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Vote: next “freedom” to go?



@phranny said
But my taxes go to pay for parochial schools which i find disgusting. My taxes go to pay for your self induced health care issues brought on by your poor food choices, bad habits and risky lifestyle.
which of these involve the killing of babies?


@phranny said
You haven't been paying for abortions for the past 42 years. HYDE AMENDMENT
In U.S. politics, the Hyde Amendment is a legislative provision barring the use of federal funds to pay for abortion, except to save the life of the woman, or if the pregnancy arises from incest or rape.[1][2] Before the Hyde Amendment took effect in 1980, an estimated 300,000 abortions were performed annually using federal funds.[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyde_Amendment
“Does Planned Parenthood use taxpayer money on abortions?
Planned Parenthood receives more than $500 million dollars in taxpayer funding every year. Much of their taxpayer money comes through Medicaid, which is jointly funded by federal and state taxpayers. Currently 16 states add their own state taxpayer dollars to pay directly for abortions. They also receive many taxpayer dollars through the Title X family planning program. There is zero meaningful separation of staff, facilities, and operational costs at Planned Parenthood clinics between government-funded services and abortions. Federal contract rules allow taxpayer funds to pay staff salaries, supplies, and facility costs on a “pro-rated” basis. It is merely an accounting gimmick; tax dollars literally pay the rent and energy costs to keep abortion clinics running and funds staff that help perform abortions. Planned Parenthood claims abortion is inseparable from their mission, and with half of their budget coming from taxpayers, it’s safe to say our tax dollars are inseparable from their abortion mission. Their annual reports show Planned Parenthood’s dramatic increase in taxpayer funding has led them to expand abortion while cutting clients and other health services.”



@phranny said
Contraceptives may be next to get wiped out. They don't always work. They are expensive. How about all the illness everyone else covers due to poor choices in diet and lifestyle?
“may be” ? what kind of delusional argument is that?


@phranny said
We pay even if your medical needs are own damn fault; ie you smoke, you don't wear a seat belt or a helmet while on a motorcycle or bicycle, you are obese.
Take smoking. Should I pay for a guy's medical bills because he ruined his lungs on purpose? I know you have the usual lib patter that we are all brothers and I should pay, but pretend that you ask the question of a man from Mars.....what would he say?


@phranny said
You haven't been paying for abortions for the past 42 years. HYDE AMENDMENT
In U.S. politics, the Hyde Amendment is a legislative provision barring the use of federal funds to pay for abortion, except to save the life of the woman, or if the pregnancy arises from incest or rape.[1][2] Before the Hyde Amendment took effect in 1980, an estimated 300,000 abortions were performed annually using federal funds.[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyde_Amendment
Check out ole Phranny, casually says 'Fed', makes not one reference to my state taxes paying for abortions of someone that I don't even know. Maybe the next thing you libs get passed will be me paying for the insurance on Sonhouse's F150.
The really big questions.....will it ever end, the grabbiness of libs.


Ever hear of RAPE or INCEST? Laws are being written in red states to stop abortion even in those cases. We already have a case like that right in our family, a former gf of one of my sons was 'convinced' to have the child of rape and now has lived with that for 12 years.
And forced to have the child of incest just screws up the gene pool, if you hadn't noticed, the royalty of UK got screwed up by incestuous relations.
The religious right is on its way to take over government completely, so what about that deal, separation of church and states, eh?
They already own SCOTUS who are now just political puppets of the religious right and Thomas wants to kill gay rights, same sex marriage so the Roe V Wade is only the opening shot in the religious right's agenda.
And you know that full well and WANT all that to happen including the end of democracy in the US. You fool no one.


I voted for the abortion pill to be the first to fall since there are already Republican governors and attorney generals saying providers of them may be prosecuted.

But no one should think a rollback of gay marriage is unlikely. 3 of the sitting justices dissented in that case and Kavanaugh and Barrett have replaced Kennedy and Ginsburg. If a case gets before the Court, I could easily see a 6-3 majority overruling the right.


@no1marauder said
I voted for the abortion pill to be the first to fall since there are already Republican governors and attorney generals saying providers of them may be prosecuted.

But no one should think a rollback of gay marriage is unlikely. 3 of the sitting justices dissented in that case and Kavanaugh and Barrett have replaced Kennedy and Ginsburg. If a case gets before the Court, I could easily see a 6-3 majority overruling the right.
Thomas has already said contraceptives, same sex marriage and civil rights for various groups may be abridged. Not to worry. White males will never be directly affected.


@no1marauder said
I voted for the abortion pill to be the first to fall since there are already Republican governors and attorney generals saying providers of them may be prosecuted.

But no one should think a rollback of gay marriage is unlikely. 3 of the sitting justices dissented in that case and Kavanaugh and Barrett have replaced Kennedy and Ginsburg. If a case gets before the Court, I could easily see a 6-3 majority overruling the right.
Which will then lead homosexuality being criminalized via Lawrence vs Texas being overturned, which as you mentioned before, Thomas dissented to.


@vivify said
Which will then lead homosexuality being criminalized via Lawrence vs Texas being overturned, which as you mentioned before, Thomas dissented to.
Maybe, but that might be a bridge too far for this group.

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@mott-the-hoople said
which of these involve the killing of babies?
No one is killing babies.

Kindly pull your head out of your ass.

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@mott-the-hoople said
“Does Planned Parenthood use taxpayer money on abortions?
Planned Parenthood receives more than $500 million dollars in taxpayer funding every year. Much of their taxpayer money comes through Medicaid, which is jointly funded by federal and state taxpayers. Currently 16 states add their own state taxpayer dollars to pay directly for abortions. They also receive many ...[text shortened]... clients and other health services.”

A pack of lies from the "Right to Life of Michigan".

Their statement includes non-factual opinion.

Please see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyde_Amendment

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@sonhouse said
Ever hear of RAPE or INCEST? Laws are being written in red states to stop abortion even in those cases. We already have a case like that right in our family, a former gf of one of my sons was 'convinced' to have the child of rape and now has lived with that for 12 years.
And forced to have the child of incest just screws up the gene pool, if you hadn't no ...[text shortened]... hat full well and WANT all that to happen including the end of democracy in the US. You fool no one.
South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem just released a statement yesterday saying just that.


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@averagejoe1 said
Check out ole Phranny, casually says 'Fed', makes not one reference to my state taxes paying for abortions of someone that I don't even know. Maybe the next thing you libs get passed will be me paying for the insurance on Sonhouse's F150.
The really big questions.....will it ever end, the grabbiness of libs.
One question: Did you actually pay any state or Federal taxes? Or was your tax obligation reduced to zero through Republican/Corporate tax loopholes?

If you pay no tax, then you have no voice in how taxes are spent.

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@averagejoe1 said
Take smoking. Should I pay for a guy's medical bills because he ruined his lungs on purpose? I know you have the usual lib patter that we are all brothers and I should pay, but pretend that you ask the question of a man from Mars.....what would he say?
A man from Mars is not a citizen of the US.

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