subject line of this thread as the SCOTUS is the primary vehicle for your personal objectives for this country.
And that response can be picked apart by me and many others in other debate topics.
You did respond to my post. But you didn’t answer the question.
How far are you ...[text shortened]... too overwhelming ??
We can talk about your views on abortion another time.
You have my question.
So, Trump smells bad and hates dogs. But, I think more about our country and our grandchildren than of anything else. The things your man is all confused about can only have one horrible outcome. E.G., there are different reports today, some say he is for the New Deal, some say he is not. He has said both, so I cannot tell you to tell him to step forward at Noon today on a Whistlestop and tell us, which is it. So, with all this hanging with ole Joe, I think I will go with a proven President. In answer to your question, I can't think of anything he has done that might hurt me or my children. Everyone votes their pocketbook, yes, but they also vote their children and grandchildren. Please tell us a few things specifically Trump has done that mean we should run him out of office.
As to Amy Barrett and SCOTUS, it is difficult to discuss, when our side wants the Constitution to followed to the letter, and your side does not. For the uninitiated, SCOTUS is the guardian and interpreter of the Constitution. The tenets of the Constitution are applied to the facts of every case before it. That is what Republicans want. Everyone, ask a liberal if they agree with this, and prepare for the answer, which will not be 'yes'.
@averagejoe1 saidTo your question on reasons Trump should be voted out of office.
Thankyou, a nice post. I must say, though, that the antics 'in the streets' which no liberal in these forums seem to denounce (?) gives me pause. You are asking a conservative, who stands in amazement, to be reasonable with your fair points made, when your 'side' is tearing up our country. Like, you want me to forget what the rioters are doing, which is becoming a way ...[text shortened]... veryone, ask a liberal if they agree with this, and prepare for the answer, which will not be 'yes'.
Not run out as you say. Although it looks like he may have to be dragged out.
In the interests of keeping the response short, let’s start with this.
- Covid-19
- race relations
- climate change. We can limit to California fires if you wish. And we can discuss forest management. btw, those fires are on federal land.
- and we can throw in the economy. Bragging about the greatest economy in history when things are otherwise normal is fine and good. But when threats happen, like a pandemic, how to protect an economy during exceptional circumstances.
Have a go at that.
@mghrn55 saidCovid, Race Relations and Climate Change......how can I put it...MG, these are world events, world catastrophes, ....yet, you hate him so much you would probably blame him for the common cold, which, with the Covid crap, you actually are, And, do you not listen when Trump keeps ;reminding everyone that he closed travel into this country when Biden said not to? Saved millions of lives.
To your question on reasons Trump should be voted out of office.
Not run out as you say. Although it looks like he may have to be dragged out.
In the interests of keeping the response short, let’s start with this.
- Covid-19
- race relations
- climate change. We can limit to California fires if you wish. And we can discuss forest management. btw, those fires are on fed ...[text shortened]... , like a pandemic, how to protect an economy during exceptional circumstances.
Have a go at that.
What a post. You say above that he has everything to do with world catatropojes, and in the case of race, that has been going on for maybe 10,000 or 11,000,000 years. Get a grip.
@averagejoe1 saidOne might be excused in thinking that you might be better served by loving people instead of money.
On the run, but one comment. Abortion has two discussion themes.. Ending the life of an unborn (we call them babies), and who pays for it. For me, I simply say on the forum that it is wrong to end the life. However, I do believe the mother has a right to do what she wants to do, for one reason...It is NOT the government's business. I think you will agree with this lo ...[text shortened]... ment's business, how can you logically profess that the government (my tax money) should pay for it?
@earl-of-trumps saidI did not lie. I said, "Always accuse your opponents of that which you are guilty of yourself."
In all the years that the monopolist Democrats controlled the SJC, I never ONCE saw
the Repubs suggest expanding the court and packing it with Rightists.
Lying is not a color that suits you.
You said, "The democrat party is desirous of having a monopoly on power in America." and "the PIGS just can't stand not being in total control, - proof that they are totalitarians."
The Republican Party is guilty of this, in spades.
@averagejoe1 saidExcellent summation, Joe. Ms. Holt would be proud of you.
You say above that he has everything to do with world catatropojes, and in the case of race, that has been going on for maybe 10,000 or 11,000,000 years. Get a grip.
@averagejoe1 saidHe saved no one.
Covid, Race Relations and Climate Change......how can I put it...MG, these are world events, world catastrophes, ....yet, you hate him so much you would probably blame him for the common cold, which, with the Covid crap, you actually are, And, do you not listen when Trump keeps ;reminding everyone that he closed travel into this country when Biden said not to? Saved mil ...[text shortened]... , and in the case of race, that has been going on for maybe 10,000 or 11,000,000 years. Get a grip.
By the time he closed the border to China, the virus was already here, via Europe, AND via China. Closing the border at that time DID NOTHING.
200,000+ lives. All gone because he did nothing when he could have done much more.
Ever hear of closing the barn door after the horses have gone, and how that is merely a useless gesture, making one only feel as though they're "doing something"??
He saved no one, and, in fact, he cost lives. Any lives saved were saved after ameliorative measures were put in place, like masks, like quarantine. Measures that HE was (and still is) AGAINST.
@suzianne said50 years of having a left leaning SJC and not ONCE did the repubs ever talk about
I did not lie. I said, "Always accuse your opponents of that which you are guilty of yourself."
You said, "The democrat party is desirous of having a monopoly on power in America." and "the PIGS just can't stand not being in total control, - proof that they are totalitarians."
The Republican Party is guilty of this, in spades.
expanding the supreme court.
leftists fall behind ONCE and already they are threatening to expand the supreme court.
I don't stand corrected, I stand correct
Leftists have an unquenchable thirst for Supreme, Absolute Power.
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@suzianne saidYou are right about the barn door, it opened up when the lab in China open it's door on Wednesday morning, or was it Thursday, That was it. From then on, with your extreme hindsight, you have deduced that everything after that Wednesday is Trump's fault. Quite a stretch, wouldn't you say. And you curiously dont mention how he 'did what he could' by closing travel into the country when Biden wasn't even thinking about it. Thanks, Donald.
He saved no one.
By the time he closed the border to China, the virus was already here, via Europe, AND via China. Closing the border at that time DID NOTHING.
200,000+ lives. All gone because he did nothing when he could have done much more.
Ever hear of closing the barn door after the horses have gone, and how that is merely a useless gesture, making one only fe ...[text shortened]... asures were put in place, like masks, like quarantine. Measures that HE was (and still is) AGAINST.
Oh, in re Biden, you should look up his record on how every high-level opinion about war, about going after Bib Laden, etc. were all wrong. It's true.
@handyandy saidThanks, I dont get recognized very often. Another thing I learned, from a civics teacher, is that we have two choices in life.....to lead your life, or let someone else lead it, something like that. I'm thinking that the people here who choose to live under socialism have chosen the latter. Sad indeed. Some here may say I dont understand what socialism is, there are many types, blah blah. My answer to that is once type #1 catches hold, #2 will follow, etc. Or, is everyone liberal here naive enough to think they will just......stop? Do rich people 'stop' after they have made enough money?
Excellent summation, Joe. Ms. Holt would be proud of you.