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Vote: next “freedom” to go?


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@mott-the-hoople said
“may be” ? what kind of delusional argument is that?
Less delusional than your statement about "babies".

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@jj-adams said
Don't have enough real things to complain about so you make up a list of freedoms they MIGHT want to target, even though no one has mentioned even trying to get rid of them.
Your What-If scenarios are just wishful thinking.
Uncle Clarence mentioned just that. Try to keep up.


@phranny said
But my taxes go to pay for parochial schools which i find disgusting. My taxes go to pay for your self induced health care issues brought on by your poor food choices, bad habits and risky lifestyle.
You write too generally here for one to comment on. Taxes don’t cover private (parochial)schools. School choice would be the best of worlds. I agree that people need to take care of themselves and have health insurance. The 40M that are destitute, we should take care of.


@phranny said
"Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas says gay rights, contraception rulings should be reconsidered after Roe is overturned"
Also, check out the platform put forth by the Texas GOP. Here's a brief list.
By logic, given the basis for the Roe decision, he is correct.


@phranny said
You haven't been paying for abortions for the past 42 years. HYDE AMENDMENT
In U.S. politics, the Hyde Amendment is a legislative provision barring the use of federal funds to pay for abortion, except to save the life of the woman, or if the pregnancy arises from incest or rape.[1][2] Before the Hyde Amendment took effect in 1980, an estimated 300,000 abortions were performed annually using federal funds.[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyde_Amendment
Yes, we have, thru taxes we pay to the states. You are yet another libwho does not close his comments. It is now closed and better understood. Suzianne also railed on about Hyde. To no avail.


@sonhouse said
Ever hear of RAPE or INCEST? Laws are being written in red states to stop abortion even in those cases. We already have a case like that right in our family, a former gf of one of my sons was 'convinced' to have the child of rape and now has lived with that for 12 years.
And forced to have the child of incest just screws up the gene pool, if you hadn't no ...[text shortened]... hat full well and WANT all that to happen including the end of democracy in the US. You fool no one.
Sonhouse. Are you daft? Rape and incest are excepted. We done been over this.

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@suzianne said
No one is killing babies.

Kindly pull your head out of your ass.
We are talking about killing babies, are we not? While I have you, as a woman, what is the procedure about piercing the skull, drawing out brain, just what is it exactly, the procedure?
You know, given your last line above about pulling a head.....


@suzianne said
One question: Did you actually pay any state or Federal taxes? Or was your tax obligation reduced to zero through Republican/Corporate tax loopholes?

If you pay no tax, then you have no voice in how taxes are spent.
What in the world? Who do you think pays the taxes in this country? It includes me, if you wanna get personal.
I love your last sentence. So, you imply people who don’t pay taxes should have no voice. So, Sue, by your genius logic, the non payers should Not Vote!!! I absoLUTELY agree!!!
Think I will pop out a thread on that one. Hilarious.


@averagejoe1 said
We are talking about killing babies, are we not? While I have you, as a woman, what is the procedure about piercing the skull, drawing out brain, just what is it exactly, the procedure?
You know, given your last line above about pulling a head.....
No we are not. 90% of abortions are done before 9 weeks of pregnancy when the fetus is about an inch long and has no developed organs.

Not even the fanatics at the SCOTUS were willing to pretend that fetuses have rights.

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You seem to be putting a lot of time, energy, and attention into this thread.

Is it because you are afraid of the future of "white life"?


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@averagejoe1 said
Sonhouse. Are you daft? Rape and incest are excepted. We done been over this.
Tell Kristi Noem that.

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@AverageJoe1 "Rape and incest are excepted."

Not in Texas.


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@vistesd2 said
@AverageJoe1 "Rape and incest are excepted."

Not in Texas.

Texas is a Christian nation. They don't have rape or incest over there.

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