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When the Nation called, Walz Quit. A Quitter for VP.

When the Nation called, Walz Quit. A Quitter for VP.



@AverageJoe1 said
He quit when he was deployed. He is crap.

Walz's battalion was not deployed until a full year after he left the National Guard. That is a documented fact.

Sorry to burst your bubble.


@Soothfast said
Walz's battalion was not deployed until a full year after he left the National Guard. That is a documented fact.

Sorry to burst your bubble.
the unit was notified of Iraq deployment, waltz quit 2 MONTHS later...sry to correct you missinformation


@Mott-The-Hoople said
the unit was notified of Iraq deployment, waltz quit 2 MONTHS later...sry to correct you missinformation
How many years did you serve?

So shut the fvck up you cowardly incel!


@Mott-The-Hoople said
the unit was notified of Iraq deployment, waltz quit 2 MONTHS later...sry to correct you missinformation
Provide proof, or shut up.

And the burden of proof is on your side, since you are the one claiming (again without proof) that Walz left the National Guard to avoid being deployed in Iraq.

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@Mott-The-Hoople said
the unit was notified of Iraq deployment, waltz quit 2 MONTHS later...sry to correct you missinformation
And as a matter of fact, so what if he had left the military two months after a deployment notification? Even in that hypothetical scenario the actual deployment did not occur until 10 months after Walz left. Why wouldn't he stay on for another half a year? But more to the point: he had been in the military for a quarter of a century. It is not at all unusual to enter civilian life when reaching one's forties.

This is sheer desperation on the part of Republicans. Really, this is the best you've got? Did you know one of the turds running Trump's campaign (into the ground) is none other than Christopher Joseph LaCivita, the same dishonorable piece of crap who smeared John Kerry with lies about his military service that were so egregious that it has entered the lexicon as "swiftboating"?

Why do Republican scum so readily attack veterans, whom they claim to revere and honor? You, and Republicans generally, truly are devoid of any decency or honor whatsoever. Foul, is what you are.


@Mott-The-Hoople said
the unit was notified of Iraq deployment, waltz quit 2 MONTHS later...sry to correct you missinformation
By the way, how are your messiah's bone spurs today?

Was wondering if the stormy weather was making them ache.

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@Mott-The-Hoople said
the unit was notified of Iraq deployment, waltz quit 2 MONTHS later...sry to correct you missinformation
Please post your source.

Acoording to the official History of the 125th Filed Artillery Regiment was mobilized in Fall 2005.

While Tim Welz retired in May 2005 according to this site:


@Ponderable said
Please post your source.

Acoording to the official History of the 125th Filed Artillery Regiment was mobilized in Fall 2005.

While Tim Welz retired in May 2005 according to this site:
Yes, I believe that is right. Walz officially left the military in May 2005, though of course notification of his intent to retire would have been submitted months in advance. That is the usual way it works.


@Cliff-Mashburn said
Now tell us about his Army Commendation Medal for "heroism" like the media says. He also got the Army Achievement Award. 24 years of service and he received only two ribbons.....which everyone gets after leaving a duty station as long as they didn't catch VD or make someone mad. Whoooeeee!
Please tell us about your decorations.

Tim walz was promoted to Command Sargeant Major. A rank not many achieve. What was your last rank?


@Soothfast said
Yes, I believe that is right. Walz officially left the military in May 2005, though of course notification of his intent to retire would have been submitted months in advance. That is the usual way it works.
In fact, this is the key to the Republican smear. Walz's decision to retire, and the paperwork that put it into motion, came about many months before May 2005. One does not simply bail out of the military in a day, there is a procedure. But Republicans are claiming he "quit right before a scheduled deployment." A gross mischaracterization, to say the least.

This article is just hours old, and includes information that is new to me:


Walz joined the National Guard in 1981, just after his 17th birthday. After he transferred from the Nebraska National Guard in 1996, he served in the Minnesota National Guard’s 1st Battalion, 125th Field Artillery, said Army Lt. Col. Kristen Augé, the Minnesota Guard’s public affairs officer. Walz, Augé added, “culminated his career serving as the command sergeant major for the battalion” and “retired as a master sergeant in 2005 for benefit purposes because he did not complete additional coursework at the U.S. Army Sergeants Major Academy.”


Now it can be seen that, according to Republicans, and in particular the Trump campaign, one's military service simply does not count unless one has been in actual combat. That should go over swell for the millions of veterans who did service but were never deployed to a war zone.

This can be turned against the Trump campaign, and it should. The hellfire could send Trump packing for good, bone spurs, shoe lifts, and all.


@Ponderable said
Please tell us about your decorations.

Tim walz was promoted to Command Sargeant Major. A rank not many achieve. What was your last rank?
Why do soothfast and Shav ask about Mott’s military experience? This is about Walz. This is a great opportunity for you loser debaters to pick it up a notch to speak to a subject, an issue.
Certainly, you have seen how Sunhouse has screwed up a lot of threads by speaking of Trump and January 6, when a thread may be about how to cook a pot roast.
In this thread, no one is interested in Mott experience. We are all interested in the experience of Walz, who, if Kamala ever disappears, will be the president of our country.
Whew. Grade school. Debate is surely not taught there.


@AverageJoe1 said
Why do soothfast and Shav ask about Mott’s military experience?
I've done nothing but talk about Walz's record, you disingenuous dotard.

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@Soothfast said
I've done nothing but talk about Walz's record, you disingenuous dotard.
Oops, apologies, it is Ponderable. Your posts are very good, you have probably won several debates.
So maybe you can tell me why Shav and ponderable simply cannot stick to an issue. We get enough foolishness with the Sue one-liners In one ear and out the other, it is difficult to find an adult debate form. You have made good points on this issue as you defend this worm with the name of Walz.
Pick out some of his points that you know make conservatives want to throw up, and defend them. Socialism is nothing more than being neighborly ? and such as that. This means he is for socialism, but many of your ‘disingenuous’ posters say Kamala doesn’t have a socialist agenda.
Disingenuous, SFast. PS: Ponderable is a chemist, I did not know that.


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@AverageJoe1 said
He quit when he was deployed. He is crap.

Well, at least he had the common sense not to die a loser and a sucker defeating fascism on the battlefields of Europe.


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