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Rush Limburger

Rush Limburger


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Originally posted by StarValleyWy
Doesn't speak too well of baltimore. They are all probably democratic pricks.

I think rush is really entertaining. That IS what it's all about. Trying to find like minded people to supply MY entertainment. I don't even consider what he says as important as long as it makes me laugh... and he does.

Rush's use of Paul Shanklin (and many others) clas ...[text shortened]... p. If you do, then you do. You prolly get turned on just wiping your ass. lol

Unfortunately, I actually know people—let’s call them “pseudo cons”—who don’t think Rush is funny, who lap up every word he says as “Gospel truth,” and vote accordingly. Idiots, you say? Well, let’s just call them pseudo-cons... 🙂

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Originally posted by Nbomber
Actually, they will form the cult of Rush Limbaugh, and listen to his fiery messages at his mansion. Then, they will rebel.
don't forget about the magic kool-aid

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Originally posted by vistesd
Unfortunately, I actually know people—let’s call them “pseudo cons”—who don’t think Rush is funny, who lap up every word he says as “Gospel truth,” and vote accordingly. Idiots, you say? Well, let’s just call them pseudo-cons... 🙂
I dare say that Rush and I vote the same way on every issue. Does that make me an "idiot"? If so why am I an idiot? It's just my world view and how I perceive "truth".

He doesn't lie and is about 99% accurate in what he says as near as I can tell. Of course, he is going to be hated. Pseudo's can't stand it when they are shown to be wrong.

Give me a break. I prefer to think that Rush and his ilk are just a tiny counterweight to the incessant harangue of the elite commie media.

And if you don't believe that they are in charge of the biggest media... you have a serious issue with facing reality.

Right wing whacko radio! I love them all. I don't agree with all that they say, especially on "immigration". But as a whole, I allign more closely with them than with Chris Matthews and Al Franken.

And I love being in the MAJORITY BIG TIME. If you don't believe me, wait till the 06' and 08' elections. There will be a mighty wringing of hands when we win... AGAIN! In case you have'nt heard... pssst - bush is in trouble.

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Originally posted by 667joe
The tide is finally turning!! Rush Limbaugh will be off the air on WBAL in Baltimore at the end of May due to poor ratings. People have finally had enough of this wind bag.
Anyone who speaks the cold hard facts and exposes the lies of the leftist nuts is of course a windbag and should immediately be taken off the air. 🙄 Our country is so oblivious to the truth. They don't even want to hear it.

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Originally posted by Iorek
Anyone who speaks the cold hard facts and exposes the lies of the leftist nuts is of course a windbag and should immediately be taken off the air. 🙄 Our country is so oblivious to the truth. They don't even want to hear it.
Aw, Mike, I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to needle you.

In your case, I do believe that you are not a "follower"--that is, if Rush and his "ilk" agree with you, well and good, if not...

I do believe that if you think the media is controlled by some commie conspiracy, you have trouble seeing reality. The media is controlled by business interests and advertising. (Yeah, that's a simplistic statement, I know--but what sells, sells; it's market-driven, and I'm not saying that is any kind of conspiracy.)

pssst... I don't follow Al Franken either.

EDIT: Sorry, Iorek. This post was in reply to SVW; I just clicked wrong... 😳

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Originally posted by vistesd
Aw, Mike, I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to needle you.

In your case, I do believe that you are not a "follower"--that is, if Rush and his "ilk" agree with you, well and good, if not...

I do believe that if you think the media is controlled by some commie conspiracy, you have trouble seeing reality. The media is controlled by business interes saying that is any kind of conspiracy.)

pssst... I don't follow Al Franken either.
Not a Commie conspiracy, but the media is heavily liberal in its reporting. It puts a bias twist on everything. I can't remember the last time I could watch CBS, CNN, or NBC and hear something good about the Bush administration. It's subtle bashes here and there. Sometimes outright insults. Isn't the job of the media to report the news fairly and equally to everyone, allowing them to choose for themselves?

America has become so dead to it, that they just believe. That, or they're lazy.

EDIT: Ah, okay vistesd. Well, my opinion stands.

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Originally posted by Iorek
Not a Commie conspiracy, but the media is heavily liberal in its reporting. It puts a bias twist on everything. I can't remember the last time I could watch CBS, CNN, or NBC and hear something good about the Bush administration. It's subtle bashes here and there. Sometimes outright insults. Isn't the job of the media to report the news fairly and equally to ev ...[text shortened]... hey just believe. That, or they're lazy.

EDIT: Ah, okay vistesd. Well, my opinion stands.
I think the trick is to search out the facts, as opposed to the editorializing, and then make your arguments from the facts—and be willing to change your mind. A lot of people—on both sides of the right-wing/left-wing divide—seem to search out only what they already agree with: to fit the facts to the argument, rather than the other way ‘round. Maybe we’re all guilty of that sometimes. It’s hard work.

BTW, the Wall Street Journal, for example, used to have a very good reputation for keeping news and editorializing separate (I only say “used too” because I haven’t read it for awhile), and had a good reputation for accurate reporting.

This seems to be a pretty good site, not perfect but good:


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Originally posted by StarValleyWy
I dare say that Rush and I vote the same way on every issue. Does that make me an "idiot"? If so why am I an idiot? It's just my world view and how I perceive "truth".

He doesn't lie and is about 99% accurate in what he says as near as I can tell. Of course, he is going to be hated. Pseudo's can't stand it when they are shown to be wrong.

Give m ...[text shortened]... s when we win... AGAIN! In case you have'nt heard... pssst - bush is in trouble.
Hey Mike, did you see, you undoubtedly heard I should say, that the
nationall debt is going to be pumped up to 9 tril? I don't understand how you can think thats ok. That is a monstrous debt, which drags down the economy to the tune of 400 billion a year just for the friggin INTEREST. How can we do what we are doing like fighting a major war, contemplating military action in Iran, dealing with homeland security, social security, medicare, etc., etc., etc., and do it with such a debilitating debt? I think you said already you were not so worried about the debt when it was 7 tril, now its 20, 25 percent higher than THAT even. You still comfortable with that?

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Originally posted by sonhouse
Hey Mike, did you see, you undoubtedly heard I should say, that the
nationall debt is going to be pumped up to 9 tril? I don't understand how you can think thats ok. That is a monstrous debt, which drags down the economy to the tune of 400 billion a year just for the friggin INTEREST. How can we do what we are doing like fighting a major war, contemplating ...[text shortened]... n it was 7 tril, now its 20, 25 percent higher than THAT even. You still comfortable with that?
$8,200,000,000,000.00 [edit: amount of debt as of 3/17. It's going up] divided by pop of US 295,734,134=

$27,727.61 from each American citizen

I agree that Rush Limbaugh is entertainment, not to be taken seriously, but this kind of "entertainment" obscures the real issues or simplifies them to be "funny". This prevents serious discussion of topics that shouldn't be jokes.

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Originally posted by Darth Sponge
$8,200,000,000,000.00 [edit: amount of debt as of 3/17. It's going up] divided by pop of US 295,734,134=

$27,727.61 from each American citizen

I agree that Rush Limbaugh is entertainment, not to be taken seriously, but this kind of "entertainment" obscures the real issues or simplifies them to be "funny". This prevents serious discussion of topics that shouldn't be jokes.
that's great that you think rush shouldn't be taken seriously - if everyone who listened to him felt that way, so be it. however, i think that it is unrealistic to say that even a sizeable minority of the people listsning to rush view it only as entertainment. unfortunately, most people that listen to rush believe that they are listening to the gospel truth.

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Originally posted by nomind
that's great that you think rush shouldn't be taken seriously - if everyone who listened to him felt that way, so be it. however, i think that it is unrealistic to say that even a sizeable minority of the people listsning to rush view it only as entertainment. unfortunately, most people that listen to rush believe that they are listening to the gospel truth.
right. I think you are correct in the assumption that most Rush listeners are Ditto heads, taking Rush's word as the gospel truth. there is a growing confusion between what is entertainment and what is politics. Modern Americans expect entertainment from everything and don't have any patience for careful consideration of facts. Dittoheads are happier just hearing jokes about the evils of "liberals" and Bill Clinton, than listening to a balanced and thoughtful exploration of the issues. they would rather have their own pre-determined prejudices confirmed than actually have to think about anything.

a nation with an educated populus would dismiss Rush Limbaugh as nonsense.

so kudos to Baltimore. let's hope this spreads.

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Yeah, if there's one thing America is famous for, it's its notoriously powerful liberal media. I mean, just look, you can see its influence everywhere in all the liberal Presidents you elect, the liberal foreign policy you pursue, and all the liberal Americans I keep meeting on the internet. One thing's for sure, when I hear the words "American" I immediately think Howard Dean, peacenik and compassion for the poor. That's the all-powerful liberal media for you.

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Originally posted by Amaurote
Yeah, if there's one thing America is famous for, it's its notoriously powerful liberal media. I mean, just look, you can see its influence everywhere in all the liberal Presidents you elect, the liberal foreign policy you pursue, and all the liberal Americans I keep meeting on the internet. One thing's for sure, when I hear the words "American" I immediate ...[text shortened]... Dean, peacenik and compassion for the poor. That's the all-powerful liberal media for you.

We don't say that the commie run media are "Effective"... only "pervasive". The proof is in the puddin' as the saying goes, and we are not talking "american" media. We are a global society now and I say that global media tends more to the "ultra" left... as in "stalinized" and dedicated to propagandizing the religion of "socialism" than toward "reporting who,what,when and where" which is what "news" should be.

Am I wrong? When's the last time you listened to the BBC and got straight news without a dab of "analysis" or slant? I listen every night to the "morning" news on BBC radio just because I like to keep up with the competition, and believe me.. I know propaganda when i hear it. It's what I do.

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Rush is another one of those pear shaped non-combatants (like the rest surrounding Bush) always advocating war to solve problems. I'm sorry for what happened 9/11--not just for all those innocent lives lost, but because these right-wing nuts will use it as the ultimate excuse for doing anything they want, including raising the national debt to 9 trillion and demanding Google's records. My only question is--can Bush completely ruin the country in the two years he has left?

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Didn't Bill Hicks say it best:

"Rush Limbaugh is a Scat muncher. He munches Scat!"


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