@lonestranger said
If man really did land on the moon how did they build a rocket to leave the moon and reenter earths atmosphere?
Returning Appollo mision from the moon
50% They brought the rocket
0% They bulit it in situ
38% They were provided by the Liazrd people
13% wot?
8 votes β’ Final results
@the-gravedigger said
If man was meant to fly he would have been born with airline tickets.
flying humans
0% is just natural
0% is a unnatural abomination
50% is the technical extension of human abilities
50% should be limited to witches
0% Said "Captain", said "Wot"?
6 votes β’ Final results
26 Jan 23
@ponderable said8 miles high is perfectly normal condition, for those of a certain generation. π
26 Jan 23
@ponderable saidNo. At least, none worth putting your life savings into. Tulip bulbs are a better investment.
-Removed-Gooster, where did your pals go? I don't see you getting very many green thumbs. Even I give you one from time to time, even if they are long in between times. π
Are you getting concerned about the red thumbs because you and your twin get so many? π Try being nicer to people and see how that works for you, of course it will not come over night. π
@kilroy70 saidI wonder if the same could be said about the middle finger? π
Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?
the Thumbs know
@very-rusty saidNaw. Up or down, either way it would mean the same thing.
I wonder if the same could be said about the middle finger? π
In some cultures giving a thumbs up is an insult. It means the same thing as flipping someone off.