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Why won't Trump say

Why won't Trump say "Racial Jungle Joe"?



In other words, just go on with your list of BS while ignoring the fact Trump is a COURT PROVEN racist.


@sonhouse said
In other words, just go on with your list of BS while ignoring the fact Trump is a COURT PROVEN racist.
No. He may have simply been concerned he would lose white renters if he accepted blacks. Joe wanted to keep his kid separate from blacks so things would not explode. Things were different back then.

Trump can use he same excuse that Biden did. Too much conflict so keep them segregated. They both prevented explosions.


Oh, so worry about losing WHITE renters if he lets BLACKS in is NOT racism?
What the FUUKK are you thinking here? That is the DEFINITION of racism and there is no way you can parse that out to some debate advantage.

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@sonhouse said
Oh, so worry about losing WHITE renters if he lets BLACKS in is NOT racism?
What the FUUKK are you thinking here? That is the DEFINITION of racism and there is no way you can parse that out to some debate advantage.
And keeping blacks segregated so the KKK does not kill black people is not racism? The corporate news media stoked people to protest against busing, yet nobody wanted to fund black schools equally including racial jungle Joe.

Racial Jungle Joe could have ended busing instantly by supporting the funding of black schools to make them more equal. Instead he fought it. He fought it so hard he sided with open segregationists in congress making his true colors show.

If he is so pro black why does he have to lie about it?
Biden is a pathological liar.



So the ONLY thing you will consider is not whether say BOTH are racist, which is BS, so you will NEVER even LOOK at the court case from 1975 because you don't WANT to know. You ONLY put down Biden no matter WHAT is going on with Trump, you know, that dude with the 34 felony CONVICTIONS? Oh, I forgot, the entire DOJ is now corrupt BECAUSE they dared to convict Trump. If it had been ANY dem, HANG THE SOB.
That is SO clear, it is wafting off your body in the smell.


@sonhouse said
So the ONLY thing you will consider is not whether say BOTH are racist, which is BS, so you will NEVER even LOOK at the court case from 1975 because you don't WANT to know. You ONLY put down Biden no matter WHAT is going on with Trump, you know, that dude with the 34 felony CONVICTIONS? Oh, I forgot, the entire DOJ is now corrupt BECAUSE they dared to convict T ...[text shortened]... If it had been ANY dem, HANG THE SOB.
That is SO clear, it is wafting off your body in the smell.
Do you have a problem accepting they are both racists?

Joe said he didn't want his kids to grow up in a racial jungle and was against equal funding of black schools. He could have ended busing by funding black schools and you know that. Instead he ended busing without funding black schools and he did it by siding with segregationists in congress.

Racial Jungle Joe opposed desegregation. That is why he opposed it by saying it would explode. Saying desegregation would cause explosions is what segregationists said. Biden was a segregationist.

If you want to argue Racial Jungle Joe was a segregationist but not a racist go ahead and do that, but do not lie to me and yourself by claiming Racial Jungle Joe was not a segregationist. De-segregationists do not warn of explosions if you desegregate. Common sense. You know better.

Do you secretly hope Racial Jungle Joe will step down from the race?
He is on the ropes already and Trump has not even said "Racial Jungle Joe" yet?


Like I said, you IGNORE the PROVEN racism of Trump and ONLY concentrate on your Putin generated BS about Biden racism.
Good work again COMRADE, your boss will be proud and even increase the bonus in that brown bag you pick up from the trash by your local park.


If you want to argue Racial Jungle Joe was a segregationist but not a racist go ahead and do that, but do not lie to me and yourself by claiming Racial Jungle Joe was not a segregationist. De-segregationists do not warn of explosions if you desegregate. Common sense. You know better.


TRUMP is the one convicted in COURT for being racist you fuukking PUKE.


@sonhouse said
TRUMP is the one convicted in COURT for being racist you fuukking PUKE.
He was not convicted of racism. You are so silly.
Biden was a segregationist who refused to fund black schools.


RIght, discrimination is not racism. I guess that works for a racist like you.



@sonhouse said
RIght, discrimination is not racism. I guess that works for a racist like you.

He just didn't want things to explode. Exactly like Biden.

Or....he may have just been worried that black people would devalue his rent prices. That is not racism, that is just greed. You know....like all capitalists. They don't hate blacks, they just love profits more.

Like that Offspring song "keep em separated".


It doesn't matter WHAT your god king is charged with you will find a spin on it where it ain't that important, no biggie, no biggie he showed a top secret document to an Aussie billionaire about how close an American sub can get to a Russian sub undetected.
Maybe, just MAYBE, the Russians would love to have read that doc also, what do you think?
Oh, you think since Trump declassified all those docs by telepathy, there is nothing worth seeing any more.
So much for national security.
But of course you could care less about such things since you are a communist and therefore most likely on the payroll of Putin, and I think they would LOVE to see that doc and hundreds of others just like the one Trump showed off.
Oh, BTW, that Aussie dude showed that to 40 other people so there is that.
News travels fast especially when it concerns top secret documents.
So I guess you approve of such thefts because it cuts down our defenses a bit and every bit helps your boss Putin.



Why hasn't Trump said "Racial Jungle Joe" yet?
Is he waiting for the last minute of the campaign to finish Biden off with it?

Is it his Trump Card?


It might work when he is sentenced to jail come September.

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