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Rush Limburger

Rush Limburger



28 Sep 05
21 Mar 06
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Originally posted by nomind
...i'm lucky to be an american! we are always on the right side...
That's the first thing you've said that's correct... there is hope for you after all...



22 Sep 04
21 Mar 06
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Originally posted by nomind
i fear for your children as well, i really, really fear for them. reagan may have been a great man but he was a shitty president. what exactly did he do that makes him so great? mandatory sentancing for drug offenses so now our prisons are clogged with non-violent offenders. he spent millions if not billions on america's fabled space-based defense system. ...[text shortened]... the kind where people pay taxes so that there is a social safety net for when people need it.
Capitalization for Dummies.

Use capital letters in the following ways:
• The first words of a sentence.
• The pronoun "I".
• Proper nouns.
• Family relationships (when used as proper names).
• Titles preceding names, but not title that follow names.
• Directions that are names.
• The days of the week, the months of the year, and holidays.
• The names of countries, nationalities, and specific languages.
• The first word in a sentence that is a direct quote.
• The major words in the titles of books, articles, and songs.
• Periods and events.



19 Jan 06
21 Mar 06
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Originally posted by Wulebgr
Having read the Qur'an, I'd say the emphasis concerns the magnificence of Allah.

Perhaps you are confusing the Hebrew scriptures with the Qur'an. The so-called Old Testament is more strongly focused on promoting genocide against Israel's enemies than anything in the Qur'an against infidels.
Having read the Bible twice through, I'd have to say that in every book of the Old Testament, Israel was attacked first and then enslaved. Egypt, Caanan, the Hittites, Persia....all these people oppressed Israel and in every story they are breaking free of this bondage.

Now, how about a few quotes from the Koran for you:

God loves no infidel. 2:276
Men are a step above women. 2:228
Say to the infidels: you shall be worsen, and to Hell shall you be
gathered together; and wretched the couch! 3:10
Believers! wage war against such of the infidels as are your neighbors, and let them find you rigorous. 9:124

What a peaceful religion. And that's just a few excerpts. Must I continue?

Verses from the Bible:

Come unto me, ye who are weary and overburdened, and I will give you rest. - Matthew 11:28
The fruit of the spirit is love, joy and peace. Galatians 5:22
Seek peace, and pursue it. - Psalms 34:14

How terribly violent! Flee to the hills! The Christians are coming!🙄



19 Jan 06
21 Mar 06
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Originally posted by nomind
this is laughable. YOU will kill any scum...? i imagine that if you were faced with some angry ak47 weilding militant muslims, you would barely be able to keep from wetting yourself. these men live with death and killing on a daily basis. you do not. you are unspeakably soft by their standards. our soldiers are unspeakably soft by their standards. furt ...[text shortened]... then it's easy enough to make them into monsters just for having those beliefs, isn't it?
Your ignorance is amusing to me. I think your screenname fits you well sir.

To begin, I would indeed go overseas in a heartbeat and fight these scum of the earth before they come here.

Read the Koran and maybe take a look at a few of the excerpts I have included in my above post. There's a million more where those came from, so don't even start.

And Reagan was possiblyone of the greatest presidents this country has ever seen. Reagonomics reduced taxes, increased small enterprise, and reduced the national debt significantly. If you look at the statistics, the economy was better during his term then in the past 100 years.


10 Mar 06
21 Mar 06
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Originally posted by Iorek
[b]Your ignorance is amusing to me. I think your screenname fits you well sir.

To begin, I would indeed go overseas in a heartbeat and fight these scum of the earth before they come here.

Read the Koran and maybe take a look at a few of the excerpts I have included in my above post. There's a million more where those came from, so don't even start.

And R ...[text shortened]... you look at the statistics, the economy was better during his term then in the past 100 years.[/b
i'm glad to amuse you, but why do all that disagree with me think that it is so witty to point out my screen name? do you think that it was an accident? i agree that the quran is filled with passages that exhort the faithful to kill infidels in the name of allah. many of them, even. maybe even more so than the christian bible, i don't know. nonetheless, christianity and islam are essentially the same system. they both have the same aims and procedures to accomplish their ends. one may seem slightly worse - perhaps because of cultural context - but one cannot be fundamentally worse. i have no problem with someone who is intent on pointing out the evils of islam as long as they acknowledge the same evils exist in christianity as well. it's those that criticize islam but uphold that their precious christianity is somehow better, that i take issue with.
- reaganomics? if that's your flavor, so be it. i would personally prefer to live in a society where the citizens pay taxes willingly, knowing that their taxes will go towards programs that will directly benefit them and their society as a whole (as opposed to foriegn wars of conquest). people that bitch about "big government" are usually complaining from willful ignorance and/or racial hatred. government is fine when it's building roads but not when it's helping the poor? maybe that's becuase you need roads but you're not poor. furthermore, reagan's presidency was where a lot of the privatization of government began. again, maybe it's just a matter of taste, but i believe that there should be tax funded organisations for various purposes that private industry cannot be trusted to do - such as elections and education. plus there is plenty of evidence that private corporations are far more inefficient than government when performing tasks, because of greed and lack of government oversight. i don't trust a timber company to not cut down every last tree to make a profit - timber companies are supposed to make a profit. that's why we need government oversight. why do i get the feeling that i'm always arguing with overgrown children on here?

and for capital boy - i don't really care that my punctuation is not up to your standards but i do appreciate your attempt to help me better myself.


10 Mar 06
21 Mar 06
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Originally posted by GhostOfNo1
That's the first thing you've said that's correct... there is hope for you after all...
i think you've been watching too many movies. go outside more, interact with people. i know, it's a little scary at first but it feels great and will do you no end of good.


07 Aug 05
22 Mar 06
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Originally posted by nomind
i fear for your children as well, i really, really fear for them. reagan may have been a great man but he was a shitty president. what exactly did he do that makes him so great? mandatory sentancing for drug offenses so now our prisons are clogged with non-violent offenders. he spent millions if not billions on america's fabled space-based defense system. ...[text shortened]... the kind where people pay taxes so that there is a social safety net for when people need it.
nomind, named correctly! If the key to a successful nation is social programs and welfare then why isn't europe flourishing? Fact is: Europe is dying. Negative birth rates and huge unemployment. Social programs are only good for creating a caste system. Welfare and social government reward mediocrity and failure...you don't get a good rating on this site for losing do you? Reagan faced the highest incidence of drug crime ever in the US. He slowed it down, but it's realistic to win that fight. Read your history. There are many, many things you may have learned in school that are not true or represented incorrectly. Ignorance isn't something to be proud of...


10 Mar 06
22 Mar 06
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Originally posted by rassman987
nomind, named correctly! If the key to a successful nation is social programs and welfare then why isn't europe flourishing? Fact is: Europe is dying. Negative birth rates and huge unemployment. Social programs are only good for creating a caste system. Welfare and social government reward mediocrity and failure...you don't get a good rating on this site ...[text shortened]... ol that are not true or represented incorrectly. Ignorance isn't something to be proud of...
china is flourishing. you do not need to tell me that our (or any) system of education is more of a system of indoctrination than anything else - i'm sure that i would take that point much further than you would. after all, rand mcnally corp. (maybe not rand mcnally, but one of the major text book publishers) is a family friend of the bush's. you think that reagan was good, i do not, but we are also in disagreement about what we mean by 'good'. furthermore, we are also in disagreement about what we mean by successful. i imagine that you think that america is successful. i, however, have a hard time finding the success in a nation founded on genocide and built by slavery. i also do not consider a nation successful merely because it is able to force its views upon other nations. i never asked the govt. of this country to intervene on my behalf against communism (or terrorism or whatever it will be next) around the world. i would gauge the success of a nation by the level of compassion and awareness that its citizens have. i would gauge it by how well it cares for all of the members of its society. i would gauge it by how it conducts itself internationally as far as how much it promotes peace and wellbeing to other nations and how much it helps nations in trouble. i would gauge the success of a nation by how well informed its citizenry is and how much they care about the political process. i would gauge a nation's success on how equally it treats all members of its society, and how much better the lives of the next generation will be than the present one. by these measures, america has quite a long way to go. more to the point, by these measures, reagan and every conservative since are going in the wrong direction.


07 Aug 05
22 Mar 06
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Originally posted by nomind
china is flourishing. you do not need to tell me that our (or any) system of education is more of a system of indoctrination than anything else - i'm sure that i would take that point much further than you would. after all, rand mcnally corp. (maybe not rand mcnally, but one of the major text book publishers) is a family friend of the bush's. you think th ...[text shortened]... t, by these measures, reagan and every conservative since are going in the wrong direction.
I cannot believe that you would even mention China as an example of what you believe. If all these other places are so much better then why don't you go there? Leave, please. I beg you! We don't need people like you here. This is the land of the free not Marx or Lenin. China is not flourishing. China is building cities for people that don't exist. READ. stop watching CNN. China has done much worse in the last 40 years than ever happened in this country. You bring up slavery and genocide. Slavery was a worldwide phenomenon that even the founding fathers didn't like. They realized that abolishing slavery at the conception of the nation wasn't economically possible. Imagine if they had chosen otherwise. It would be a completely different world where the United States never existed. Genocide?: 70% of all native americans that died did so because they were not imune to smallpox. Should they have been immunized with technology that didn't exist yet? Without the competition and the opportunity for rewards that capitalism presents you wouldn't have a TV, car, electricity, medecine, radio, computers.... what would there be? Socialism takes away that drive to be great. Everyone needs to be the same. So the best doctor in the world makes the same as my garbage man... Makes complete sense to me!


10 Mar 06
22 Mar 06
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Originally posted by rassman987
I cannot believe that you would even mention China as an example of what you believe. If all these other places are so much better then why don't you go there? Leave, please. I beg you! We don't need people like you here. This is the land of the free not Marx or Lenin. China is not flourishing. China is building cities for people that don't exist. READ. s ...[text shortened]... best doctor in the world makes the same as my garbage man... Makes complete sense to me!
i did not say that china is an example of what i believe in, i only said that it is flourishing. and it is, by their standards. of course china is nowhere near as wealthy as america is, but standards of living are improving, in the cities anyway. i believe that their economy is improving in relation to ours, and the balance of trade is in their favor. nonetheless, i think china is very much behind the times where other matters are concerned. i don't think that china is "better" than america or anything, but i believe that they are at least heading in the right direction, whereas we are not. i don't think i'll be leaving anytime soon, but i appreciate your concern. this is, as you correctly pointed out, the land of the free, so i am free to stick around and try to do my part to invoke rationality and inspire thought. i have great appreciation for this country which is why i want to make it better. i don't expect that there is much that i can do to that effect, but what i will not do is stand quietly while my country takes several large steps backward.


07 Aug 05
22 Mar 06
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Originally posted by nomind
i did not say that china is an example of what i believe in, i only said that it is flourishing. and it is, by their standards. of course china is nowhere near as wealthy as america is, but standards of living are improving, in the cities anyway. i believe that their economy is improving in relation to ours, and the balance of trade is in their favor. non ...[text shortened]... t what i will not do is stand quietly while my country takes several large steps backward.
At least your mind isn't completely closed. You have to remember that America's current condition is the result of 50 years of Democrat control. I don't think Democrats are evil, but I do recognize that the message the democrats have been preaching for the last 50 years has changed radically. I think today's Repulican party is a good representation of the Democratic party of 1950. Today's democrats are off in left field. THe worst part is that true conservatives have no representation. China is expanding exponentially. Economy and population. Many economists think the growth rate is artificial and economically there wil be major consequences. We must wait and see with China. Either the government will fall or economic implosion is postulated. The problem with communism is that they don't need to tell the truth. THey are in the business of control. THey want their population to believe in them and follow along. Lemmings..... sheep....democrats.....uneducated people. If you control the flow of information and the media you rule. Look at the US.

Bosse de Nage
Zellulärer Automat

Spiel des Lebens

27 Jan 05
22 Mar 06
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Originally posted by rassman987
nomind, named correctly!
Do you have an inkling of why nomind may have chosen that particular handle, or are you as ignorant as you are keen to depict him as being?


07 Aug 05
22 Mar 06
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Originally posted by Bosse de Nage
Do you have an inkling of why nomind may have chosen that particular handle, or are you as ignorant as you are keen to depict him as being?
It is entertaining to follow a persons train of thoughts. Especially someone like nomind that preaches like he knows what is best for the world. Atleast I know I am ignorant and Am fine with it.


River City

08 Dec 04
22 Mar 06
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Originally posted by Iorek
Now, how about a few quotes from the Koran for you:

God loves no infidel. 2:276
Men are a step above women. 2:228
Say to the infidels: you shall be worsen, and to Hell shall you be
gathered together; and wretched the couch! 3:10
Believers! wage war against such of the infidels as are your neighbors, and let them find you rigorous. 9:124

What a peaceful religion. And that's just a few excerpts. Must I continue?
Either continue until you have some evidence for:

Originally posted by Iorek
The basis of the entire Islamic religion is death to the infadels. Don't believe me, pick up the Koran and have at.

Or, admit that you do not know what you are talking about.

As for the Bible, do you deny that Joshua 11, for example, advocates genocide?

Originally posted by Iorek
There's a million more where those came from, so don't even start.

Are there even a million verses in the Qur'an?


River City

08 Dec 04
22 Mar 06
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Originally posted by Iorek
Reagonomics reduced taxes, increased small enterprise, and reduced the national debt significantly.
The national debt more than doubled under Reagan.

Originally posted by Iorek
Your ignorance is amusing to me.

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