If I told it would not be a secret.
Hint! Join the Schliemann Chess classes. Two games, one white one
black 14 days timeout. Dave might have a waiting list of applicants. Of
course being that you are female, he might bump you to the head of
the list. To understand this last comment, See his post on knighthood.
The Ambassador
Little Grasshopper
King of Map
Most Titled Player
Temporary membership in the 1400 club.
This has seemed to gotten very popular since I helped John with his
game...alot of others have hopped on the bandwagon to get advice
from me. Funny thing is is that I don't teach anything that you can't
find in a book...maybe it is how I say and do it that makes a
But it works obviously and I am very happy to share with others and
get them on the road to improving....the biggest prob that most
learning players have is figuring out their style. I have seen alot of
players that study a few Tal games and think they should play that
swashbuckling kind of chess...but their inner self is screaming
When you finally figure out what kind of player you are then you can
learn and advance.
I am pretty sure kirk you would have alot better luck playing closed
openings. Open is not your style...I see more positional than tactical.
So start looking at 1.d4.
It's kinda like after I first studied Bobby I just always had to play the
Najdorf against 1.e4 and I would win sometimes but usually lost...I
was trying to put myself into positions that did not match my
psychological or unconsciously thinking of how i play. Lasker taught
me that.
Sound about right?