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Why the right is so terrified of

Why the right is so terrified of "woke"



So exactly how is Kamala or anyone else going to make the US go commie?
You are just puking out the lies puked out by repub zombies.
Suppose she comes out of the closet and announces, I am going to bring all my influence to force the US to be commie.
So she says that and the house and senate and SCOTUS and POTUS will just fall over and play dead and say, why have we been so wrong about communism, we are going to invite Putin here because Trump SAID he was a GENIUS, so we will make HIM our commie dictator.

Did you actually go to school past the 6th grade? SERIOUS QUESTION.
You claim to have a college degree, what is it from and what major?


You mean there are ZERO billionaires in communist china or Vietnam? Just what rock did you crawl out of anyway? Equality of income? Are you totally daft you think that is how it is going in those commie countries?

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@sonhouse said
And I notice you refuse to broach that unwritten law I said, in Escondido in 1960, you can work there if you are black but be out of town by 5 or you will be wearing concrete shoes in a lake.
BTW, that was not made up, my step dad was a roofer and had a black man helping him, and he KNEW he better be out of town by 5 because he was TOLD that by the cops.

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@sonhouse said
You mean there are ZERO billionaires in communist china or Vietnam? Just what rock did you crawl out of anyway? Equality of income? Are you totally daft you think that is how it is going in those commie countries?
No, what I 'mean' is that Kamala spoke the words and dictum of Marx, and I mean to ask you fellers if she quallifies as a marxist. no one has asnwered me yet, but they sure do write about a lot of other stuff. One of them wrote about Vietnam and billionaires! Oh, wait, that was YOU!!


Calling MB a fool denigrates fools around the world. There has to be a SPECIAL category for someone like him, so derogatory even HE will figure it out.


So billionaires don't represent the biggest inequality of income? I guess you WORSHIP billionaires because for one thing you are insanely jealous of them, so they don't count in the income brackets because they are SO benevolent and really go out of their way to help the common man, right?


@sonhouse said
So billionaires don't represent the biggest inequality of income? I guess you WORSHIP billionaires because for one thing you are insanely jealous of them, so they don't count in the income brackets because they are SO benevolent and really go out of their way to help the common man, right?


@averagejoe1 said
No, what I 'mean' is that Kamala spoke the words and dictum of Marx, and I mean to ask you fellers if she quallifies as a marxist. no one has asnwered me yet, but they sure do write about a lot of other stuff. One of them wrote about Vietnam and billionaires! Oh, wait, that was YOU!!
You do get answered. You just don't like the answers you get.

Your first problem is that you don't comprehend what socialism or communism is. I've told you this a load of times before. You have to understand dialectic materialism. If you don't, then the definitions you are using are pointless and are only figments of your imagination.


Two years is not my entire life. And as much as you whine about me "pulling the victim card", you constantly miss how my life has improved since then.


@averagejoe1 said
There are remedial English classes available.



@shavixmir said
You do get answered. You just don't like the answers you get.

Your first problem is that you don't comprehend what socialism or communism is. I've told you this a load of times before. You have to understand dialectic materialism. If you don't, then the definitions you are using are pointless and are only figments of your imagination.
Please see what Kamala said, though. You see, that is the question here. Just this question. What Kamala said . Can you tell us what economy system those words would fit into.? it is not capitalism, so what is it. Why in the world will y’all not answer this question.

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@suzianne said
There are remedial English classes available.
Yes, called Sonhouse 701.
Why would you waste a post, like this, rather than simply approaching the question. I truly do not know what Son house is saying other than his usual rants. what is his position? Thankyou..


@sonhouse said
So billionaires don't represent the biggest inequality of income? I guess you WORSHIP billionaires because for one thing you are insanely jealous of them, so they don't count in the income brackets because they are SO benevolent and really go out of their way to help the common man, right?
I’ll try. The net worth of billionaires is more than (unequal) to that of average citizen. A given. So what is your point? Then you make a facetious statement that I am jealous. Then a facetious statement that they are not benevolent, and do not care about the common man. So what is your point?

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