@earl-of-trumps saidNo I'm not "better than that". What he did was treason. He tried to overthrow the legitimate elected US government.
@Kewpie - ...and clearly intended to make himself dictator for life.
C'mon Kewpie, you're better than that
You love to lie just like your god king Trump. US oil reserves, about 50 billion barrels.
I bet you got your stupid numbers from FAUX NEWS.
Those AH's will regret the day they voted for Trump if in fact by some terrible disaster Trump actually becomes POTUS again.
Here is what my sister said when I asked if she would vote for Trump if he was a convicted felon:
I will ALWAYS vote for Trump and if he is convicted it is because the COURTS are corrupt, I guess that would mean she thinks the JUDGES are corrupt but it seems she doesn't know it is not the judges who convict, last I heard it was the JURY, I think that fact is lost on all the magites who support Trump to the bitter end, and bitter it will be if this dictator in training becomes POTUS again.
@earl-of-trumps saidSo your saying that he did not attempt, by various nefarious means to stay in power after being legitimately rejected by the electorate, it’s a shame that you and the rest of the Trumpians are not better than that.
@Kewpie - ...and clearly intended to make himself dictator for life.
C'mon Kewpie, you're better than that
Ok Mr (Maybe I am wrong in calling you Mr.) political maven, why don't you tell US what you think Trump's motive is to be POTUS again.
@sonhouse saidThen this article is way off? oooh sonhouse.
You love to lie just like your god king Trump. US oil reserves, about 50 billion barrels.
I bet you got your stupid numbers from FAUX NEWS.
Hey, Trump gave up all his info on the Ukrainian phone call beause he thought he was quite innocent. Why will not the Bidens give us all we need to know about all the millions, the sources, and also, what is the nature of the 20 curious bank accounts? And did he LIE when he said he had not talked to his son about about business? oooh Sonhouse
@averagejoe1 saidWhen the trump clan divulge why Jared got millions and millions from the Saudis perhaps we can talk about hunters mental health issues
Then this article is way off? oooh sonhouse.
Hey, Trump gave up all his info on the Ukrainian phone call beause he thought he was quite innocent. Why will not the Bidens give us all we need to know about all the millions, the sources, and also, what is the nature of the 20 curious bank accounts? And did he LIE when he said he had not talked to his son about about business? oooh Sonhouse
@metal-brain saidLibs go off half cocked, with no basis. This post assumes guilt of Trump. Libs are so far ahead of everyone with this innate knowledge.
Stop spreading misinformation. He called for peaceful protests. Ray Epps tried to overthrow the legitimate elected US government.
@metal-brain saidWe all saw it happening in real time. Why do you Putinist MAGAhatters still think you can fool anyone?
Stop spreading misinformation. He called for peaceful protests. Ray Epps tried to overthrow the legitimate elected US government.
@kewpie saidTwo things going on here, kewpie....
No I'm not "better than that". What he did was treason. He tried to overthrow the legitimate elected US government.
1] trying to overthrow the government, and overthrowing the government are two different things. there is NO WAY
Trump had the muscle in Washington to even come close to an overthrow, not to mention key cities throughout.
2] If it is soooo obvious that Trump was trying to overthrow the government, why didn't he get arrested?
You're seeing ghosts, kewpie. And if you still think you are right, go to Washington with your evidence.
Face facts, kewpie. What happened on 1/6 was not even close to being what it would take for an overthrow of the government.
What you suffer from is a bad case of wishful thinking.
@kevcvs57 saidIt is quite possible to be nefarious without being illegal.
So your saying that he did not attempt, by various nefarious means to stay in power after being legitimately rejected by the electorate, it’s a shame that you and the rest of the Trumpians are not better than that.
Trump as not named as the head man to the insurrection but all the Libs have blamed him
@sonhouse saidwho gives a truck? I mean seriously, dude, who cares.
Ok Mr (Maybe I am wrong in calling you Mr.) political maven, why don't you tell US what you think Trump's motive is to be POTUS again.
you're acting like I'm someone who voted for Trump and that will vote for Trump again.