Originally posted by OmnislashVery elegantly stated.
I have no dillusions that you would have access to such funds my friend. I assume you are fiscally on a like field with myself, and likewise limited in your ability to advertise your position. I can appreciate that you may not have much time to devote to debate, and I can appreciate your desire to speak out about something you feely strongly about. Quite f ...[text shortened]... s as opposed to abusing them for your own personal endeavors.
Best Regards,
Originally posted by shavixmirAm I the only one that sees the inconsistency in this post?
Sasquatuch672. You disgust me.
What sort of fascist practise is this? Trying to get someone banned? Just because you dislike his views, methods or whatever.
I've alerted your post, because I really, really think it is truly disgusting.
If you have a problem with Stang, PM him about it. TALK to him about it. Argue that his methods are doing him ...[text shortened]... r.
But to try to get him banned, and gloat about it???
You really disappoint me there man.
apparently for this forum voltaire gets a re-write. i dont like what you say, and i will spend an inordinate amount of time and energy telling the whole world ad nauseum exactly why I dont like what you say and if i can get you to stfu i will. so be warned!!.
before you confuse us as mates, (most aussies generally stick up for the guy the pack decides to jump), for all those eloquent stangbusters out there... surely you have a voice to create threads of your own... if the man is this consistently annoying(and i can't in all honesty fault that assertion) has anyone got a two year old that you just end up learning to ignore??
the passion and fervour expressed would make one think that he were the antichrist or something. or is this some wierd twilight zone i've landed in........... doctor my head really hurts when i bang it against this wall......(stop banging it) ....but doc you dont understand it has this really revolting limegreen and spew colour and it infuriates me so much i am compelled to keep banging my head against this wall (you might need these) ......what is it doc? (asks question while still angrilly banging head)....pain relief.(says doc while he rolls ..i mean prescribes himself pain medication and a referral to see himself in the morning)
Yes, yes DFTT don't feed the troll, it's a maxim at least as old as the first internet message boards.
IMHO the knocking the head on the wall analogy dosent apply as well as the kid with the spray can tagging bus shelters.
...the best part about knocking your head on the wall, it's good when you stop eh...almost makes the original knocking worth it.
Originally posted by OmnislashCorrect in every respect.
Your contempt is unwarranted my friend.
I agree with you that there are a myriad of far more preferable and cordial ways to deal with an individual who offends, but I believe such options have been exhausted with STANG. I agree, it is far better to simply talk with an individual. Therein lies the fallacy though. 'talking' to STANG is an asinine endeavo ...[text shortened]... m this person, I will continue to request his ban as well.
Best Regards,
Originally posted by OmnislashAs is this.
I have no dillusions that you would have access to such funds my friend. I assume you are fiscally on a like field with myself, and likewise limited in your ability to advertise your position. I can appreciate that you may not have much time to devote to debate, and I can appreciate your desire to speak out about something you feely strongly about. Quite f ...[text shortened]... s as opposed to abusing them for your own personal endeavors.
Best Regards,
I can't rec, but i'd be all over those two posts if I could.
Well said ... sadly, I lack your vocabulary and tack, so i'll just say it my way.
How many times can you let the dog crap in your shoe before you take him for a ride .. a long ride, in the country .. waaaay in the country, never to return and soil your shoes again
Sooner or later Stank will either change (?fat chance?), be banned, or be the center of a very small group of posters.
Any serious posters will be spammed away.
The troll dominates the Debate Forum by sheer volume .. yet no one has ever had a debate with him.
Think about it.
Originally posted by shavixmirI can't believe that I'm in agreement with you. Hell I even gave you a rec. What is the world coming to?🙂 While I think STANG is a dumbass I still don't think he should be banned.
Sasquatuch672. You disgust me.
What sort of fascist practise is this? Trying to get someone banned? Just because you dislike his views, methods or whatever.
I've alerted your post, because I really, really think it is truly disgusting.
If you have a problem with Stang, PM him about it. TALK to him about it. Argue that his methods are doing him ...[text shortened]... r.
But to try to get him banned, and gloat about it???
You really disappoint me there man.
Originally posted by shavixmirComplains about Sasquatch going to the moderators instead of reasoning with STANG then goes cry babying to the moderators himself.
That's due to your head being so far up your arse you can't quite tell the difference between reality and sci-fi-randian-mumbo-jumbo.
Stang floods the forums with his crap and then people say we should ignore him and start our own posts. He will spam our new threads as quick as we post new ones. Is that not obvious? Perhaps Russ could add something to the forum where the poster of a thread could choose to exclude certain people from posting to it. Perhaps the poster could include in the post a request that certain people refrain from posting to it, although I somehow think that someone as obnoxious as stang would not respect it cause it is plain to see from his past practices that he has no respect. He is like a spoilt 2 year old throwing one big tantrum.
Originally posted by sasquatch672Let me know if I can help.
your next ban. It's regrettable that I and others have to spend our time policing an otherwise excellent chess site, but I'm going to do it. I'm one of the people working toward your next ban. I want you to go rent "A Bronx Tale". When you do get banned, I'm going to send you this message: "Look at me. LOOK AT ME! Look at my face. I did this to you!"