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"Why the panic over "critical race theory" is the perfect right-wing troll"ll


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Historians and Archeologists can rightfully dig up the past.
The rest of you are damn fools.
Smart parents take their kids out of those schools.

@suzianne said
Are you denying that there is, in America, a societal structure that believes in and wishes to codify into law white supremacist values? Racism IS "an everyday experience for most people of color", and it's also true that "a large part of society has no interest in doing away with it because it benefits White elites." It also IS "an on-going fundamental reality in the US." ...[text shortened]... our criticism here is, since these things should be evidentially obvious to anyone with eyes to see.
Yes, I deny that that there is a structure that believes in and wishes to codify white supremacy into law.

I base that on having had a US education in which one of the most earnestly taught things was anti-racism, and based on witnessing non-whites outperform whites in America in many fields, and not facing any form of setback while doing so.

I don’t have a clue what’s being taught in US schools. But reading many of the comments by our US comrades on this forum, the conclusion can only be: not bloody much.

As for critical race theory, my only problem with it is the focus.
Yes. You can only critique individual choice and circumstance on race, when you take into account history and systems. Absolutely.
But, this is true of any individual choice and circumstance on any issue.

Environment (milieu) dictates what we are. And to understand what we are and why we do things it is wise to examine the histories and systems which have creates the milieu in the first place. On all subject matter.

By focussing on race alone, it detracts from non-race related issues which create the milieu of poverty many people are in, the waves of feminism and their impacts, etc.

Hell, you can’t even begin to discuss CRT itself without placing it in the historic context of Kant, Hegel and Marx.

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Oh, I do.
You just don’t care to see the larger context of critical theory in general and wish to compartementalise one aspect.

And when you do, you lose balance and end up down a rabbit hole.

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Stop pandering to the fundamentalists.
Anyone with any sense understands that historic choices and systems have led to the current situation.

To single out racism is all well and nice, but it does no credit to feminism, unionism, pacifism and multiple other matters which influence or attempt to influence the choices and systems of the ruling classes.

Ergo, it’s all well and good wanting equal rights for blacks, but if that means they have equal rights to do 80 hours of slave labour and their daughters are continually raped by the age of 13, the equal rights mean nothing.

The levers of society which need pulled are not inherently racial. Only one of them is. But to just pull that will change nothing. It’s a rabbit hole.

@rajk999 said
Historians and Archeologists can rightfully dig up the past.
The rest of you are damn fools.
Smart parents take their kids out of those schools.
Heaven forbid any child ever listens to something they disagree with. CONFORMITY FOR ALL!


So I take it that you are in favor of teaching math classes where 2+2=13.4

@suzianne said
Are you denying that there is, in America, a societal structure that believes in and wishes to codify into law white supremacist values? Racism IS "an everyday experience for most people of color", and it's also true that "a large part of society has no interest in doing away with it because it benefits White elites." It also IS "an on-going fundamental reality in the US." ...[text shortened]... our criticism here is, since these things should be evidentially obvious to anyone with eyes to see.
imagine if you will, no white people in the US…it would be third world conditions just like every other black run shythole country

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it doesnt really matter, china is going to kill the world releasing viruses

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With no Europeans the Americas would either still be run by pre-columbian peoples of America or Asians. The only group that could have colonized it would be the Asians, no African nation could realistically have defeated the Americas.

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