There is that pesky part where you get triple vaxxed and you don't DIE from covid.
I guess that doesn't matter in your universe.
@no1marauder saidWhy do you bait us by saying "Restricting your movement'.? You have heard the phrase 'directing traffic'. Have you ever heard the phrase uttered 'restricting traffic'??!?? You purposely, as you always do, change things around and get totally off the clear subject. You make your own subject and leave the point of the thread in the dust. Am I going to have to come down there?
A government employee will give you a ticket requiring you to pay a fine or perhaps even be imprisoned if you don't stop at a red light. In other words, they are using coercive measures to require you to restrict your movement - all for the public health and safety.
That is different from a vaccine "mandate" which requires you to be vaccinated or tested to keep your job ................................ how exactly?
And, does the government drone's 'restricting movement' (directing traffic) in the normal course of commerce equate to a government drone (I'm refraining from using gestapo) injecting me with something I do not want to be injected with? Soylent Green? Jeez
And your tag above about 'Keep your job' is quite irrelevant. It is not the govt job to be sure you have a job.It is not in the Constitution. This is typical liberal garbage. And SCOTUS says the govt can't tell a biz to make people receive injections, so how do you think you are making a point here? You know, the Constitution does not bless mobs, either. You fellers are on thin ice to expect all this government control.
Thank God for Trump's appointments on SCOTUS.
@wildgrass saidHow, pray tell, does it restrict your freedom of movement. Feel free to define freedom of movement while driving a vehicle in public thoroughfares.
The city just put up a new stop sign in my neighborhood, and it's messing everyone up. It's an intersection that used to be a 2 way stop going North-South but not East-West and now it's a full 4-way stop. It's restricting my freedom of movement.
Anyways, not that its any of your business, but I'm going to ask the Supreme Court to decide this one.
The only other option that you could have is to drive willy-nily without stopping? Am I missing something here?
@mghrn55 saidI do not like aborting babies, sue me. I do think, however, that a woman has what you fellers call a right to choose, just like she had a right to choose to even get pregnant in the first place. So we are all cool with that, yet you continue to make it appear that I do not 'believe' in abortion in the USA.
How is your battle against abortion coming along ? 😛
All I have ever said to get the mob in a tizzy is that if my neighbor's daughter elects to terminate a pregnancy, I do not think that I have anything to do with that. I am watching a golf tournament on ESPN.
Seriously, would you knock on my door and ask me for money for the girl's abortion.??? Neither of you characters will answer this question. I know, because I have asked it 50 times, and people like Marauder and the Kevin-guy type back about, well, something else. Tiresome, indeed. I would think it would be a great gambit.
@no1marauder saidBut that comes next. Do you have any idea who is running our government? Do you think that if AOC, Bernie, Susan Rice and the 'We will transform America' Obama all got what they have been asking for, in the next 7 days, that their control and demands would STOP?!?!?!?!??!?!??!?!?!??!?1?/1/?
LMAO! "Attacking you"? What comical hyperbole.
The "mandate" wouldn't even have required anyone to get a vaccine.
@wildgrass saidIt ia truly sad that you think that. Would love to hear you preparing your kids for a future while having supper tonight. "It's all gone kids, you don't have a chance.....that McDonald's job is looking kinda good right now."Make your own pie.
Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos stole all the ingredients.
You will not amount to anything. Of course, if you do not take risks, you will never accomplish anything. Do you know who said that, Wildgrass? Muhammad Ali.
@no1marauder saidI see where you are coming from, but remember, you are interpreting the constitution the way that you , a liberal, a dependent / government sort, envisions the way the USA should be. You read stuff in. One of y'all recently said that the word 'welfare' meant then what welfare is now....free stuff, free stuff, etc etc. It certainly does not, nor does it provide for Nanny State, which of course, you want it to. So you are defeated right out of the gate with this post.
Did the Framers have that "one mob" attitude?
""We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States ...[text shortened]... art endangering the health and/or safety of others, society has a legitimate power to restrain them.
Giving you the benefit of the doubt, tell us exactly where there is 'Legitimate power to restrain' written, even between the lines, in those words.
@averagejoe1 saidOther option? You are mandating that I stop, thereby restricting my movement. It's not like I can go around, it's the only road to get to my job. Don't worry at all Joe, SCOTUS will fix it. They are trained experts in traffic flow and they know how to weigh the relative safety risks against this intense violation of my freedom.
How, pray tell, does it restrict your freedom of movement. Feel free to define freedom of movement while driving a vehicle in public thoroughfares.
The only other option that you could have is to drive willy-nily without stopping? Am I missing something here?
@wildgrass saidOK. Silly is as silly does. Anyway, everyone vote. Is wildgrass, with his vehicle, a cog in the wheel of traffic, being restricted, or is he being directed?
Other option? You are mandating that I stop, thereby restricting my movement. It's not like I can go around, it's the only road to get to my job. Don't worry at all Joe, SCOTUS will fix it. They are trained experts in traffic flow and they know how to weigh the relative safety risks against this intense violation of my freedom.
Marauder also tried to slip 'restricted' hereinabove, but I caught him! I don't get no respect! 😕
@averagejoe1 saidIt's a waste of time responding to your incoherent rants.
I see where you are coming from, but remember, you are interpreting the constitution the way that you , a liberal, a dependent / government sort, envisions the way the USA should be. You read stuff in. One of y'all recently said that the word 'welfare' meant then what welfare is now....free stuff, free stuff, etc etc. It certainly does not, nor does it provide for Nan ...[text shortened]... actly where there is 'Legitimate power to restrain' written, even between the lines, in those words.
Suffice to say, you don't have the slightest idea what the Framers meant.
@no1marauder saidI think that you don't. Your mind is so full of fancy words, which I left in my profession so I could have more fun, that you are a bit muddled about the Constitution.
It's a waste of time responding to your incoherent rants.
Suffice to say, you don't have the slightest idea what the Framers meant.
Do you defend it or not? Seems you or one of your cohorts want to change it to meet the modern age we live in. So, if you do, why do you keep referring to it as something to 'go-by'?
You are an idiot if you think my well-phrased many posts this morning are rants, I liked them all, I made some good points, and you know it.
Let's all go over to the thread of Biden wrapping it all up soon.
@averagejoe1 saidRestricted? Some faceless unelected gov't bureaucrat has mandated that I stop. The existence of that stop sign is not silly. It wears on the brakes and has significant potential for whiplash (at least how I drive lol). It adds at least 16 seconds to my daily commute, which is more than 2 hours a year.
OK. Silly is as silly does. Anyway, everyone vote. Is wildgrass, with his vehicle, a cog in the wheel of traffic, being restricted, or is he being directed?
Marauder also tried to slip 'restricted' hereinabove, but I caught him! I don't get no respect! 😕
I don't remember reading about stop signs in the constitution so this should be an easy one for ol' SCOTUS.
@wildgrass saidAre you just using that as a rhetorical device or do you really believe that Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos stole their fortunes?Make your own pie.
Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos stole all the ingredients.
@wildgrass saidNo, it was your city council who makes laws, or county laws. Not a mandate
Restricted? Some faceless unelected gov't bureaucrat has mandated that I stop. The existence of that stop sign is not silly. It wears on the brakes and has significant potential for whiplash (at least how I drive lol). It adds at least 16 seconds to my daily commute, which is more than 2 hours a year.
I don't remember reading about stop signs in the constitution so this should be an easy one for ol' SCOTUS.
So, I'll ask the obvious question......how else should traffic be directed? The willy-nilly I mentioned?