Originally posted by Grampy Bobby[i]'fruit rated'
25) Wannabe general forum participants quick to criticise threads of others yet unable
to sustain any launching of their own. Same would apply to frutrated musicians who
secretly harbor green envy and/or openly declare their disdain of successful singers.
Originally posted by Grampy BobbyThanks GB .. maybe you should move across to the Spirituality forum sometimes and make a contribution there .. 🙂
Thanks for your post, Rajk999. Rare indeed to see any gf poster place anything of
substance on the table. Most all of the peer consensus driven posts weigh nothing.
[b]22) Arrogance (the underlying root cause of the seven abominations
Originally posted by Rajk999Thanks, Raj. Used to post there now and then. Dealing with a world class misnomer though.
Thanks GB .. maybe you should move across to the Spirituality forum sometimes and make a contribution there .. 🙂
Dreary wasteland should be renamed...
Atheists Arguing Ad Infinitum, Ad Nauseam Platform Forum.
29) Excuses, with or without frosting.
Originally posted by Grampy BobbyDont you mean good singers?
25) Wannabe general forum participants quick to criticise threads of others yet unable
to sustain any launching of their own. Same would apply to frutrated musicians who
secretly harbor green envy and/or openly declare their disdain of successful singers.
Originally posted by ChessPraxis34) Braggarts, athough they're also a source of amusement. Their self serving ramblings reveal more about their private lives
What about The J. Geils Band?
than they realize. There's no need to brag about what you've got. Subtlely or unsubtley, people boast about what they lack.