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Rename this forum, rightwingnut forum

Rename this forum, rightwingnut forum


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@phranny said
I am pointing out, with facts, WHY anyone supporting the GOP and/or Trump are right wing fascist pigs.
But you cannot put in plain English how right wingers are fascist. Do you not understand that this type of rambling general opinions are boring? That they say nothing? Can you or Sunhouse tell us one thing that makes us fascist? This will be difficult for you, because liberals suppress opposition and criticism, they try to control industry, commerce, how much money people make……how liberals follow the teachings of Marx, taking from one and giving it to another. That is fascism. You have to somehow get around that when you tell us that we are the fascist. Or you can send us 50 links, which I will not read.


@averagejoe1 said
But you cannot put in plain English how right wingers are fascist. Do you not understand that this type of rambling general opinions are boring? That they say nothing? Can you or Sunhouse tell us one thing that makes us fascist? This will be difficult for you, because liberals suppress opposition and criticism, they try to control industry, commerce, how much money people ...[text shortened]... d that when you tell us that we are the fascist. Or you can send us 50 links, which I will not read.
Trump just tweeted that he wants to toss out the U.S. Constitution, throw out Biden and be declared president. Most in the GOP have not denounced his statement and certainly the GOP as a party has not done so. That is clearly a call for a dictatorship. It's not some dumb assconspiracy or the railing without proof that you and others like you spout. You just do not like facts.


@phranny said
Trump just tweeted that he wants to toss out the U.S. Constitution, throw out Biden and be declared president. Most in the GOP have not denounced his statement and certainly the GOP as a party has not done so. That is clearly a call for a dictatorship. It's not some dumb assconspiracy or the railing without proof that you and others like you spout. You just do not like facts.
Trump? Somewhat disgraced Republican, may be a fascist, and we don'r want him. Sorry, I thought we were talking about our thoughts, we on the Forum. But, In perfect SHouse fashion, you talk about trump. Like I said, you're boring us with drivel, and certainly not defining any particulars which I amount to fascism. Why not? You got nuthin'?


@phranny said
I am pointing out, with facts, WHY anyone supporting the GOP and/or Trump are right wing fascist pigs.
Can mentally handicapped people be held responsible for their political viewpoints?

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@phranny said
I am pointing out, with facts, WHY anyone supporting the GOP and/or Trump are right wing fascist pigs.
You had a big copy paste that was weighing on your finger and you were very excited about it so you jammed it in the first place that came up. It's all somebody else's words but you felt very proud of your effort. You have now called every republican a 'right wing fascist pig'. Can we have some definitions please all we've had so far from ATY is rightwing: anyone that supports property rights which meant a lot of the dim party supporters. He then adjusted this to 'support property rights and tax cuts for the rich' which pushed a bunch of republicans into the left wing.

So let's see your definition of 'right wing fascist pig' so we can see how it applies to millions of Americans.


@shavixmir said
Can mentally handicapped people be held responsible for their political viewpoints?
And see Shav here, just another example of an inane post that I guess is supposed to be funny, but it is certainly not anything else


Sorry, son house, but it appears that your thread is dead out of the gate.
Maybe ask us some questions?


@averagejoe1 said
And see Shav here, just another example of an inane post that I guess is supposed to be funny, but it is certainly not anything else
Oh please. You just spent 6 years supporting trump. And we all told you the man was an unhinged, racist, sexist extremist.

But you are so hell bent on stopping the democrats (who are already right-wing compared to the rest of the world), that you willingly bared your arse to trump, his lies, his flirting with dictators, his fascist tendencies and his distorted world vision and took it like the little bitch you are.

You were told. Nearly daily. By the whole bloody world. Yet your hate and moronity drove you ever forward down that rabbit hole.

Don’t come begging for forgiveness. Don’t try to attempt any form of moral high ground and certainly don’t question being mocked. That’s all your worth: scaving sarcasm and contempt.

Go hunt some dude’s laptop. Go on, be a good little boy. Run along, continue believing corona’s not a thing and Bill Gates is poisoning vaccinations. Be a pet. Shut the fukk up.

Take it like a man. You know you deserve it.


But you wouldn't be caught dead actually reading the stuff posted.

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@sonhouse said
But you wouldn't be caught dead actually reading the stuff posted.
You're right, I start reading a post, only get as far as s o n h o...with yours, by which point I've already moved on to look for non-fetterman-retard-biden-rambling googoo type posts.

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@shavixmir said
Oh please. You just spent 6 years supporting trump. And we all told you the man was an unhinged, racist, sexist extremist.

But you are so hell bent on stopping the democrats (who are already right-wing compared to the rest of the world), that you willingly bared your arse to trump, his lies, his flirting with dictators, his fascist tendencies and his distorted world visi ...[text shortened]... poisoning vaccinations. Be a pet. Shut the fukk up.

Take it like a man. You know you deserve it.
I have made clear that I dont like Trump, if you want get personal. I dont like the Dr in our town because he is just like Trump and hates dogs and children. But I look beyond all that, and see this genius doctor for all of my ailments. And, I latch on to successful leaders, who may have bad breath.
It appears that you think Trump was not accomplished in his presidency. Many would disagree with you. Like me.
I hope this is a simple enough explanation.


@sonhouse said
But you wouldn't be caught dead actually reading the stuff posted.
Sonhouse...why don't you answer questions? I asked you one on your 'Rename the forum' Post, page 1, and you did not answer it.

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@averagejoe1 said
Trump? Somewhat disgraced Republican, may be a fascist, and we don'r want him. Sorry, I thought we were talking about our thoughts, we on the Forum. But, In perfect SHouse fashion, you talk about trump. Like I said, you're boring us with drivel, and certainly not defining any particulars which I amount to fascism. Why not? You got nuthin'?
Trump is the only one running for the GOP presidency in 2024, others will join him but he would still be the front runner because of his loyal base.
He has dined with white suprematists and hitler loving anti semites and he wants to dump the constitution and declare himself el presidenti.
I think the point is: if your not a fascist you might want to break away from the trumpist gop and form your own party to campaign for small government and lower taxes because your not getting any real power with this psycho representing you.

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@kevcvs57 said
Trump is the only one running for the GOP presidency in 2024, others will join him but he would still be the front runner because of his loyal base.
He has dined with white suprematists and hitler loving anti semites and he wants to dump the constitution and declare himself el presidenti.
I think the point is: if your not a fascist you might want to break away from the tr ...[text shortened]... overnment and lower taxes because your not getting any real power with this psycho representing you.
Yes, something has come over him. I hate it, because we need an executive leader to run the business of our country. He has that, but the adoration, and the success of 4 years, has gotten him off track, he took his eye off the sparrow. Fighting off the hyenas was a lot of pressure, I guess. Sonhouse did it!
He is quite a study for a guy with no contrition. If he woke up and realized....well, everything, he could call a new conference and say he has been wrong, and can truly make America great Again. It is that simple. What a waste.
So, who are looking at? DeSantis, I guess. Is the Gavin person gay? I bet all the wannabes are busy covering up their past indiscretions right about now!


@averagejoe1 said
Yes, something has come over him. I hate it, because we need an executive leader to run the business of our country. He has that, but the adoration, and the success of 4 years, has gotten him off track, he took his eye off the sparrow. Fighting off the hyenas was a lot of pressure, I guess. Sonhouse did it!
He is quite a study for a guy with no contrition. If he ...[text shortened]... in person gay? I bet all the wannabes are busy covering up their past indiscretions right about now!
Well if something did come over him it must been as a toddler because trump hasn’t changed one iota, he has always been fragile narcissist. You’re correct the adoration piled onto him by his base may have exaggerated his personality flaws but he was never a popular potus with the electorate given that he lost the popular vote in 2016.
Your problem is how do you sneak Desantis or any other clean candidate past that 35% base Desantis might have a chance in a head to head but it’ll probably be a bigger field than that thus splitting the anyone but trump vote. And if trump doesn’t win will he order his base to stay home in 2024.

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