17 Jan 21
@zahlanzi saidOK with me, but not ok is your failure to comment on the YouTube of Twitter CEO who proves he is purging conservatives when you , once again, lied to the forum, saying he does not purge them. Why not answer me? Everyone is waiting%%,
you are the laughing stock of the forum so not taking you seriously is appropriate
@averagejoe1 said"We've got the land of opportunity here, our ace in the hole. "
Here's what I am hearing. We've got the land of opportunity here, our ace in the hole. You want to set aside all of the freedom in this country which allows some people (the ones who want to) to get ahead, and instead use those resources that were otherwise available to the producers... and blow it on govt programs, the people who don't do anything. Sacrifice the abili ...[text shortened]... helter they need, and then everyone else go to work. I am hoping you are a member of the latter lot.
Heh you're actually talking about the US. And you I believe that you really think this.
What fukin opportunity? To go to college? I had the opportunity to go to college to, and i graduated with 0 debt because the government paid for it. The opportunity to start a business? Canadians have that opportunity because they don't worry that if they get sick they won't have health insurance while their business takes off. The opportunity to not get shot by the police while unarmed? Nope you definitely don't have that.
What's that? You are actually white so not that much chance of being shot? How lovely for you. You are comfortably middle class so you have healthcare (for now). How lovely for you. You got a college degree 30 years ago when it was a fraction of what it is today? How lovely for you.
Only old americans believe in american exceptionalism. Young people more and more realize they live in a country where they can't afford a doctor, can't afford their own house, can't get protection from police, the opposite in fact, can't get a future on this planet because you old farts are ruining it.
So I ask again, what fuking opportunity. You have NOTHING other developed countries don't already provide most of their citizens at a fraction of cost.
@averagejoe1 saidUnderstanding words is hard for you, i have to draw you a picture.
"The govt administers everything for the benefit of the citizens". Or in other words, from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs." Sounds familiar,,,,,and creepy.
As to bailing out businesses in a crisis, life aint perfect, that is a rough one. Done in a time of crisis, though, Zalahanzi. You see, what you are arguing for is to do it 24/7, 365 days a year. A trough for people to feed on.
Can you truly not see the difference.
First of all I am fed up with american hypocrisy. You aren't a capitalist country you're a socialist country. Except where most civilized countries are to one degree or another socialist for their citizens, you are socialist for your uber wealthy. Rugged capitalism for the poor, hand-holding nanny state for the rich.
Secondly i want the socialism to stop for the rich and be extended to the poor. Past a certain point, if you can't stand on your own, you deserve to fail no matter what crisis is going on. The poor deserve relief during a pandemic, not multi billion dollar corporations that supposedly have reserves (should have). And if they don't, let them burn. Another will take their place.
Only americans reward poor managers with golden parachutes and bonuses. That's why the idiot Trump was able to go bankrupt 4 times.
"in a time of crisis, though, Zalahanzi"
who the fuk cares if it's a one time bailout. It's hundreds of billions of dollars. And you did it twice. And before that Trump gave tax cuts to billionaires.
"A trough for people to feed on. "
People pay taxes. They should get to decide what those taxes are spent on. Health and education, not a grotesque military budget.