What say I indeed. You want to eliminate those pesky industry regulations, let them pump toxins into our rivers again, like the frackers are doing, letting methane into people's water supplies, so bad that you put a lit match near the faucet, it lights up with burning methane.
Of course to you that is all fake news, no such thing.
And to all those stupid regulations which you seem to think are not needed because corporations are SO benign and thoughtful.
But the oil industry is on the way out. Why do you fight that reality?
In a hundred years we will be getting energy from fusion, solar, wind, waves and even nuke but not coal or oil.
Oil will be used for lubrication, plastics industry and the like which means it will be down 80 odd percent over what we use now which means that much less CO2 and stuff in the atmosphere.
But YOU are into freedom, the freedom to totally wreck our planet, the freedom for companies to pollute anything they want as long as they make a good profit doing so.
Too bad you won't be alive in another couple hundred years when we find the coastal cities like NYC and Miami and the like all buried under 30 feet of water.
But you would just go, we will just move inland, no matter how many people die from starvation.