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Rename this forum, rightwingnut forum



This should now be called the ultrarightwingnut fringe forum. Any takers?


@sonhouse said
This should now be called the ultrarightwingnut fringe forum. Any takers?
What has one of the right wing posters said that would warrant such a title for those on the right? Specifically.


@sonhouse said
This should now be called the ultrarightwingnut fringe forum. Any takers?
define 'ultra right wing' how does it differ from 'far right wing' and just regular 'right wing'. I'm often accused of being right wing but the second that's challenged the accusers run away.


Well noboby would be calling you LEFT wing now would they?


@wajoma said
define 'ultra right wing' how does it differ from 'far right wing' and just regular 'right wing'. I'm often accused of being right wing but the second that's challenged the accusers run away.
You believe the government is responsible for defending private property but that the property owners should not pay taxes for the privilege. That makes you a right winger.


@sonhouse said
Well noboby would be calling you LEFT wing now would they?
That's the extent of your brain power? If you're not left wing you must be right wing.

I would say the left is characterised by it's control of the economy, macro to micro, every aspect of it. Price controls, tariffs, taxes, licenses (ah but I repeat myself), permit fees (ah but I repeat myself) subsidies, state education, state welfare, state healthcare, the state, the state, the state. They never look at the big picture which is the more the state takes control the more people back off from voluntary action. Welfare is a prime example of this, genuine noble benevolence is killed by state welfare, those that once gave out of concern for their fellow man back away saying 'I already gave at the IRD'. Those that receive, who were once grateful for genuine aide given from a genuine concern for their well being now see it as a 'right', something to be demanded and therefore a viable life choice to live as a parasite.


@athousandyoung said
You believe the government is responsible for defending private property but that the property owners should not pay taxes for the privilege. That makes you a right winger.
That's not what I believe. Therefore that does not make me a right winger. Are you saying you're right wing if you believe in property rights. Increasingly the Republican party, often also called right wing are moving slowly away from that position.


@wajoma said
That's not what I believe. Therefore that does not make me a right winger. Are you saying you're right wing if you believe in property rights. Increasingly the Republican party, often also called right wing are moving slowly away from that position.
Yes it is.


@athousandyoung said
Yes it is.
That would make democrats that believe in property rights right wing.


@wajoma said
That would make democrats that believe in property rights right wing.
If they are in favor of low taxes on the wealthy then yes


The Confederacy was made up of right wing Democrats who used their Constitutional right to bear arms to fight the Federal government to protect their private property from a government that they felt would take it away from them. One of the reasons for hyperinflation of the Confederate money was that they had a government that was expected to protect their property (slaves) without taxation. Needless to say their position was ridiculous and they got a reality check within a few years.


There are three sources of government revenue: taxation, borrowing, and printing money. Given that the Confederate States of America was established on the principle of states’ rights, many Southerners were suspicious of granting the central government powers to impose and collect taxes. Governor Moore of Alabama summarized this position, “The collection of this tax, by the state would be an onerous and unpleasant duty as it imposes upon the state the necessity of enforcing the laws of the Confederate government against her own citizens” (quoted in Lerner, 1956, p. 165 and Weidenmier, 1999a). With opposition from the general public as well as leading political figures, it is not surprising that the Confederate government collected approximately only 8.2% of its total revenues from taxes (Ball, 1991). Tariffs, another potential source of tax revenue, were hampered by the Union blockade of Southern ports.

The Confederacy then turned to debt issue as a means of war finance. The South successfully sold some long-term government securities during the early stages of the war. Bond issues proved a limited source of war financing as Southern prospects diminished, however. Investors increasingly shied away from purchasing securities offered by a government with little or no tax base and a deteriorating military situation. The government resorted to money financing as their primary source of revenue. Overall, debt issue and the printing press accounted for nearly 32 and 60 percent of the South’s total real revenues during the waR.


@sonhouse said
This should now be called the ultrarightwingnut fringe forum. Any takers?

Or Forum Retardis.


@wajoma said
define 'ultra right wing' how does it differ from 'far right wing' and just regular 'right wing'. I'm often accused of being right wing but the second that's challenged the accusers run away.
You are an extreme right-wing, pro-capitalisr, anti-government, kangaroo raping fukk-wit.

And nobody is running away.


@shavixmir said
You are an extreme right-wing, pro-capitalisr, anti-government, kangaroo raping fukk-wit.

And nobody is running away.
Shag doody for brains, being anti-goobermint does not make one right wing. For a goobermint to be right wing there needs to be a goobermint. To be anti-goobermint means there is no goobermint to be right wing, yes, yes, yes it is.


@wajoma said
Shag doody for brains, being anti-goobermint does not make one right wing. For a goobermint to be right wing there needs to be a goobermint. To be anti-goobermint means there is no goobermint to be right wing, yes, yes, yes it is.
Uhuh. Retard.

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