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Trump pardons sherrife that arrested drug dealers

Trump pardons sherrife that arrested drug dealers



Originally posted by @shavixmir
You really are a leaky bumhole.
and that's just your intelligence I'm referring to.

Funny how if you rob a liquor store you get a jail sentence, yet when you rob millions the government gives you more money to keep the economy rolling.
Yeah, I hate all that money being wasted on clean energy companies that go bankrupt and owners walking away with all that money too.

It really is a scam.


Originally posted by @wajoma
He actually lives in the US too.
Yes and it shows.


Originally posted by @eladar
Yeah, I hate all that money being wasted on clean energy companies that go bankrupt and owners walking away with all that money too.

It really is a scam.
... and who goes to prison for such scams?

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Originally posted by @whodey
Excessive penalty? Was It a lawful penalty or was it not?

Here we go again, we have a statist championing an ever larger government as they pass thousands of new laws and regulations every year distancing yourself from some of these laws as "unjust". So we should then just ignore them instead of repeal or changing them, much like Obama did signing Execu ...[text shortened]... different than following the laws. Did the sheriff follow the laws? That is the only question.
Did the sheriff follow the laws? That is the only question.

No. That is the only answer you need. Sheriff Arpaio was convicted precisely for breaking the law.

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Originally posted by @joe-shmo
"There are lots of ways to demonstrate racism in sentencing. In 2010, in the USA, the chances of being in prison were 450 per 100,000 if your were White, 831 per 100,000 if you were Hispanic, 2,306 if you were Black."

I do find this disturbing.

In 2015 Blacks in America are responsible > 50% of ALL murder and non-negligent manslaughter, yet only mak ...[text shortened]... tice here...

Blacks commit this violent crime at approximately 8.6 times the rate of "whites", yet you say they are only incarcerated at 5 times the rate of whites?

This racist nonsense needs correcting before we move on too far. Have you no understanding of statistics at all? (Clue - the answer has to be "no, none"😉

Whatever the proportion of murders committed by Blacks rather than Whites, you cannot translate this statistic into the proportion of Blacks and Whites who are in prison, because most prisoners have not been convicted for murder.

To understand racism in sentencing you need to compare how Black and White people are treated by the justice system when they are charged with the exact same offence. Research published by the ACLU included the following comment:

These racial disparities result from disparate treatment of Blacks at every stage of the criminal justice system, including stops and searches, arrests, prosecutions and plea negotiations, trials, and sentencing. Race matters at all phases and aspects of the criminal process, including the quality of representation, the charging phase, and the availability of plea agreements....

Sticking with murder, the same research discussed in particular the presence of a Racial Bias in Death Penalty Cases and offered a list of examples (which are backed up with references in the source document)

"In cases of people sentenced to death, racial discrimination in jury selection has played a key role in securing their sentences and racial bias has demonstrably played a part in the selection of individuals for capital prosecution, in the prosecution itself, and/or in the imposition of the sentence of death.

Duane Buck was sentenced to die in Texas based on testimony of a psychologist who told the jury that Buck was more likely to be dangerous in the future because he is Black. The same psychologist gave similar testimony in a total of seven Texas cases. In 2000, then-Attorney General John Cornyn called for the retrial of all seven men who had been sentenced to death based on the same psychologist’s testimony that their race or ethnic background made them more dangerous, including Buck. Courts granted new sentencing trials to six of those inmates, but upheld Buck's unconstitutional death sentence on technical procedural grounds. Buck remains on Texas’ death row.

Kenneth Rouse, a Black man, was tried by an all-White jury in North Carolina after the prosecutor struck every eligible Black juror from the pool. One of the jurors who served on his case—and convicted him and sentenced him to die—admitted later that he decided the case based on his prejudices. Rouse remains on North Carolina’s death row.

Glenn Ford, a Black man, was recently exonerated after spending 30 years on Louisiana’s death row. He, too, was tried by an all-White jury in a parish that is 40 percent Black. At his trial, the court reporter typed the responses of White jurors as “yes, sir” and the responses of Black jurors as “yes, suh.” A Confederate flag flew outside the courthouse where he was tried (and was only removed in recent years).

Earl McGahee, a Black man, was tried by an all-White jury in Selma, Alabama. When the judge asked the prosecutor to explain why he had struck all 24 eligible jurors from the jury pool, he said that he felt that many of them were of “low intelligence.”

Before you get to tell us all about the dreadful way Black criminals behave, you need to spend some time considering the way they come to be "criminalised" in the first place.


Originally posted by @whodey
There is evidence for racial bigotry, don't get me wrong, but proving that these numbers are a result of such bigotry is another thing altogether.

Although I'm convinced that racists and bigots lurk in the shadows, because they have always been there and always be there, I remain unconvinced that it is institutionalized to the point of being the cause o ...[text shortened]... and, as a result, tend to live in areas with less crime and have better access to legal council.
After checking through various sources, a good relatively recent and detailed study of racial disparities in sentencing is this one, published in 2014 by the ACLU:


It covers a lot of ground well, and I cited it above on the topic of capital punishment, but a good example of the way laws are written to affect Black people and White people differently is in the penalties for using cocaine in different forms.

"As part of the AntiDrug Abuse Act of 1986, Congress ignored empirical evidence and created a 100-to-1 disparity between the amounts of crack and powder cocaine required to trigger certain mandatory minimum sentences. In fact, crack and powder cocaine are simply two forms of the same drug, and the only difference between them is that crack includes the addition of baking soda and heat. As a result of Congress’s inaccurate perception of differences in the harmfulness and dangerousness between crack and powder cocaine, sentences for offenses involving crack cocaine were made much longer than those for offenses involving the same amount of powder cocaine. Thus, for example, someone convicted of an offense involving just five grams of crack cocaine was subject to the same five-year mandatory minimum federal prison sentence as someone convicted of an offense involving 500 grams of powder cocaine. The 100-to-1 ratio resulted in vast unwarranted racial disparities in the average length of sentences for comparable offenses because the majority of people arrested for crack offenses are Black. By 2004, under the 100-to-1 disparity, Blacks served virtually as much time in prison for a nonviolent drug offense (58.7 months) as whites did for a violent offense (61.7 months). In 2010, 85 percent of the 30,000 people sentenced for crack cocaine offenses under the 100-to-1 regime were AfricanAmerican.



Originally posted by @finnegan
... and who goes to prison for such scams?
None of the ruling class nor their buddies.


Originally posted by @finnegan
Blacks commit this violent crime at approximately 8.6 times the rate of "whites", yet you say they are only incarcerated at 5 times the rate of whites?

This racist nonsense needs correcting before we move on too far. Have you no understanding of statistics at all? (Clue - the answer has to be "no, none"😉

Whatever the proportion of m ...[text shortened]... u need to spend some time considering the way they come to be "criminalised" in the first place.
"This racist nonsense needs correcting before we move on too far. Have you no understanding of statistics at all? (Clue - the answer has to be "no, none"

Whatever the proportion of murders committed by Blacks rather than Whites, you cannot translate this statistic into the proportion of Blacks and Whites who are in prison, because most prisoners have not been convicted for murder."

So what your really saying with this asinine logic is there exists no correlation between those who are arrested for a crime, and those who are incarcerated for said crime? You have to be joking...


Originally posted by @joe-shmo
"This racist nonsense needs correcting before we move on too far. Have you no understanding of statistics at all? (Clue - the answer has to be "no, none"

Whatever the proportion of murders committed by Blacks rather than Whites, you cannot translate this statistic into the proportion of Blacks and Whites who are in prison, because most prisoners have n ...[text shortened]... e arrested for a crime, and those who are incarcerated for said crime? You have to be joking...
I think you will find that of the people convicted for murder in your statistics, the number convicted amounts to 100% overall, of which 100% of the White convicted murders, 100% of the Black convicted murders, and 100% of Hispanic convicted murders, were all convicted of murder.

However, of the number of people in prison, less than 100% were convicted of murder and most were convicted of other crimes. Hence there is no reason whatsoever to expect the distribution of people in prison to correlate with the distribution of murderers.

You have to be an idiot to persist with your stupid protestations.



1 edit

Here is an article from NPR, so you kids should enjoy it.


In the article it says, "Heath tells guest host Tess Vigeland that nationally, black people are arrested at a rate about three times higher than other races, and Ferguson aligns pretty closely with that average." notice how "other races" and "whites" get all clumped together, as it is translated into "whitey". In fact, many here assumed Zimmerman was a whitey, when, in fact, he was Hispanic. Hilarious.

And what of Asian folk? From statistics I've seen the crime numbers are lower for them than even for whitey. Does that mean that the justice system discriminates against whitey in favor of Asians? If so, why are Asians discriminated against? I heard that an Asian American scored a perfect score on an SAT, but was denied entrance to an Ivy League college because of his race. That sort of thing no one cares about, do they? And what about the Japanese Americans locked up by the beloved FDR? It's is almost as if his racism is accepted, why I don't know, maybe because it's PC to discriminate against Asians rather then blacks. Somehow though, Trump is far worse cuz one of his employees in 1973 did not want a black living in a particular development he owned?


Then at the end of the article it says this, ""This could be a function of disparities in economic outcomes, in education, in poverty, in all sorts of other social variables that are really hard to measure and really hard to correlate," Heath says."

So not even the left leaning NPR jumps to the conclusion that the whole situation is purely whitey oppressing the black man. Only those here at RHP do that it seems. Does racism play a factor? Sure, especially when paying for the sins of the past, but to suggest that a country that elected Obama twice is still a racist nation is laughable.

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Originally posted by @finnegan
I think you will find that of the people convicted for murder in your statistics, the number convicted amounts to 100% overall, of which 100% of the White convicted murders, 100% of the Black convicted murders, and 100% of Hispanic convicted murders, were all convicted of murder.

However, of the number of people in prison, less than 100% were convicted ...[text shortened]... istribution of murderers.

You have to be an idiot to persist with your stupid protestations.
The data I presented wasn't limited to murders. It runs the full gambit of offenses that can lead to incarceration ( you can download the tables in excel yourself and provide a counter analysis if you like, but I don't expect you to)

I was using the most heinous crime type as an example of why tensions "may" be high between police and black communities. And why they "may" be incarcerated at a rate of 5:1 as you mention.

Here is a group from that list that I feel as though adequately describes the majority of the prison population.

In the crime statistics Latinos are counted as White, but the distribution of Latino crimes for each offense are listed.

Method I used: Subtract out proportion of Latino crimes from White crimes

Black % of Population USA - 13%
White % Population USA - 59%

Scale Black crime statistics linearly to match white population for rate comparison by factor of 59/13 = 4.5.

(A better model might be an increasing rate of crime, with scaled population. Possibly of the differential form dC/dP = k*P where C is the number of crimes and P is the unit population as most population models are proportional to the size of the population itself - but I'll let that go for now as the linear model is damning enough)

Calculate ratio of Black/White by offense for relative rate comparison.

My Summary:

Murder and Non-Negligent Man Slaughter - 6.4:1

Aggregate Violent Crime ( Murder, Rape, Robbery, Aggravated Assault ) - 3.6:1

Aggregate Property Crime ( Burglary, Larceny-Theft, Motor Vehicle Theft, Arson) - 2.2:1

Other Assault - 2.6:1

Weapons, Carrying, Possession - 4.1:1

What do you think about that distribution now? I can keep going if you'd like?



Originally posted by @joe-shmo
The data I presented wasn't limited to murders. It runs the full gambit of offenses that can lead to incarceration ( you can download the tables in excel yourself and provide a counter analysis if you like, but I don't expect you to)

I was using the most heinous crime type as an example of why tensions "may" be high between police and black communities ...[text shortened]... you'd like?

pretty list.

does it also come with the rate at which blacks are likely to be convicted for the same crime as whites? that's a pretty important accessory to your list
does it come with how whites and blacks are just as likely to carry drugs but blacks are far more likely to be stopped and searched?

no, i bet it doesn't. if you accessorize enough the list might actually resemble the whole picture instead of numbers that confirm your racial bias

3 edits

Originally posted by @joe-shmo
The data I presented wasn't limited to murders. It runs the full gambit of offenses that can lead to incarceration ( you can download the tables in excel yourself and provide a counter analysis if you like, but I don't expect you to)

I was using the most heinous crime type as an example of why tensions "may" be high between police and black communities ...[text shortened]... you'd like?

First of three posts

Okay idiot features, you really ought to get an adult to check your posts before submitting them to public ridicule.

Not every prisoner in a US prison has a conviction for a crime. Huge numbers languish in prison with no conviction whatsoever. US prisons for example incarcerate people who are not criminal but mentally ill, and who in any decent country would be in a hospital or under psychiatric care. But let that slide, as it will not affect the statistics you are using.

Every convicted prisoner in the USA has a conviction for a crime and adding them together, putting them into categories, classifying them by racial groups, provides the statistics on which you wish to argue. But see my correction in the next post. I think this post can stay as it is all the same.

There are more Black people in prison. Hence there will be more Black people in the categories for the crimes of which they are convicted.

Maybe if you stare at this banality for a while it will dawn on you that these statistics are self fulfilling prophecies.

Do you have a racial profile for all the people committing a crime who are not convicted? If not, then how can you establish which racial category is committing the most crimes or breaking the most laws? You can't. You have to limit your research to the number of convictions, in other words to the people in prison, in other words to the self fulfilling prophecy that if there are more Black people in prison, then there must be more Black people committing crimes.

Is it possible to break out of this idiotic circle of racist nonsense? Yes it is if you are prepared to be more disciplined in the way you select, deploy and interpret your statistics. But that requires education and honesty, two qualities you patently lack.

Take Sherif Arpaio for example. How would you deal with his statistics? Do they prove he is a racist or do they prove he suffers under the weighty burden of Black crime? Well, the details were examined in court to a criminal standard of evidence (beyond all reasonable doubt) with a full defence checking and correcting any errors, to find the explanation is indeed that he is a racist, beynd any reasonable doubt.

Of course, there remains room for insanely unreasonable doubt and plain, obstinate, self deluding pig ignorance. That's were you come in.

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