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Should children be forced to learn evolution?

Should children be forced to learn evolution?


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Originally posted by MacSwain
Excellent point.

Just think ... those who were reared by those damaging techniques beginning in the 60's are now running the USA!
The people who marched in the street for civil rights, women's lib, and got us out of Vietnam? The people who evicted a crook from the White House? Those people ? 😀 Indeed, it was the 60's spawned the Dreatest Generation. 😉 ...we shall o - ver - come ....

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Originally posted by Nullifidian
Sounds like a fascinating new approach. ...
Tell me the truth, you're angling for a job as the next Attorney General, aren't you?

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Originally posted by Nullifidian
Sounds like a fascinating new approach. It'll cut down my time spent writing papers significantly. Just think: no introductions, no materials and methods sections, with its tedious rehash of the experimental setup, no results section, just skip straight to the conclusion and then challenge anyone who doesn't accept it to produce their evidence and reasoning for not agreeing with me.
Hang on you're talking about research that tends to establish provable repeatable results aren't you. For a moment I thought you were talking about speculative reasoning by a bunch of experts who have the advantage of position and authority to make their prognostications appear unassailable. You almost had me going then!

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